Actually US lost both gulf wars. Iraq has become a iranian colony now.
No, the US won both war without turning sweat.
Iraq has become a iranian colony now
If the aftermath goes into the definition of what a win is, then the US lost WW2, as well, because, in return for our generosity and humanity, we got unfair econ competitors like Germany and Japan that enjoyed our open markets while happily slapping tariffs on the American products. Perhaps, next time, we should leave both countries resembling a parking lot with a pile of dead bodies from starvation. Will you then give us a win?
The fact that we allowed this bullsh*it is another matter and has nothing to do with the US abilities to win wars.
It hasn't won a war in how many decades? It can't even keep sand pits like Iraq or Afghanistan under control
Hey, genius, the US never declared war on Afghanistan and was never at war with Afghanistan. Duh! The US never won a war with Brazil, either, genius.
The US swamp turned the US army into nannies, cops, social workers, hospital and road construction crews with the orders not to shoot until shot dead. Why would they do it? Because the US swamp makes money that way and that is why this bullsh*it continues on. Nothing to do with US army.