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Poland's post-election political scene

KorkiTaczer  - | 109
22 Jul 2020   #4051
PiS nieźle Was wydyma

When it comes to dymanie, Slavko Novak has something to worry about, certainly not Konfederacja ;) In three years time, there will be an ultimate showdown between PiS and Konfederacja for power in Poland as other political parties are slowly dying out. Just look at PO and pożar w burdelu they are having right now :D
cms neuf  1 | 1721
22 Jul 2020   #4052
Well people like you seem to spend an awesome amount of time thinking about that 2 percent.
pawian  219 | 24592
22 Jul 2020   #4053
In three years time, there will be an ultimate showdown between PiS and Konfederacja for power in Poland

hahaha Sorry, you are daydreaming. Konfederacja will never get more than 10%, with the new system they disappear from Sejm.

If PiS offers them coaltion, their asses are saved, buit not for free, of course. If not, they have only one fekking chance - join a wide opposition coalition. Also with leftists. hahahahaha
mafketis  38 | 10868
22 Jul 2020   #4054
with the new system they disappear from Sejm

Konfederacja = no match for poster boy of the rebuilt PRL.....

In other news, any opinion on the angora headline suggesting that JK wants early parliamentary elections in the fall? Sounds insane, is it a real plan?
pawian  219 | 24592
22 Jul 2020   #4055
Wow, you are fast, I haven`t read such a headline yet. :)
Spike31  3 | 1485
22 Jul 2020   #4056
Just look at PO and pożar w burdelu they are having right now

If Slawomir Nowak, who has recently got officially arrested (before then he was only detained) decides to save his skin and to become a crown witness POKO will be in big trouble. And even the "king of Europe" Donald Tusk will have a reason to worry since Nowak was his henchman.
mafketis  38 | 10868
23 Jul 2020   #4057
decides to save his skin and to become a crown witness

But is that a real thing? I was assuming it's mostly something to distract attention away from PiS's own scandals (like ballotgate or respiratorgate).

They've also revoked the immunity of a prosecutor who wasn't sufficiently crazy enough (it's about Smolensk) as the first step of proesecuting him?
kondzior  11 | 1027
23 Jul 2020   #4058
Societies treated gays with utter hostility coz they were unproductive, I mean they didn`t bear children.

Human beings, as rational animals, are by our nature directed towards (among other things) procreation and living in society. Since part of our nature is that we are animals, we procreate by sexual reproduction, which is why men and women have natural tendencies towards life-giving conjugal act. Conjugal act involves one man and one woman and its natural end is fertilization of an egg and conception of a new human life. Furthermore, a man and a woman are by nature directed towards family life, for family is the basic unit of society, necessary for the children to be properly raised into healthy adults that can fulfil their natural (and supernatural) ends as human beings. A reminder that a family is a unit that consists of a husband, his wife and their children.

Sodomy is not a conjugal act. It is contrary to human nature, since it is contrary to procreation. It represents a perversion of the natural order and an affront to the truth. Anus is not a sex organ. Sodomite perverts cannot create life. It is contrary to proper raising of children, for sodomites cannot form a family, that is necessary for children to grow into healthy adults. Thus it is contrary to natural tendency of humans qua humans to live in a society.

Since they cannot form a family, sodomites work to destroy it. They are actively targeting children. They have taken their degeneracy to the streets, TV, schools, libraries and even kindergartens. It is well past time to stop acquiescing to their demands, and to start working on their eradication. If they try to expose themselves to our children, we must prevent them by any means.

mafketis  38 | 10868
23 Jul 2020   #4059
Furthermore, a man and a woman are by nature directed towards family life, for family is the basic unit of society

You're mixing things up terribly....

Mother nature doesn't care. The most base, natural sexual inclinations of heterosexual men and women are very, very different.... this is one reason that society tries to direct and temper raw sexual desire of both into the least damaging modes possible.

also, most human sexual contact is recreational rather than creational... only a tiny, tiny percentage of human sexual acts involve fertilization and only half of those reach the stage of implantation.

homosexuality is simply recombining natural human desires in new ways (liking recreational sex and emotional bonding with one's one sex) the differing nature of male and female sexuality also show up in the different ways that gay men and women prefer to order their sex lives.

People who prefer their own sex emotionally and romantically have existed in every human society and no punishment gets rid of it. It makes more sense to temper and direct it into socially constructive channels.

Since they cannot form a family, sodomites work to destroy it

People with no stake in the way a system operates have no stake in preserving it (why should they?)

Gay rights are about redirecting raw sexual urges into ways that can work for society (and giving gay people a stake in society).
kondzior  11 | 1027
23 Jul 2020   #4060
Mother nature doesn't care.

The way Nature "shows it cares" is through evolution. Some traits are encouraged, some are discouraged. Some parts become more specialized, others are phased out.

Gay rights are about redirecting raw sexual urges into ways that can work for society (and giving gay people a stake in society).

What counts in this world is what you leave behind - how many trees did you plant, how many children did you raise into being good people. Everything living on this planet lives in order to best pass its genes. What does a gay man leave? Nothing, he will be buried in the ground one day, probably with some other guy's sperm up his ass. It's a wasted life. And it's not just gays. The same applies to every shitlord frequenting brothels, afraid to talk to woman normally, to every dumb woman who comes to believing that children are too much work and will screw up her lifestyle.

Sure, there have been gay men with great achievements in arts and in science. There have also been non-gay men with great achievements. But even with the value they brought to the society, 9 out of 10 people would prefer that their son gives them grandchildren to their son being a genius musician but gay. And this sentiment is also natural.
mafketis  38 | 10868
23 Jul 2020   #4061
The way Nature "shows it cares" is through evolution

And it has seen fit to keep homosexuality around.... so......

verything living on this planet lives in order to best pass its gene

Probably over half of all men that have ever existed did not reproduce and sometimes the ratio was especially brutal with 17 times as many women reproducing as men....

Given those odds getting upset that 2 or so per cent of men don't reproduce seems kind of silly....
kondzior  11 | 1027
23 Jul 2020   #4062
And it has seen fit to keep homosexuality around.... so......

And have always been a deviation from the normal. What's bending the natural is to coerce people to pretend that they are not a deviation.

I'm left-handed. Left-handed people have also existed forever. I wouldn't get miffed at people refusing to accept this deviation as something normal, so what's wrong?
Spike31  3 | 1485
23 Jul 2020   #4063
But is that a real thing?

It is a real thing. He was involved in corruption cases in Poland and in Ukraine.
kondzior  11 | 1027
23 Jul 2020   #4064
Given those odds getting upset that 2 or so per cent of men don't reproduce seems kind of silly....

Continuing from the past post - the greatest silliness is openly lying to others, be they gay or not, that living as a gay - consciously turning your back on creating a family and children of your own - is somehow a "normal" lifestyle.

It's just a normal reaction to refuse to take part in this hypocrisy and in the normalization of the deviance, just because a small segment of the population (not even all of the gays) will feel better hearing this lie. And the fact that we are being pressured to believe and perpetuate the lie makes it all the more ugly.

Being gay is never going to be "normal". What's normal is to take a wife/husband, have babies and help them on, help each other on your way through life and up to death.
mafketis  38 | 10868
23 Jul 2020   #4065

Your whole argument comes down to "being different is bad"....

But I'm impressed for your de facto argument that celibacy among the priesthood is weird and not normal (even among Christians). The overwhelming majority of sexual abuse cases in the RC would disappear if priests could marry.
gumishu  16 | 6181
23 Jul 2020   #4066
The overwhelming majority of sexual abuse cases in the RC would disappear if priests could marry.

you're wrong - the majority of sexual abuses are committed by homosexual priests who lifting of celibacy would not eradicate abruptly - this is not to say that I favour celibacy - many heterosexual priests just have secret relationships or use prostitutes
Spike31  3 | 1485
23 Jul 2020   #4067
The overwhelming majority of sexual abuse cases in the RC would disappear if priests could marry.

you're wrong - the majority of sexual abuses are committed by homosexual priests

Both statements are right. Abolishing celibacy and letting priests have wives would also stop attracting so many homosexuals to priesthood. They have even formed an informal homo-lobby in the institution of Church*. They are responsible for most cases of child molestation* and count on the power of the institution to protect them from punishment.

Celibacy is not a religious dogma and can be revoked. It was introduced in medieval ages in order to keep Church's material possessions and lands intact.
kondzior  11 | 1027
23 Jul 2020   #4068
Your whole argument comes down to "being different is bad"....

No. "Being different is not normal". Being gay is not persecuted, you have legal rights, so everything is rosy. Yes, personal prejudices will never go away, because they are based in human instincts, but that's what life is. Some people might think you are **** because you are from the village on the opposite side of the river, why should you care.
Ironside  50 | 12312
23 Jul 2020   #4069
All that talk about homosexuality being normal or not. About what is gay and what is merry is redundant and doesn't help to talk about an actual problem which is LGBT movement or rather an ideology behind that movement.

That ideology aim to destroy society and culture as it is now. To do so they use any tools or means they are able to use. Hence it is basically a neo-Marxist ideology we can spot its modus operandi.

The use 'gays' or gays rights in the way commies used 'workers' or workers rights to mask their real purpose and to gain support amongst useful idiots who are fooled.

Real communism is about a totalitarian geocidal regime that wipe out all rights of anyone beside "right" to obey the leader.
The same goes for LGBT they will not help gays, they aim is to establish a totalitarian regime and wipe oy any rights and freedoms.

Let's examine those 'rights' homosexuals' are allegedly deprived of - what are they?
in most countries LGBT thrives violence or discriminations against homosexuals' is against the law. They can do what anyone can do. In fact what is present everywhere as rights are in fact privileges'.

Special rights for a group that is not even a real group but a bunch of different people whose only common dominator is their specific sexual desire. It is a brazen nonsense and I'm baffled so many people buy into it or fall for it hook and sinkers like big morons they are.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
23 Jul 2020   #4070
The anus is not a sex organ but straight anal sex has been common in many cultures for centuries - not just for fun but also as a way of birth control and keeping virginity. I have no idea why it upsets you so much Kondzior. It's not everyone's cup of tea but I think the majority of adults have tried it and if you type it into redtube you will get millions of hits.

It's not normal to be gay - understand that viewpoint, but it doesn't hurt me, so they can get on with it. It was a stupid diversion in the election and very bad for Poland's image - PiS can live with the consequences but over the next few months they will have some real, issues to deal with - starting with inflation - the highest in Europe last month and if you have ventured out of the house you will see it is really galloping with many services up 15-25 percent.
mafketis  38 | 10868
23 Jul 2020   #4071
I didn`t know about i

I'm assuming (though it's difficult to parse the gibberish he spews) that he's referring to the phenomenon of higher than expected numbers of young women who decide they're transgender for a time and then change their mind after beginning medical interventions (sometimes fairly radical ones). Some have said it's the kind of social.... transmission that's common among teen girls but far less benign than some kinds.

Again, that's part of the transgender movement which has gone off the rails in recent years. Some gay people (men and women) are among the strongest critics of the current transgender movement for very good reasons. Douglas Murray is a good example. But you're more liable to have an intelligent discussion about that with a lawnchair than with dirk who can barely put together a sentence before littering it with reactionary gobbledygook...
cms neuf  1 | 1721
23 Jul 2020   #4072
I think the main thing the election shows is that the people in villages are happy to live on the dime of the young and the urban population for another 5 years.

The LGBT thing did win some votes, but the geographical and age splits are so clear that to me it comes down to economics.

Poland just posted some huge govt deficit figures - nothing unusual about that during Covid but the way out of that requires economic growth and investment, rather than the current diet of cronyism and nationalization
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
23 Jul 2020   #4073
POKO will be in big trouble

PO is already dead with or without Nowak. That's why they are so desperately trying to rebrand. Only lemingi out here, reading nothing but Wyborcza, don't know it yet. When Hołownia comes to play with his movement, PO will slowly bleed out. This is going to open up new possibilities for Konfederacja. P.S. I don't think Nowak will ever decide to cooperate with prosecutors, he is much too young for a suicide :) But his private messages could be more telling than his testimony.
pawian  219 | 24592
6 Aug 2020   #4074
I am going to comment on current political and social events as an unbiased commentator. The series is called: PiS`s road to perdition.

Part one:
More than a week ago 3 confirmed LGBT activists hung rainbow flags and offensive posters on a few monuments in Warsaw, including Jesus one. A few days later the police tracked them down and detained for dozen hours. They are accused of defamation and hurting religious feelings.

PiS have no choice and they have to send the police to arrest activists coz they can`t withdraw from their previous anti-LGBT narration which they had practised for more than a year now.

However, such detentions and scuffles with rainbow flag hangers will have a destructive influence on youth voters before 2023 elections. Already a lot of young people claim they live in a police state. Who is responsible for such emotions? The rulers, of course.

If the opposition plays it well, in future elections PiS might run out of supporters and lose their majority in Sejm.

And flags will be hung again and again, coz more people will enjoy becoming martyrs of LGBT cause. Did you hear that a professor of the nearby Warsaw University hung another flag yesterday? She wasn`t arrested and the flag bore the slogan: Solidarity with the oppressed.

  • DSC_791221189x1536.jpg
kondzior  11 | 1027
7 Aug 2020   #4075
A leftist rag was waving on the monument of the Savior. It does not matter at this point whether the hour, minute, second was fluttering, whether anyone actually dared to touch Christ's face with the left banner, or only waved him in front of his face. The very fact that in the country of John Paul II whoever dares to even think about such a slander is symptomatic - leftist cancer is rolling this unhappy land. Fagots and leftists should immediately stop being "tolerated", since they cannot respect the already hardly maintained tolerance for their perversions, resulting only from Christian mercy. More than once or twice, the other cheek was turned, because we thought naively that they were our erring brothers. It turned out to be a mistake - fagots are not our brothers, but a leftist junk funded by someone else's money, which we do not put up against the wall only by the Fifth Commandment.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
7 Aug 2020   #4076
The fifth commandment plus the fact that the priesthood is full of them
pawian  219 | 24592
7 Aug 2020   #4077
Already a lot of young people claim they live in a police state.

Popular youtubers who claim so, e.g, this one with 0.5 million subsciptions, certainly influence a lot of people with their video blogs.
pawian  219 | 24592
7 Aug 2020   #4078
More than once or twice, the other cheek was turned, because we thought naively that they were our erring brothers.

Do you think LGBT can still be contained? How, if they even have their little but vociferous representation in the Parliament? Look, they came to the President`s swearing-in ceremony dressed in rainbow colours. Below.

And recent elections showed that LGBT friendly Trzaskowski, commonly called Fagowski, gained 49% votes, exactly 10 million people.

What can be done in such a situation?

PS. Another flag action, among others John Paul II monument in Gdańsk.

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kondzior  11 | 1027
7 Aug 2020   #4079
claim they live in a police state

if someone is playing with fire, then don't let him cry that he got burned
o kurwa the foocking police are chasing us for doing roughhouse, what gives?
pawian  219 | 24592
7 Aug 2020   #4080
o kurwa the foocking police are chasing us for doing roughhouse, what gives?

Activists and supporters are blocking the police car with an arrested LGBT activist who damaged a van belonging to a homophobic organisation. She didn`t resist and got inside peacefully but people don`t want to let her go.

I have never seen such an act of civil disobedience so far. It seems both sides are ready for a serious confrontation.

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