Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
11 Jun 2023 #211
What do you have against
You could insert any european country name in this sentence.....the future global world won't care. The age of Europe nears its european country alone will stay powerful and independent anymore.
The future world will be ruled by blocs....we, the West, Europe with the US, will have to build a strong bloc to stay competetive....something no lone country can achieve on itself anylonger....these are the facts we have to face...thats not a political ideology or a wishful thinking or a try to recreate a Reich!
Every european country alone for itself will fall back and behind in the bin of history....without influence, power and hence without true indepence! *shrugs* I don't make these facts, nor do I build this future, German or not! Everybody with eyes can see this development....