And most Europeans are so blind that they don't see it!
They hear it but they know it's crap!
There is no world conspiracy of a powerful circle (mostly Jews of course) do steer the poor unsuspecting sheep into their direction....there just isn't!
You can fight against globalism's most unregulated features as you want and it would be good fight...but to fight globalism is like fighting the Internet, industrial revolution..or the printing machine....or the car...or the electricity...or even earlier the wheel.
It's the next step in our technological development! Alone it's possibilities is changing the world we are living enables people and goods and ideas to wander in a till now unknown scale.
And during all aforementioned ages and developments there had been those who where scared and wished the "new stuff" away and the old times no avail.
People will mix, borders will become less important, national states will grow into bigger unions...but that is a process we only see the beginning...our children and grand children will see it fully come to pass, but for them it will be a reality...nothing to be scared about. They don't know any differently anymore...
To say people are blind to that is wrong, most just come to different conclusions!
To make it all "go away" can only mean isolation, closed borders, only controlled contact with the outside world, censored internet etc....most people just don't want THAT (if they are given a choice)!
PS: Globalism is in no way neo-marxist (whatever that is) means foremost profit for those who seek lower labor costs and higher profits.
Also the EU's abject refusal to clearly identify its own nature. International organization? Confederacy? Federation in the making?
Because it's not "the EU" which decides about that, it's the members who struggle to clear that up because...*gulp*...there are many different opinions about that!
(Can you believe it! No allmighty mastermind behind all that!!!)
There are those who want a closer circle to develop into a federation...and there are those who don't want to....who would like to keep it as an economical club mainly.
I personally think those who want to cooperate more closely should do so and those who don't want to can stay out...and it seems that is the direction "the EU" will go in the end.
That's why the principle of unanimity was all but scrapped (after the Brexit referendum) only for those most important questions (like taking in new members and such). Now common projects can be worked on together by those who want to take part, whereas others can abstain.... In the long run it will lead to differently strong networks inside the Union.