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R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland

jon357  72 | 22778
16 May 2022   #61
Nowy Swiat and Krakowskie Przedmiescie but they stopped traffic there for a week or two and it was blissful

it was lovely and there needs to be more. Unfortunately some people still see busy highways as a sign of progress.

I'd be happy to see most of the city centre pedestrianised.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 May 2022   #62
No, I'm a farmer.

Yes, I remember you bragged in one of our exchanges about possessing more land than I do. :):) It was in Ironside period.
So you came back to Poland to tend the fields? Excellent. Congrats and good luck.
16 May 2022   #63
This guy is very bad news. I pray that Poland can see through him.
jon357  72 | 22778
16 May 2022   #64
That doesn't say very much. Fortunately he's very popular and will certainly be President. He's an excellent mayor of Warsaw too.

What country are you in, and why do you think he's "bad news".
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 May 2022   #65
I remember you

Do I need to take part in your fantasies? Do it on your own and don't expect my participation.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
29 Aug 2022   #66
Do I need to take part in your fantasies?

Fantasies? That future President Trzaskowski is the politician of the world format, as our Alien says, is a fantasy???.

Future President Mr Trzaskowski with current President Mr Biden - talked in English like a Pole with a Pole, according to an old saying.

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Aug 2022   #67
s a fantasy???.

It is!

rzaskowski is the politician of the world format

It doesn't say anything. There is Putin or North Korean Kim or Biden or Macron all idiots and a bad new in their own right, so yes dupiarz Trzaskowski fit right in with the worst of them.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
29 Aug 2022   #68
Trzaskowski fit right in with the worst of them.

By no meansl. He meets politicians of the world format. E..g, recently, he had a meeting with that brave woman, Mrs Pelosi:

  • NancyPelosiiRafa.jpg

  • pobrane.jfif
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Aug 2022   #69
He meets politicians of the world format.

Wow I guess that hick won't wash his hand for years, after all he shook hands with politicians of the world format. I knew that servile attitude of bulters runs strong in your veins.

OP pawian  219 | 24592
29 Aug 2022   #70
runs strong in your veins.

It is still better than that endecja Nazi toxin in your veins. hahaha

PS. You asked for that, my Nazi darling. :):):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Aug 2022   #71
It is still better

WOW! You are pround of it. Make A day of pride for traitors, prostitues and servile slimes.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
29 Aug 2022   #72

Endecja nazionalist Poles like you who reject the EU and prefer Putler and RuSSia.

Fortunately, Trzaskowski is a good hammer on scum like you. Your nazionalist candidate for President will get 2% votes. hahahaha
Looker  - | 1129
29 Aug 2022   #73
like a Pole with a Pole

Rather like a maskhole with a maskhole...
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Aug 2022   #74

He's really popular. Young too, so he'll be around for a long time.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
29 Aug 2022   #75
Rather like

Do you also envy Future President Trzaskowski his big world contacts???

He gave a speech for the Foreign Affairs subcommittee of Am Congress:

In a few-minutes-long speech, Warsaw's mayor and vice chairman of the opposition's Civic Platform (PO), Rafał Trzaskowski, declared that "today Poland is a battlefield between freedom and authoritarianism."

He said he believed that Poland had not yet been turned into an "undemocratic regime" owing to "the resilience of its people, the strength of the parties of the parliamentary opposition and the courage and dynamism of our civil society."

Beautiful words, worth remembering for ever:
the resilience of its people, the strength of the parties of the parliamentary opposition and the courage and dynamism of our civil society.

And so true.
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Aug 2022   #76

I wonder why they call him that, since he isn't at all, and nor is his party.

If anything, Centre Right.
JakubBlasz  - | 3
30 Aug 2022   #77


What is the stance of Trzaskowski on immigration ?
I have noticed Warsaw has lot of immigrants ( asians,africans).
Warsaw is looking more an more like any capital in Europe. I am a friend of Poland .
I would hate that Warsaw becomes like say Paris ( lot of crimes, dangerous suburbs,dirts, vandalism).
France is becoming more and more like a third world country.

Cojestdocholery seems to worry about immigration and criminality.
Sweden has been very generous with foreigners in the last 10 years. But now it has lot of criminality !
In 10 years Sweden had an huge increase of criminality(gang,violence, rape).
They are lot of statistics about this . Even Some Sweden socialists think they had too much mass immigration !
Too bad european union is not advertising this !

I would be afraid like Cojestdocholery that Poland become like Sweden.
What do you think ?
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Aug 2022   #78

It's not a matter for the city council.

I doubt his stance differs much from any other politician on the right wing of the spectrum.

I have noticed Warsaw has lot of immigrants

Very few in fact.

I'm sure that when he's President of Poland he'll act within the law and against the forces of Ciemnogród. Some things are inevitable. Others (like bigotry, prejudice, extreme conservatism and small-mindedness) are easy to deal with.
JakubBlasz  - | 3
30 Aug 2022   #79

What are the forces of Ciemnogród (evil) ?
What is inevitable ? I believe the situation in Sweden was evitable.
Denmark is doing better now with a strong policy against immigrants from outside europe.

How do you deal with bigotry, extreme conservatism ?
To be honest i am not for extreme conservatism but I understand the appeal .
We live in a world where everything is changing so fast.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Aug 2022   #80
I wonder why they call him that,

Maybe because he incapable, inept and generally a very bad mayor. He failed in so many thing to sort out in Warsaw. Yet, he tolerate mafia, and he makes 'green' decisions which are making Warsaw harder to go to be a car. During his time the greatest ecological disaster happened in Warsaw due to corruption.

He is doing everything but his job, uses Warsaw money to promot LGBT BS and himself.
I think that is enough.

Rafał Trzaskowski, declared that "today Poland is a battlefield between freedom and authoritarianism."

Sure that point is he on the side that want to introdice authoritarism of todays liberals. That is what they are all about. On the top he want Poland to be German colony and he is openly happy about it. Sure he used different words but not that differnat to not get his intention.

Trzaskowski 'lecher' (self description) is not a nice or profesional person, he is a profesionarl liar and that makes him be firmly in the radical left camp.

What is the stance of Trzaskowski on immigration ?

Typical euro-liberal facist. All in more differnt to Poles its better. Costs, crime who cares - he won't be affeected by any of it in his places and bodyquards paid by the taxpayer he sh'ts on!

Typcial slime that are too many in the public life.
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Aug 2022   #81
What is inevitable ?

As you say, the completely world is changing fast; one aspect of man-made climate change is that movement from the global south to the global north will only increase exponentially. This is however off-topic here, since we are talking about the Mayor of Warsaw and immigration policy (there are threads that cover this already here) is a matter for central government, currently led by PiS. There are threads about PiS too; perhaps you should address your jejeune concerns there.

How do you deal with bigotry, extreme conservatism ?

Education, education, education.

Fortunately, Mayor Trzaskowski is popular in Warsaw, and increasingly popular in Poland in general. Hius support is growing in the polls.

Warsaw has low crime rates and apart from rampant capitalism affecting urban planning and poor traffic management, is a decent place to live. It's better now than it was three decades ago.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
30 Aug 2022   #82
I have noticed Warsaw has lot of immigrants ( asians,africans).

Mayors of cities have no say on such issues as immigration. If you see too many exotic immigrants, it is PiS rightist govt`s policy as they have been ruling since 2015.

he is a liar

Naziopolacks like you say it about everybody who refuses to share your sick views.


Jakub, now you see a naziopolack in action who is blinded with his hatred of anybody who disagrees with his sick views.

ecological disaster happened in Warsaw due to corruption.

And you call other liars while it is you who is brazenly lying like a bytch dog!
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
30 Aug 2022   #83
exotic immigrants

Exotic immigrants?
That sounds pretty racist to most lefties.....
OP pawian  219 | 24592
30 Aug 2022   #84
to most lefties

Why should I care????? :):):)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
30 Aug 2022   #85
Because you care what lefties think about you.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
30 Aug 2022   #86
No, I don`t care about anything. I am just having fun. Is it forbidden?????
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
30 Aug 2022   #87
Your kind of fun is not fun for orhers.
You need to think before you post.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
30 Aug 2022   #88
Your kind of fun is not fun for orhers.

Didn`t I write earlier that I don`t care??? :):):)

You need to think before you post.

No, I refuse to think when I post funny stuff even when it is funny only to me coz me is the most important person to me. Ha!

Now, can we get back on topic which is Venerable Mistah Futuristic President of Poland Trzaskowski??

[mod]Back to the subject of the thread please[/mod]


You envy him his looks and popularity, also among females. HA!

OP pawian  219 | 24592
30 Aug 2022   #89
[mod]Back to the subject of the thread please[/mod]

See Mr President Trzaskowski taking care of common people - in this vid he is helping a female who nearly fainted due to high temperatures in the conference room

OP pawian  219 | 24592
31 Aug 2022   #90
Future President Trzaskowski

After more than half a year of leading the ranking of most trusted politicians, President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda lost the first place to the mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, according to a survey conducted by IBRiS for Onet.


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