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R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
31 Aug 2022   #91
You envy him his looks

I look better then him. The fact I'm not whoremongering is a choice and nothing to be envuys about unless you are a money.

Trzaskowski taking care of common people

LOL! In front of the camera and only then. Anway he himslef his common like a muck traitor leading German option.

half a year of leading the ranking of most trusted politicians,

He doesn't do anything, he doesn't do his job either. I guess PR works paid by the taxpayers money.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
31 Aug 2022   #92
I look better then him.

hahaha We highly doubt it. :):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
31 Aug 2022   #93
hahaha We highly doubt it. :):)

I highly don't care if you doubt it or not!
jon357  72 | 22778
31 Aug 2022   #94
Amazed that there are another 395.

There aren't.

Infrastructure has developed a lot while Warsaw has been under the efficient administration of the current city council, however there is still a way to go.
amiga500  5 | 1473
31 Aug 2022   #95
you are trying to derail the thread about Warsaw's hugely popular Mayor

I'm perfectly on topic, i have it from several sources that there are (alegedly) incriminating photos of your popular mayor in compromising situations, and all is fair in love and elections, trust me what might be cool in warsaw will not be seen kindly to the broader electorate, esp if it involves lines of coke and ilicit relations in 'alternative' nightclubs.. it was not released last election because PiS knew they would win, but if trashkowski is ahead 10 points in the next presidential election they will go viral. (will send u an advance copy if u want)

In fact more than 30 years out of date.

But your pink teczka and UB status remains on file.
jon357  72 | 22778
31 Aug 2022   #96
i have it from several sources

Voices in your head? What 'sources'? Proof or it didn't happen.

your popular mayor

'My'? Or your as in the plural, meaning the citizens of Warsaw who voted him in as Mayor of Poland's capital with a large majority. He came within 1.5% of winning the Presidential election last time and is expected to win comfortably next time.

I bet you hate that.

esp if it involves lines of coke and ilicit relations in 'alternative' nightclubs..


because PiS knew they would win

They were terrified they wouldn't, and won't next time.

As mentioned earlier, proof or it didn't happen.
amiga500  5 | 1473
31 Aug 2022   #97
Maybe you are counting shopping malls in your total ?

toilets in parks and metro stations count don't they? several around mokotow
OP pawian  219 | 24592
31 Aug 2022   #98
that there are (alegedly) incriminating photos

Allegedly? hahaha You added that coz now when I suggest you are lying like a bytch dog you will say: didn`t I add allegedly??? hahahaha You are amaSSIng.

I bet you hate that.

Yes, those rightards are shytting their pants already. hahahaha

However, it is interesting to see what dirty tricks they use to blacken the man.
If I was him, I would request my lawyers to look into the matter. Amiga, you can be sued for hideous slander even in Autralia. Even if not, you may be permanently banned from entering Poland by the next govt. Do you really want it??? hahaha

Think, darling, if you can afford it. Ha!!!
jon357  72 | 22778
31 Aug 2022   #99
toilets in parks and metro stations

You are well out of date.

Yes, those rightards are shytting their pants already. hahahaha

We can see that from amiga500's increasingly desperate postoids.

when I suggest you are lying like a bytch dog you will say: didn`t I add allegedly

He's making it up. And has no sort of 'inside' information about anything, not even his local brothels which he's trying to pluck up courage to enter.

As I said to him, proof or it didn't happen.
amiga500  5 | 1473
31 Aug 2022   #100
As I said to him, proof or it didn't happen.

wait till the 'october suprise' last weeks of the election ';)
OP pawian  219 | 24592
31 Aug 2022   #101
He's making it up.

Of course. But if Trzaskowski`s lawyers get interested in this slander case, our dear amiga may become an unwanted person on the territory of Poland. hahahaha

Amigo, darling, answer my simple question - do you really want it??? :):):) You aren`t slandering an anonymous poster now. You are slandering a public functionary who needs to take care of his reputation. The litigation can start automatically, through state prosecutors.
jon357  72 | 22778
31 Aug 2022   #102
Trzaskowski`s lawyers get interested

I wouldn't blame them if they did.

However the comments are fortunately just lies on an internet forum that isn't even in Polish and that the kangaroo-like poster runs away from when called out.

Mind you. Mayor Trzaskowski's so popular among Polish voters that he could probably play the piano with his huge c0ck on live TV like President Zelenskiy and still keep surging up the opinion polls.
amiga500  5 | 1473
31 Aug 2022   #103
Poland was in ruin after communism collapsed.

perfect time to buy up the state enterprises for pennies, or start mafia business. or get lucrative gov contracts , or introduce western investors to poland, if one was so inclined.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
31 Aug 2022   #104
If PiS started to fight an election based on someone's private life it would backfire.

The 15 percent of Poles who might care are already PiS voters and the stupid tactic would drive turnout higher in the other 85 percent.
jon357  72 | 22778
31 Aug 2022   #105
The 15 percent of Poles who might care are already PiS voters

Exactly. It would rebound on them badly.

The core PiS vote is falling by natural wastage. This is in part proven by the very high level of support among Polish voters for Mayor Trzaskowski.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
31 Aug 2022   #106
Mr President Trzaskowski commented in an interview on recovery funds that the EU withheld for Poland due to breaches in European law made by PiS govt:

Prime Minister Morawiecki promised us money, he promised that he was going to reach a compromise and to withdraw from breaking the rule of law. In this way he also cheated the European Union. Either he lied, or President Kaczyński pulled the reins and unfortunately it looks like the money will not be here.

Trzaskowski also commented on the words of a PiS politician who had announced that the West is a bigger threat to Poland than RuSSia.

So PiS is more afraid of the United States and the European Union than of Russia. This shows the PiS aberration. It also shows that Prime Minister Morawiecki does not have his own opinion completely, but fits in with what President Kaczyński thinks.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
31 Aug 2022   #107
Mr President Trzaskowski commented

Oh you mean an A-hole Trzaskowski yapped his stupid mug about things that are not his concern whilst his office of a mayor has cobwebbs.

Prime Minister Morawiecki

Undermining position of the Polish government and take side of a foregin power. Just great, elect that guy to a higher postion in Poland so he can effectively sell all Poles into slavery for a chump change.

He got it in him.
I just don't get where all those gimbs came from that support him and people like him.
jon357  72 | 22778
31 Aug 2022   #108
things that are not his concern

Given that the very popular Mayor Trzaskowski is a Presidential candidate, anything and everything that happens in or about Poland is very much his concern.

Undermining position of the Polish government and take side of a foregin power.

Don't be silly.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Sep 2022   #109
Mayor Trzaskowski is a Presidential candidate

Is he? I think Tusk want that job. So i wouldn't be so sure in your place.
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Sep 2022   #110
I think Tusk want that job

He'd be good too.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Sep 2022   #111
He is a better choice for the German option in Poland. He was abroad for some time and is not mixed up close up and presonal with mafia like Trzaskowski is.

In warsaw he clearly is on the side of those who took over a real estate in Warsaw by ill means. Due to corruption typical mafia white collar working hand in hand with street thugs.

There is already court order in about 300 places need to be returned. DEal worth billions zlotych.
Aslo Trzaskowski hasn't delivered even one of what he promised before he was elected.
Also a city of Warsaw uses it money on enything but buliding roads they needed to better connect with Warsaw bypass build by the state.

A big talk, no action Trzaskowski.
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Sep 2022   #112
He is a better choice

He's a good choice for Poland.

As is the hugely popular Mayor Trzaskowski.

mixed up close up and presonal with mafia


And what is 'presonal'? Do you mean "preseasonal"?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Sep 2022   #113
the hugely popular Mayor Trzaskowski.

with his wopping 22% of support. Wow!
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Sep 2022   #114
In Warsaw he won, as you know, very nicely.

And in the Presidential election (assuming PiS didn't rig it) he came within 2% of winning.

More than 2% of PiS voters have died off, hopefully horribly, since that election.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Sep 2022   #115
In Warsaw he won,

Why would we want to change an incompetent politician to another one that is not only incompetent but proven to be lazy good for nothing laybout with connection to corruption?

Even if his political stance and his idolgical compas were different, acceptable those practical issues are enough to eliminate him from the list of people who could hold a public office. He is out!

That he is still in criculation it is due to the bad state of public affiars in Poland.
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Sep 2022   #116
to change an incompetent politician

Duda? The voters will change him for either Mayor Trzaskowski or Donald Tusk, neither of whom are incompetent.

Unless you mean the Warsaw Mayoral elections in which case it's odd that you say "we" since you don't vote there. I do, and at the last elections, we changed an outgoing good one for another good one.

The alternative was that twerp Patryk Jaki who we didn't want.

lazy good for nothing laybout

Someone's in a bad mood, aren't you...

with connection to corruption?

Do tell...

And then we can discuss some of the shadier affairs of PiS.
amiga500  5 | 1473
2 Sep 2022   #117
If PiS started to fight an election based on someone's private life it would backfire.

oh really then why did all those mild videos of the Finish PM dancing wild with her friends yelling about 'flour gang' code for cocaine in Finnish, make worldwide news and lead for calls for her to resign, so much so she had to apologise and take a drug test? wait till the polish hardcore version...
cms neuf  1 | 1721
2 Sep 2022   #118
She didn't apologize.

And for those Finns that did have an issue I think it was about whether she would be ready to handle a crisis if she was drunk. But in any case what hapoens in Finland is irrelevant - I am talking about Polish voters who wouldn't care what he did so long as it was legal, and if it was not legal would wonder why it hadn't been prosecuted until 5 days before an election.

I have seen Trzaskowski a number of times at functions and he is always very well controlled and professional,

PiS politicians tend to spend weekends as far from Warsaw as possible and get taxpayer funded jets and limos to get there. That's an issue for me, but for not for you as you don't pay any tax here.
amiga500  5 | 1473
2 Sep 2022   #119
I have seen Trzaskowski a number of times at functions and he is always very well controlled and professional,

You obviously don't get invited to the after-parties

She didn't apologize.

"Sanna Marin has apologised for the second time in a week after a photograph of two topless women taken at a party inside the Finnish prime minister's official residence last month was published on social media."

wait till you see those topless photos and more of male friends of the major!
cms neuf  1 | 1721
2 Sep 2022   #120
That was a different thing. Not the drinking party

Why would I get upset about the sex life of a grown man ? And how are PiS going to persuade people to get angry about that ? Will whiter than white priests declaim him from the pulpit on the Sunday of the election ?

Home / News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland

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