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How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ?

amiga500  5 | 1547
28 Sep 2021   #61
. Gumi is more decent, though - he can be critical of PiS

So your criteria of decent is the level that someone criticizes the party they support? What does that make you who is never critical of PO? The antonyms of decent are : corrupt, debased, nefarious, unprincipled, unscrupulous. Pick one that best describes you, hard choice i know they all suit. :) :) Busted! You are a confirmed soviet traitor just like Walesa.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
28 Sep 2021   #62
Walensa is a true hero and a legend.

"Nie za takà Polskę walczyłem":
amiga500  5 | 1547
29 Sep 2021   #63
Walensa is a true hero and a legend.

considering you live in a russian funded incel culture sphere , i can see how you would be taught to think that.

it ties in perfectly with your glorification of the soviets and your constant slagging of poland
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Sep 2021   #64
How can you be against Walensa or Mr Bolek? He was the president first president of Poland.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
29 Sep 2021   #65
Nope, it was Jaruzel, jajcarzu ;)
Alien  26 | 6565
29 Sep 2021   #66
@pawian; Nice gesture.
It was nice gesture but only a gesture. This is what all the heads of states do. Besides women were not allowed therefore Merkel would not do the same. If I would ever go to Israel I would also do Christiañ.

@Strzelec35; Walesa is a true hero and a legend.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
29 Sep 2021   #67
Walesa? Hero, indeed. He received finger for Poland on London airport. How many Polish politicians can claim such a sacrifice?
amiga500  5 | 1547
29 Sep 2021   #68
He received finger for Poland on London airport.

Well considering he was fisting Poland for years it was well deserved. You don't think the british security services knew he was a soviet traitor and mainly gave him a little sign of gratitude years later?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Sep 2021   #69
He brought down communism and the wall and started a movement called solidarity. Today he is only remembered outside of poland as a hero and the united states children are taught in schools about his great deeds. only in poland do people have such attitudes and only due to propaganda and lies against him to discredit his great work so he can never gain power again (fear of his presence and anti establishment attitude).
Alien  26 | 6565
29 Sep 2021   #70
This is one of the few of your opinions that I completly share.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Sep 2021   #71
opinions that I completely share.


so he can never gain power again

Isn't he almost 80 now?

Much liked in the UK (he has an honorary knighthood, a very rare thing) however so often heroes are spurned by their own, over-critical, people.

Love him or hate him, at a very difficult time he stepped up to the challenge and did what he (and so many others) believed to be the right and decent thing.
amiga500  5 | 1547
29 Sep 2021   #72
(and so many others) believed to be the right and decent thing.

He was told to infiltrate Solidarity by his military intelligence handlers, was delivered to the gdansk shipyard strike by the navy, was always for kneeling the authorities and not striking. Walentowycz and his mates during the 70s recognised him as a traitor. After communism fell, he fought plans to join NATO, wanted warsaw pact 2 , and planned for soviet russian army bases to become giant free trade zones run by russia. He was russias man under the chalendier.

I don't care if the west thinks he is a hero as they need fairy tales to explain a reality they will never understand.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Sep 2021   #73
He was told to infiltrate Solidarity by his military intelligence handlers, was delivered to the gdansk shipyard strike

Sad that you probably half believe that.

he fought plans to join NATO,

As did many.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
29 Sep 2021   #74
he (and so many others) believed to be the right and decent thing.

Yes. In a great joke of Gods.

Today we tries to escape from western Europe. We always run from something and hope for the best
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Sep 2021   #75
So your criteria of decent is the level that someone criticizes

Yes, darling, coz it shows that he isn`t such a hardened neobolshevik liar and hypocrite as you who are ready to sweep any dirty act of PiS under the carpet.

you who is never critical of PO?

You are lying all the time. I once started a thread about Tusk government`s failures. While you do nothing but praise PIS and deny their vices at all times.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Sep 2021   #76
we tries to escape

We always run

Please feel free to do so. Though we'll miss you a bit.

who are ready to sweep any dirty act of PiS under the carpet.

Quite. and the more people do that, the less others believe them. The American "firestorm of falsehoods" technique has very limited application to Poland, where there's a better-educated and more politically cynical population.
Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Sep 2021   #77
he fought plans to join NATO

And yet, Jerzy Marek Nowakowski (former member of PiS) claims in this article that it was Lech Wałęsa and Jerzy Buzek who contributed the most to Poland's accession to NATO (he also mentions some other names):

He also describes how Wałęsa negotiated the fast withdrawal of Soviet troops from Poland.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Sep 2021   #78
"I don't care if the west thinks he is a hero as they need fairy tales to explain a reality they will never understand."

how is that different than being a usa ***** or yes man like you and your fellow bretheren are while laughing stock over there in california? kissing asses to america and getting mcdonalds while not sharing their multiculturalism values?
Ironside  51 | 13124
29 Sep 2021   #79

So he claims. What it has to do with anything?
Paulina  19 | 4558
30 Sep 2021   #80
Everything. Have you read the article? He was there - he was witnessing history happening (which can't be said about amiga500, you or me) and to some extent he took part in making it happen. He also seems to be impartial (which can't be said about you or amiga500) - he's a right-winger and a former member of PiS, so he has no reason to be biased in favour of Wałęsa.
gumishu  15 | 6228
30 Sep 2021   #81
He also describes how Wałęsa negotiated the fast withdrawal of Soviet troops from Poland.

hehe fast withdrawal - 1989 till 1993 - Wałęsa also wanted to give the former Soviet garrisons a quasi ex-territorial status for Russian businesse to operate in Poland -

also noteworthy: Jerzy Marek Nowakowski left PiS in 2007 :) - enough said for me
gumishu  15 | 6228
30 Sep 2021   #82
also noteworthy: Jerzy Marek Nowakowski left PiS in 2007 :)

and gained favours in PO: he became an ambassador in Latvia and then Armenia during the PO rule - so far for his objectivism
jon357  72 | 23706
30 Sep 2021   #83


'Objectivism' is a fake philosophy that was pushed by a Russian fraudster called Ayn Rand.
mafketis  38 | 11284
30 Sep 2021   #84
I wouldn't call her a fraudster, probably kind of autistic (once the connection between her philosophy and autistic behavior is pointed out.... you can't not see it)

I've never come across info that suggests that she was a fraud....
jon357  72 | 23706
30 Sep 2021   #85
(once the connection between her philosophy and autistic behavior is pointed out.... you can't not see it)

Now that's a really interesting point. I'll have a look online to see if there's anything about that. I did wonder if her experiences as a) a Jewish person in Russia at a time of pogroms and b) a teenager from a wealthy family during the revolution scarred her mentally.

I've never come across info that suggests that she was a fraud....

I've heard it suggested that one reason she behaved the way she did was because she wanted to meet young men who she slept with. I find her popularity in Poland to be a staggering and sad thing and can only assume that the Polish language translations are better than the original English texts.

Since this is a Duda thread, I really really doubt that he (or any major PiS figures) would care much for what she espoused. They do claim to be a party rooted in Christian values and as far as I can see, everything she wrote and said is so diametrically opposed to the Christian message that they'd not touch it with a sh1tty stick.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
30 Sep 2021   #86
She first and foremost tries to emphasize the possible outcome of the effects of brain drain, and the expulsion of productivity and entrepenours. Societies in todays era are far more concerned with how to spend what we got rather then increase what we got so that there will be more to spend.

She tries to create a positive image of a hardworking man that takes responsibility for himself and creates jobs and businesses for his own growth, which others benefit from.

If anything it is very on topic with the brain drain happening in Poland where highly educated citizens seek better wages abroad. Autistic or not, this problem is very real. And I do wonder what can be done about it
jon357  72 | 23706
30 Sep 2021   #87
That's rather an optimistic impression of her fake philosophy (a closed system like a religion rather than an actual philosophy since an inherent part of it is not deviating an inch from her dictates) and of course diametrically opposed to the Christian message, especially the Sermon on the Mount. She also openly despised altruism of any kind, praising selfishness and callousness.

The best take on her that I've every seen was when The Simpsons roasted her. Particularly funny to see little Maggie attending a kindergarten based on Aynrandian 'principles', something that of course any real kindergarten would want to avoid.

And fortunately PiS, for all their faults stay as far away from that 'ideology' as possible. Worth mentioning that she ended her life on Social Security and charity healthcare.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Feb 2022   #88
Funny how rightards are biting each other. Certain United Right guy accused President Duda of treason and added he regretted voting for Duda in recent elections. He said it after Duda proposed a new law concerning the judiciary Disciplinary Chamber which the EU had declared illegal.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Feb 2022   #89
Did you know that President Duda had visited Ukraine one day before the invasion of Russ-Asian hordes commenced? Together with the Lithuanian President, they assured Ukrainian leaders of their unswerving support for Ukrainian independence and integrity.

Today he is valiantly supporting heroic Ukrainians and urging the West to impose the harshest sanctions available on Russ-Asian criminals.

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OP Crow  155 | 9736
26 Feb 2022   #90
You know what Duda think while he shakes hand. I see on his face. He thinks > `You Banderists aren`t that proud now.`

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