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Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield?

Bakeros  - | 5
20 Sep 2009   #181
bah :) I should have figured it out :D
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #182
How do you know he is dull, CK? Assumptions again I see. Threatening to fire on Poland from Kalingrad, LOL. The biggest bluff. Putin would be a bad poker player.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #183
Threatening to fire on Poland from Kalingrad, LOL. The biggest bluff. Putin would be a bad poker player.

The rule of three R will lead us now: Retribution, Restoration, Retrival...
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #184
Right, and you are Medvedev's advisor, are you?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #185
Course no..., unfortunately! But I represent average national opinion.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #186
Have you ever heard of NATO, CK? Your retribution would be very short-lived.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #187
NATO? What's that? Again look at afg and iraq... "Her arms are open still although her heart refuse". Do you think that amids a great many vicissitudes of war with such state as Russia, they will stand?
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #188
NATO is who you'd come up against were you to get too ambitious.

I'm not here to engage in wild speculation, CK.
Arien  2 | 710
20 Sep 2009   #189
1. I am older than you


1: Nobody respects senile, old men.


2. I am Russian, therefore superior


2: unless I compare myself to a human being.


3. I am much wiser and itelligent


3: You can't even write the word intelligent.


4. As you, I like sport and do not afraid you


Subtitles: ''Like you, I like sports and I'm not afraid of you.'' (Whatever that's supposed to mean!)

4: Seriously, who gives a flying monkey?


5. I have "the pecker", what a disgusting word, where did you find it, much longer and thicker than yours


5: Dickrot is a common affliction among senile, old men.

scrappleton  - | 829
20 Sep 2009   #190
NATO is who you'd come up against were you to get too ambitious.

Look at you little flea always harping about NATO. NATO is the US, the same entity you criticize with abandon. NATO my There is the US war machine and European secretaries, pencil pushers and a few mechanics.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #191
107kgs is little? ;) You know that the US is the main power in Afghanistan and they have been fighting a war of dubious success for 8 years. Agreed?
Bakeros  - | 5
20 Sep 2009   #192
Constantinek, as Arien wrote, you can't even write or spell correctly, so I am not going to quarrel with you. The only thing i can say(write) is that my thesis was correct- you just have a tiny pecker. Get mannered and stop insulting people via the internet, I wonder if you said it to someone's face- waste of time, because you wouldn't.
Arien  2 | 710
20 Sep 2009   #193
I'm sure he was joking though! (I am, and I just think it's funny!)

krysia  23 | 3058
21 Sep 2009   #194
4th or 5th generations of Americans should always remember why and how their ancestors left their native country.
Wasn't it to find a better life?

What a silly comment. What is wrong with bettering your life in Poland? Why do Poles look for jobs in other countries? Why do they think they have to go to the US or England to better their life?? Why don't they stop wasting their money on drinking and smoking and use their hard earned money to better their own country. Poland is beautiful place to live and work, but Poles don't know or don't want to work thinking that if they leave to work elsewhere they will better themselves. That's why China is building Poland because all the Poles are gone making a better living in another country.
kielbasa84  - | 6
21 Sep 2009   #195
Poland was betrayed, by a fake ally, its typical American BS, that "shield" would of kept the ruskies at bay, people don't really remember much history do they, at the same time its Polands own fault for kissing ass too, sending troops to Iraq and still no visas? Obama just gave the ruskies a free pass to do what they want, now they have no limits, Poland needs to withdraw from NATO and the EU, do you people HONESTLY!!! I mean really really HONESTLY think, Germany and the other NATO countries are going to fight for Poland if they where to Invade? they didn't 70 years and and they wont in the future.

umiesz liczyc licz na siebie, kurwa glosujcie dalej na tego czarnucha, brak wam komuny?
scrappleton  - | 829
21 Sep 2009   #196
You know that the US is the main power in Afghanistan and they have been fighting a war of dubious success for 8 years. Agreed?

What would you like to measure it against? Is there any way to measure success there. They are goat herders pulling plastic explosives out of their underwear and placing them next to rocks, shooting as us from caves or from groups of children. I mean, what do you propose we do, pull a King Herod on them?

Alexander the Great, the British and the Russian fared little better there. I can attest to the fact that Al Quaeda probably isn't doing a lot of open air training at this juncture, communications have been disrupted quite a bit. I would count that as some level of success.

Of course, one doesn't have to remind you of these things.. you being PF's prevailing scholar and all. Sorry, no I don't have something for you to read on the subject. At the end of the day, simpering chump that you are , you will claim it's another defeat for the US. Just like Vietnam was even though the French and Aussies were knee deep in it as well.

Typical Euro criticizing the US but sleeping under the blanket of security it provides.
krysia  23 | 3058
21 Sep 2009   #197
its Polands own fault for kissing ass too, sending troops to Iraq and still no visas?

There are people in the US who can't find jobs so why should they bring people from other countries to take thwir jobs away and who don't return when their visas expire?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
21 Sep 2009   #198
Poland was betrayed, by a fake ally, its typical American BS, that "shield" would of kept the ruskies at bay,

no it wouldnt, they were threatening Poland while it was talked about.

and dont even say America wouldnt jump in and help poland thats a load of
bullSH*T if I ever heard it..

Obama just gave the ruskies a free pass to do what they want,

WHAT??????? did you just come out of the fox hole from WWII?

I mean really really HONESTLY think, Germany and the other NATO countries are going to fight for Poland if they where to Invade? they didn't 70 years and and they wont in the future.

yes, why wouldnt they?? do u think that other countries would look away and hope
that it was only poland in their interest?? no, do you think if someone wants power
they wont go invade other countries??

hitler did it, he even invaded good old russia, but who came in and helped bail russia
out! yeah good ole USA.

it was unfortunate that back then, it wasnt forseen the future of poland, but
Russia ruled Poland way before hitler came along, so dont blame the United states
for something thats been going on for eons in Europe.. why the heck do you think
people left in the first place.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 Sep 2009   #199
Why do Poles look for jobs in other countries?

Why do Americans look for jobs in other countries? Because they want to live someplace besides America, for a while, anyway. Same goes for Poles or anyone else.
kielbasa84  - | 6
21 Sep 2009   #200

and dont even say America wouldnt jump in and help poland thats a load of
bullSH*T if I ever heard it..

Wow you must buy into anything they tell you? Yeah Germany, France and Britain are going to send their troops to die in the name of Poland, haha you are crazy. Same way they did in 39 eh? the same allies that just divieded up Poland and handed it to Russia after the war? those guys?

hitler did it, he even invaded good old russia, but who came in and helped bail russia
out! yeah good ole USA.

yeah the good ol' USA that came into the War in Eastern Europe in 44 when Hitler was already loosing all they did was speed the process up, and the leader of this Russia was Stalin, a man who killed more people than Hitler, the same army that raped more than Hitlers army, the same Army that was responsible for Katyn? oh THAT a effin book and stop watching so much MTV
szczeciniak  4 | 92
21 Sep 2009   #201
may be it is just wrong signal to poland ,

intresting post from financialsense
plk123  8 | 4119
21 Sep 2009   #202
kurwa glosujcie dalej na tego czarnucha, brak wam komuny?

you're a racist piece of sh*t.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
21 Sep 2009   #203
Wow you must buy into anything they tell you? Yeah Germany, France and Britain are going to send their troops to die in the name of Poland, haha you are crazy. Same way they did in 39 eh? the same allies that just divieded up Poland and handed it to Russia after the war? those guys?

So what era are you living in?

that was 70 years ago, I doubt that poland will be divided and walls put up
dont worry, I dont think that will happen again..

but, with North korea acting up, do you suppose poland will gather up some troops
and help out the united states if we need you?

we know britian will be there.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
21 Sep 2009   #204
So what era are you living in?

He lives in a 'once upon a time'

with North korea acting up

But can Poland remain neutral?

(By the way ... when it comes to Korea :P ... I really get interested... for different reasons :P ).
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
21 Sep 2009   #205
But can Poland remain neutral?

good question :) Will they??

[quote=Lodz_The_Boat](By the way ... when it comes to Korea :P ... I really get interested... for different reasons :P ).

now thats not the way to protect your citizens you know!!! LOL
kielbasa84  - | 6
21 Sep 2009   #206
So what era are you living in?

No Era just reality

but, with North korea acting up, do you suppose poland will gather up some troops
and help out the united states if we need you?

I really hope by now the US knows better than to start anything with them. They have 22+ million troops that have been brainwashed to take out the "American Bully" since they took their first breath, add to that the civilian population that hates the US just as equally, and this is not even getting into whatever weapons they have that the US does not know about....You think Afganistan is a never ending battle.........As much fun as I am having I have class in the AM so I am going to bed now.....and this is getting off topic......
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
21 Sep 2009   #207
I really hope by now the US knows better than to start anything with them.

hmmmmmm lets see, they are aiming missles at us, does this send any warning messages
to u?

like I said, I really doubt poland is in any danger of invasion in the near future.

goodnite, im out of here too.

* yawn*
szczeciniak  4 | 92
21 Sep 2009   #208
The military power with the best tanks, aircraft and ships doesn't always win a battle. Wars may be decided by many factors, including non-military factors.

The United States has been a great and stable power for many decades. One should never, on that account, assume the invincibility of the U.S. The American superpower has been strategically mismanaged for half a century. During the Cold War the U.S. suffered outright defeats in Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. With the end of the Cold War came major Communist advances in South Africa (1994), Congo (1997), Angola (2002), Venezuela (1999), Brazil (2002), Bolivia (2006), and Nicaragua (2006).

Very simply, when one side in a global contest appears to give up, the psychological impact is enormous. Organize the collapse of Communism from the Kremlin itself and nobody in the West will question it. If the Communists are giving up power, it is all good. But look at Russia and Eastern Europe today. By giving up untenable positions in Germany and the Baltic States, the remainder is yet dominated by agent networks and mafias aligned with Moscow. In Ukraine, for example, there is a pro-NATO president whose power has been undermined by a prime minister who works for Moscow. In Georgia, the Russian troops press in while operations continue to unseat the pro-American president. In Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania old Communist structures dominate business and government. Despite their entry into NATO, some of these countries may be described as nests of spies and infiltrators whose mission has been to sabotage NATO from within. This is not simply conjecture, but the conclusion drawn by the best-informed political activists and researchers in Eastern Europe.

so the fact is poland needs defense system,
the question is whether poland will be allow to have one or any.
on its own will not have chance in case of confrontation with russia, but united with ukraine , lithuania and anther easter European states!!
yes, i think they can stand and keep big ugly bear in control.
US Shield is important, but not the only option of weapons on US disposal, but fastest to deploy and cheapest(in relative point)
only 5 countries have advance weapons(tesla weapans,or electro magnetic weapons)
it would of being nice for poland to became 6.
most likely not passable??
bears do not like electromagnetic pollution:-))))))
jwojcie  2 | 762
21 Sep 2009   #209
and in the end Poland still can get some lower priced Patriots which are important for our defence system :-)

We can get much better deals in Europe with a lot of cooperation for our industry. Yanks will give us 5% lower price and then screw us up big time on the spare parts. Screw them, no more deals with dumb rednecks.

You right, F-16 deal shows that they are costly. Maybe at least this Patriots deal could be used as "pressure factor" for domestic producers. I to prefer our producers if they made good quality stuff. Recent proposition made by Bumar is interesting. They made decent radar systems, they cooperate with French missile producer. So it seems they have most things in place...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127
24 Sep 2009   #210
but, with North korea acting up, do you suppose poland will gather up some troops
and help out the united states if we need you?

Somehow they did with the invasion of Iraq and still got bi$$$slapped for it!
I think they wouldn't used a penny for USA if they got invaded by N-K (But if it was Russia it would been maybe an other story)

Although i agree with him. You go ask Norwegians they wouldn't have much confidence in NATO but USA itself if Norway got invaded!
Mostly becaouse of the oil! So USA saving Poland? I doubt it also other countries next to it? I doubt it!

Home / News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield?

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