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Polish Music.

OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
24 Aug 2024   #151
Kwiat Jabłoni ft. Julia Pietrucha - "Drogi proste"

What a superb post!I have heard of them but not investigated them properly..... I need to look deeper.
They mix Country and Blues with a huge dollop of Polish influence.Superb!

Do you know their secret???

Pawian, please tell us......
Lenka  5 | 3471
6 Sep 2024   #152
This is as old song, rerecorded few years ago. And I love it!

OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
6 Sep 2024   #153

I am so pleased to see that some people are trying to keep this thread alive.I was weaker than you and gave up when it was getting little response.
Good luck with your efforts!I hope enough posters join and support this thread!
Lenka, your post was superb!
Feniks  1 | 509
6 Sep 2024   #154
This is as old song, rerecorded few years ago

Wow! That sounds amazing! Better than the Bajm original in my opinion.

gave up when it was getting little response.

All you have to do is post the Polish songs you're putting in the other music thread in this one instead.
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
6 Sep 2024   #155
All you have to do is post the Polish songs

So true, but will enough people support this thread?I don't know, but I will try to post some songs on here.
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
6 Sep 2024   #156
This my attempt to support the Polish Music thread.

And another very Polish tune!

A very powerful Polish song......

My last post tonight.The future of Polish Rock?

Lenka  5 | 3471
7 Sep 2024   #157
That sounds amazing! Better than the Bajm original in my opinion.

Same here. I generally like collaborations a lot because I love how different voices synchronise yet keep the song 'fresh'.

The first album my older sister bought was Kayah 'Kamien' and we both got mesmerised by the flute section in this song:

OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
8 Sep 2024   #158
Obviously not filmed in Poland.I somehow missed the flute in there but heard plenty of good Sax.

Not a bad song though!

I have followed Mela Koteluk for many years now because I love her voice and music.
So I am just posting songs from her tonight.This song title roughly translates as "Why trees say nothing".

This song title translates as "Walk Away".

This song was the title track to her debut album and translates as "Parachute".

This is my last post from Mela Koteluk tonight, I struggle to understand the point of her lyrics, no, that is not because of my poor Polish, but because the lyrics are rather obscure, but perhaps they are meant to be.The song title means "Invisible" and the extensive use of red and white in the video adds to the mystery about what this song is about.Whatever!It's a great song!

Feniks  1 | 509
9 Sep 2024   #159
we both got mesmerised by the flute section in this song:

It's a good song.

I somehow missed the flute in there

Words fail me!

The Kult song reminds me of 70s prog rock.

Mela Koteluk

I like her music too. With the exception of the first song, I enjoyed all the others.
pawian  219 | 24592
9 Sep 2024   #160
Kwiat Jabłoni
Do you know their secret???

It has been revealed recently - the brother and sister duo from Kwiat Jabłoni aka Apple Flower are children of another popular musician - Kuba Sienkiewicz, the leader of a famous rock group Electric Guitars. The kids kept it secret for a few years to avoid being promoted by their father`s fame.

I went to Electric Guitars` concert in mid 1990s. At the end of each of their gigs, they played this song - This is the end. No, not a copy of the Doors!

This is the end, there is nothing left,
We are free, we can go
This is the end, we can go,
We are free, because there is nothing left

A little bug in its hole like a professor behind a desk,
And a bee on flowers like a tram inspector,
So it picks and pokes, writes, invents,
Goes around, dirty, cleans,
And a bush by the road and a brother by the typewriter,
Like a salesman's foot in a sock in a canteen,
A pebble in the field and a guard on guard,
The fridge is still cold, the stove is still hot,
And why, why does it pick and poke like that,
And for what, for what does it think and pluck like that,
And so it applies itself and speaks from the screen,
And raves for years in the evening and in the morning...

OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
9 Sep 2024   #161
Electric Guitars

This is the end

A very silly but fun Polish Pop song.
Feniks  1 | 509
9 Sep 2024   #162
the brother and sister duo from Kwiat Jabłoni aka Apple Flower are children of another popular musician - Kuba Sienkiewicz,

I posted about it a few months ago. They're also related to Krystyna Sienkiewicz:
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
10 Sep 2024   #163
With all the "Pop and Rap Music" happening in Poland, people forget that Poland also has a very active and very good Prog Rock and Metal Scene going on too.

Probably Poland's greatest ever Prog Rock band..... Riverside....

I would class this as "Prog/Metal" and it is at least as good as any of the stuff coming out of the "Anglosphere".......

I'll end tonight with an oldie from 1979 (Communist times!)

.I somehow missed the flute in there but heard plenty of good Sax.

Words fail me!

Oh come on!The flute features at the very beginning of the song and at the end of it.For the rest of the song it is at best a tiny part of the song.
The main player is the Sax towards the end.
Funny how we all hear music differently.... :-)

More good Polish Rock Music.......

Feniks  1 | 509
11 Sep 2024   #164
That's got a definite 70s vibe to it.
Lenka  5 | 3471
12 Sep 2024   #165
More good Polish Rock Music.......

Too much for me. I like the sound but it tires me, nervous system overload
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
12 Sep 2024   #166
I like the sound but it tires me, nervous system overload

How can you like the sound and yet it makes you tired and gives you a system overload?

Why not just post that you don't like it?
Lenka  5 | 3471
13 Sep 2024   #167
Normal. I like what I hear but after about a minute it's starting to be too much.
The same way I'm not really into concerts even of the artists I like. I like their songs and all but big concert, the way it sounds is just too much for me..
I went to rawa blues once. The big concerts weren't my thing. But after, sitting on the floor in some bar listening to the same type of music- heaven.
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
13 Sep 2024   #168
Normal. I like what I hear but after about a minute it's starting to be too much.

Sounds totally abnormal to me.You sound a little bit weird to me.......
Crow  154 | 9207
15 Sep 2024   #169
How can you like the sound and yet it makes you tired and gives you a system overload?

Lenka is subtle. But how could you understand that.

Why not just post that you don't like it?

She is also shy.

You know nothing, I see.
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
15 Sep 2024   #170
Lenka is subtle.

She may well be, but her comment is also incomprehensible.

But how could you understand that.

Because I understand people.

She is also shy.

I am not sure that she is shy, but maybe she is.

You know nothing, I see.

As usual, you see nothing except for Russians!
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
17 Sep 2024   #171
Never underestimate Polish Music.......Poles have real talent.

This is seriously good Polish Prog Rock.Advice: listen via your best headphones or speakers....... you won't regret it.....

I'll end my posts on this thread with a song sung in Polish.

Lyzko  41 | 9545
17 Sep 2024   #172
Polish jazz remains fairly popular in the States!
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
17 Sep 2024   #173
Polish jazz remains fairly popular in the States!


Which artists/bands?
Lyzko  41 | 9545
17 Sep 2024   #174
Not sure right off the top of my head, but apparently,
there are more of them the I thought:-)

Always knew certain "modern" Polish classical composers
such as the late Krzysztof Penderecki and others were a
frequent staple at concerts.
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
17 Sep 2024   #175
Not sure right off the top of my head

So, just another comment from you without any evidence?
Please don't post comments like that on here that you can't back up!
Lyzko  41 | 9545
18 Sep 2024   #176
All I meant was that I was temporarily unable to recall their names:-)
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
18 Sep 2024   #177
All I meant was that I was temporarily unable to recall their names:-)

Then don't post until you can recall them, it makes you look like a complete idiot......
Lyzko  41 | 9545
19 Sep 2024   #178
Takes one to know one! Who died and made you perfect??
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
19 Sep 2024   #179
akes one to know one! Who died and made you perfect??

Some idiot called Lyzko.........
Barney  17 | 1623
19 Sep 2024   #180
No one, he just posts a very narrow range of classic rock and some stuff that has now become acceptable but hated at the time.

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