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Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Sep 2009   #31
Ahhh go chase a reindeer. At least we weren't burning a candle if front of Adolph's picture like most in Scandinavia.

Like most?!

Do you call a max of 30 k people out of 4 million to be MOST?! Bullocks!
Loads I may agree but most! That's lying!

Especially in Norway there were mostly Fascists not Nazis! Just people mixing names!
More probably pictures of Quisling then A Dorph
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Sep 2009   #32
Where's Pinching Pete these days? He usually defended Obama's decisions. Obama backtracked on the shield which was a good decision. Restoring ties with Russia is important.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Sep 2009   #33
They were so important that even A Dorph knew it
sledz  23 | 2247
19 Sep 2009   #34
Most of the illegals are Mexican, anyway

Yeah, theres millions more of them and they trash our neighborhoods.

If you go into a polish neighborhood you see them painting thier houses or planting a garden, they actually take care of thier stuff and appreciate being here.

My problem isnt with Poles coming here at all, Im was putting all Illegals into one catagory.

Keep the muslims out,

We have to do something about that before we wind up like England:(

people should be happy they don't have to have one now.

Now they want to have it? Yet before they all were on here complaining about it being implemented?

Sorry PP, I'm with sledz on this one. You want a deterrent, you make sure people tow the line or face the consequences. If it goes unpunished, they'll do it again and again

When they catch Illegal Mexicans they give them a bus ride back to Mexico.
2 weeks later theyre back in Chicago working.
There should be some punishment, like a little jail time before they get deported.
Maybe that would detour some of them?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
19 Sep 2009   #35
"We didn't want the thing to begin with but hey float us some money because you no longer want to build it and pay for it." Great logic.. Africa East more or less.

Typical Yank. Great logic there buddy. Who cares about agreements we are Americans, we are almighty and we can make them and break them anytime we want. Guess what, so did the Soviets look what it got them, you are quickly on your way to take their place and the politicians that support you in the eyes of the populace on par with the commies. It's precisely because of this attitude and logic that your word is worth **** in the eyes of the world. Keep it up you're doing Great!

Yeah 2500 people.. less than 3 battalions from a country of 40 million.

Say thank you and shut the foock up. Be humble and appreciate what you got, next time you won't even get that.

At this rate with all the complaining they're doing, I would say they should pull out and send us their bill.

Foocken crybaby, “No one appreciate what we have done”. Well there's a reason for that. I can see it already the world will be a very lonely place for you. All you do is brag how you defeated communism, go rest on the laurels will you has been.

Then they can go back to banging the alms cup at the German gate.

Looks like you're doing just that on China's door. Soon you will have to pull out of both wars, not that you want to but because China will say your credit is overextended.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
19 Sep 2009   #36
They didn't really want it anyway, Sledz. The fear was being caught in the middle of a scuffle between the US and Russia. The Shield was a bad idea for the region. I think it's better to put it on hold, maybe indefinitely, but, at the very least, until more people are open to the idea. Why go ahead and put it in place when so many are against it? It would just cause a lot of tension.
sledz  23 | 2247
19 Sep 2009   #37
I think it's better to put it on hold, maybe indefinitely

Im sure theres alot more to it than theyre telling any of us?
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Sep 2009   #38
Yeah, there needs to be a tougher stance, especially now that Mexicans are potential carriers of swine flu.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
19 Sep 2009   #39
Russia doesn't like it for some reason. Maybe they are afraid it will be used to intercept their missiles so they will be vulnerable to nuclear attack from Europe and will be at a loss politically and have to kiss ass?

This shield, supposedly, interfers with Iran, but maybe it interfers with Russia, too?
Seanus, I meant contagious diseases like retroviruses. You cannot keep something like H1N1 from crossing borders.
If someone is diagnosed with HIV, might as well deny them a Visa, but you can't keep all the Mexicans out just because of H1N1. It would most likely spread, anyway, because you would have Mexicans going elsewhere and people from those other places where they go will come here and spread it that way. Those pesky things always find a way in.
scrappleton  - | 829
19 Sep 2009   #40
[quote=ShortHairThug]Looks like you're doing just that on China's door. Soon you will have to pull out of both wars, not that you want to but because China will say your credit is overextended.


If we're such losers, why are you following us around? Pi.ssing and moaning about the VISA crap.

Most of China's growth has come from the US, retard.
MarcinD  4 | 135
19 Sep 2009   #41
Russia doesn't like it because America is (once again) intruding in their backyard. Just like with the Georgia fiasco last year. Remember how America was going ape **** over the Cuban Missile Crises or the rumbling your hearing because Russia and Venezuela are buddies.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Sep 2009   #42

Wasn't that shield dropped just because of the credit crisis that is going on at the moment? I really don't think that it was a wilful act of the Americans to leave PL on her own.

M-G (under my umbrella)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
19 Sep 2009   #43
Haha, yeah. What Irony! It is kinda like the Cuban Missile Crisis. But, there are some fundamental differences. One of them being Europe. Cuba was one little island off the coast of Florida, but, Eastern Europe is connected to Western Europe and they are allies. It's similar to C.M.C. but not quite the same situation...
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
19 Sep 2009   #44
If we're such losers, why are you following us around? Pi.ssing and moaning about the VISA crap.

Really show me one instance where I've said that, looser

Most of China's growth has come from the US, retard.

You mean at your expense, first through most favorable nation status, now through importing all your goods from them. Now don't you just feel like you've been taken for a ride? Retard.
scrappleton  - | 829
19 Sep 2009   #45
Remember how America was going ape **** over the Cuban Missile Crises or the rumbling your hearing because Russia and Venezuela are buddies.

You sure run your mouth a lot about the US for somebody living in San Diego.. Kind of hypocritical , no? US is a bunch of evil bastards.. however you being the political scientist just thought you'd hang out for awhile, right? What a gutless clown you are. Typical.
MarcinD  4 | 135
19 Sep 2009   #46
Dropping the shield is better for Poland, that's not the point. It was the handling of it - they made a promise and Poland did their part of the deal. I fully understand Obama coming in and changing what policy Bush put in place but do it professionally. Poland found out from Czech tv not from a phone call.....that's b.s
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Sep 2009   #47
The truth is that Bush sent Condo Rice to get the deal signed, sealed and delivered. Why? To further the neocons PNAC agenda in winding up Russia and securing a strategic hegemonical position. They were playing on sentiments which KaczyƄski aroused and which have been inculcated into many Poles, that Russia needs to be paid back. Tusk played along like a clueless puppet.
MarcinD  4 | 135
19 Sep 2009   #48
You sure run your mouth a lot about the US for somebody living in San Diego.. Kind of hypocritical , no? US is a bunch of evil bastards.. however you being the political scientist just thought you'd hang out for awhile, right? What a gutless clown you are. Typical.

So because I live here I'm supposed to stand behind every b.s political/foreign decision the President makes? I thought that was the point of freedom of speech and so on....

I voted for Obama and I have ALWAYS been opposed to the shield being put in Poland so I'm happy. How do I run my mouth alot? Please link me to anything untrue I've posted. You sound like someone that voted for the re election of Bush.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Sep 2009   #49

Hm, another sit springs to mind: Lato-TV-Interview-News-Beenhakker-Fired.

M-G (it's all about the sequence, you know that)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
19 Sep 2009   #50
This shield was nothing but a pipe dream intended just as the first one “Star Wars” was, to get the concessions from Russia. Bush administration was too stupid to come up with something more original. I'm not even sure if Russians got fooled again and got on board with them over Iran issue. My guess they are doing exactly what Americans are, they are lying. They will promise one thing and wait them out, America is almost broke, how much longer can they last? Russia don't want you in their back yard, simple as that.
scrappleton  - | 829
19 Sep 2009   #51
I voted for Obama

.. So did I. Big deal. Obama isn't running his mouth about betrayal this and that every chance he gets. The "US never helps anybody.. blah, blah" the same stuff you've been singing for days now. The EU doesn't even exist without the US. Nobody has betrayed Poland over here. Look at the millions of Poles we've given a home to over the years.

You don't like this country.. Tell you what.. Get the f.uck out of it. I can not stand some retard who comes over takes and takes but the US is "just of bunch of stupid losers and evil pigs".

You're a hypocrite, dude. Plain and simple.
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Sep 2009   #52
Scrappy has a point in that the US has housed many Poles over the years, many without VISA's. Still, will he please remind me what is written on the Statue of Liberty!? (a gift from France).

If you advertise it as the land of opportunity and the free, some find that too hard to refuse.
MarcinD  4 | 135
19 Sep 2009   #53
US doesn't help anybody just like every other nation in this world doesn't. You really think America is running some kind of soup kitchen? Every political decision America makes has a gain between the lines and a bottom line. If you disagree then please tell me why were not in Africa helping them out? Because there is no financial or political gain there.

While I'm sure there are bad apples of Poles coming over and taking taking it is far from the norm. You need money to purchase a ticket to fly from Poland to the United States and don't confuse European immigrants with those from third world countries, most if not all the immigrants from Europe have superior educations than your regular American.

That's not the point anyway. America would be NOWHERE near the power it is today if not for the dirt cheap labor they benefited from years ago. Your gripe is with Mexicans and living in San Diego I see it first hand. You can't compare people walking across the border with nothing in their pockets to European immigrants who purchased a ticket and flew over here with European educations.
scrappleton  - | 829
19 Sep 2009   #54
most if not all the immigrants from Europe have superior educations than your regular American.

I hear that all the time and it's just Euro bullshi.t. Where are the world's best universities on average?

If you disagree then please tell me why were not in Africa helping them out?

UHHH Somalia in the 90's???? Who gives a damn anyway, let them help themselves for once! I never said I wanted to run a soup kitchen anyway. This means you too, BEAT IT! You and your superior brain go back to Poland where you belong. You're just another dopey European ripping us every chance you get but curiously doesn't want to leave?

You're not an American, just a parasite. You're probably at SD STate or something going to school on my dime, no doubt. WTF.. Congratulations.
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Sep 2009   #55
Statistically, America and the UK have the best.

Anyway, I'm sure the Poles are not losing sleep over this shield. Israel stands to lose against Iran but they have high-tech equipment which will predict any attacks.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Sep 2009   #56

Ever wondered why Poland is not included in the Visa Waiver Program of the US? Ever wondered why it is so hard for Poles nowadays to get a Visa at all in the US? I'll tell you why: because the majority of Poles that came to the US based on a Tourist Visa overstayed their granted period and just disappeared into (probably) the slums of Chicago. Don't you come and tell me that it's far from the norm, those "bad apples" in respect to immigration to the US.

I suspect Canada will regret the decision to grant PL a Visa Waiver Program as well: I can already see tsunami's of Poles flooding in. Just like they did in Ireland, the UK and Sweden. It's not for nothing that most countries are kinda weary to open up their borders for Poles. Floods nearly always follow.

M-G (and they keep complaining)
MarcinD  4 | 135
19 Sep 2009   #57
I hear that all the time and it's just Euro bullshi.t. Where are the world's best universities on average?

What does college have to do with this discussion, your regular American doesn't attend college. Let me put it this way, you don't graduate high school in Europe without the ability to read like you do in America. Your proof is right there.

You're not an American, just a parasite. You're probably at SD STate or something going to school on my dime, no doubt. WTF.. Congratulations.

This country would fall apart without immigrants, just look at how foreign students are dominating college institutions. America NEEDS educated immigrants to keep coming because the general public in America is un educated. The alarming part is the trend of European immigrants returning to their native countries (those that still even immigrant here in the first place) and leaving America, with nothing more than poorly educated Americans and South American/Asian immigrants.

If I were in Poland today I would study and find work in Western Europe, there is no longer a point in immigrating to America.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
19 Sep 2009   #58
I'll tell you why: because the majority of Poles that came to the US based on a Tourist Visa overstayed their granted period and just disappeared into (probably) the slums of Chicago.

We have a Polish American immigration expert who lives in Netherlands and himself is neither a Pole nor American but a Jew, Go figure WTF? Do they make decisions like that for you in the states as well?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Sep 2009   #59
I would study and find work in Western Europe

With the minor detail that in a lot of Western European countries certificates or diplomas from Polish instutions are not recognized. Ireland is the exception: they don't accept ANY diploma from outside. They don't even accept decades of experience as I have noticed.


It's common knowledge. Especially when you had a Polish girlfriend and tried to get a Visa for her so you could take her on your trip to the US. Just f*cking face it, Poles have abused the leniency other countries showed them way too much in the beginning and they now have to pick the sour grapes of this. I don't live in the Netherlands, btw. And I am not religious for that matter, so the Jew addition is irrelevant as I am Dutch by birth and I have relatives in the US. That makes your entire post irrelevant.

M-G (nearly off to bed)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
19 Sep 2009   #60
Poles have abused the leniency other countries showed them way too much in the beginning and they now have to pick the sour grapes of this.

What countries? In western Europe Poles were never even a fraction of illegals, US holds no statistics on actuall numbers of Poles overstaying so got any particular countries?

Mind boggles how you guys parrot what was born out of prejudice in the good 60-80s when "Polak" jokes were born.

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