As a member of the sweep-Smolensk-underthe-carpet faction, who never blame the impotent PO regime for even failing the repatriate theTupolev wreckage, you will not appreciate Macierewicz's efforts at keeping the issue alive until it can be utlimately resolved.
But Macierewicz's main claim to fame was throwing open secret-police files in 1992. Had that process been allowed to play out, there may have never been an ex-commie SLD and the de-communisation process would have been over in a few years' time. As it is, it continues to drag on, poisoning the Polish political scene. Wałęsa and other shaking-in-their-boots collaborators (the same old familiar mafia -- Kwaśniewski, Tusk, Mazowiecki, Moczulski, Pawlak, Niesiołowski, Kuroń, Geremek, Bugaj, etc.) quashed that democratic process through their nefarious parliamentary coup. Anyone interested is urged to watch the film "Nocna zmiana" which clearly identifies the nocturnal plotters.