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Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations?

Crow  154 | 9463
12 Feb 2020   #211
I concur. Brat Vesko explained.

I nicely telling here that Serbs needs to reset Poles.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Feb 2020   #212
@Vesko Vukovic

I must have misclicked or something, I was looking for the Polish Forum and found Stormfront instead...........
12 Feb 2020   #213
@Vesko Hitlerović @SS Gruppenfuhrer Diggler @Heinrich von Crow

Hitler and his minions murdered many more Slavs than Jews, and you are singing his praises?

I'm especially disappointed in you, Crow. You've just lost any moral right to call yourself a Slav.
Crow  154 | 9463
12 Feb 2020   #214
People, let us calm. Don`t be upset about every word of brat Vesko.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
12 Feb 2020   #215

Stalin murdered more slavs than Hitler. It appears the worst enemy ofa slav is a slav?
Crow  154 | 9463
12 Feb 2020   #216
@Heinrich von Crow

You know. You are right.

Let us be politically correct. After all, this is thread about Germany and Germans


Stalin murdered more slavs than Hitler.

Just Stalin wasn`t Slavic, Russian. His real name was Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili and he hated Slavs.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Feb 2020   #217
Milo and Torq, the shallowness of your response is such that you would be better off leaving what Vesko and Dirk wrote without a comment.

For the record, I agree with them. If only because they make sense and nobody opposed them with facts and logic.
Like, why is Mein Kampf banned anywhere? Because somebody's feelings may be hurt? Or because it says inconvenient things?
Crow  154 | 9463
12 Feb 2020   #218
Germany should be smaller. Not to speak of utter importance that Germany lose its foothold in Dalmatia, in Slavic warm sea waters in Adriatic. Serbia and Hungary would make sure of it and bringing balance. German control of Croatia is hot knife in the heart of Poland.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
12 Feb 2020   #219
@Rich Mazur
Mein Kampf is not banned in Germany.

You can even buy on Amazon.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
12 Feb 2020   #220
The key differences between Hitler and, say, Roosevelt, between a dictator sui generis vs. a (true) democrat whose achievements are still with us today,
show the chasmic, indeed, seismic, differences between the two nations, Germany and the US!

German history went down the "special path" (Sonderweg) of ostracism, xenophobia, authoritarianism and out-of-control demagoguery under Hitler, a complete rejection
of the Judeo-Christian tradition itself in favor of mass paganism, whereas the US under FDR sought to solve the severity of the Depression through compassion for those who needed it most, a sense or feeling of solidarity, one not based upon race-hatred but on inclusion, a desire to ameliorate through empathy, taking military steps ONLY when the most dire necessity rather than of pure brutal conquest and enslavement.

While the above is obviously a capsule summary, it hits the nail right on the head.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Feb 2020   #221
Mein Kampf is not banned in Germany.

Not now, but it was.
By contrast we had a copy in my school library in England over 40 years ago.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Feb 2020   #222
Not now, but it was.

And most likely only because that genie, the internet, is irreversibly out of the cage, not because the German rulers decided to loosen up the leash.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
12 Feb 2020   #223
Quite right.
The Munich publishing house which once put the book out, closed down, I believe and the copyright ran out, if I'm not mistaken.

While I think it's a good thing to make students of history aware of their painful past, without the necessary annotations, provisos and editing, as with Hitler's birth place in Braunau am Inn becoming a venue for Neo-Nazis, his autobiography could easily be misused in Germany to justify Right-Wing causes.

Trust you read in yesterday's paper that Kramp Karrenbauer's out and the Right has surged ahead, causing considerable concern among many people.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
12 Feb 2020   #224
It was never banned in Germany. Even our teacher did read from it. Its Sold in bookstores, flea markets ect
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Feb 2020   #225
It was never banned in Germany.

"After Hitler's death, copyright of Mein Kampf passed to the state government of Bavaria, which refused to allow any copying or printing of the book in Germany. In 2016, following the expiration of the copyright held by the Bavarian state government"

Most likely because many Germans treated this publication as a self-help book :-P
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
12 Feb 2020   #226

Well i guess its a better book than trash like quran, bible or all that crap.

We chose a jet that costs 50 million more per unit. The F-35 is cheap trash.

Your article is funny. A 16 year old girl made a school exchange holiday job. big deal.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Feb 2020   #227
We chose a jet that costs 50 million more per unit. The F-35 is cheap trash.

My suggestion for you is to take a deep breath and edit before posting. First, F-35 was too expensive. Now, it's cheap. So which one is it? You don't have to answer because that was a rhetorical question and a way for me to tell you that your anger is excessive and makes you say stupid things.

In support of that opinion, I did notice that your favorite word is "trash". Which is OK, since mine is "moron". So we are in the same poster category and nothing to be proud of.
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Feb 2020   #228
Well i guess its a better book than trash like quran, bible or all that crap.

So you haven't been Christened then?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
12 Feb 2020   #229

Im eastern German. We are atheist. I dont believe in god and such rubbish.

@Rich Mazur
Wrong, F-35 was offered to us for a price of 100 million per unit. The Eurofighter costs 150 million.

The thing is, that F-35 offers nothing worth 100 million. So in comparission to Eurofighter its cheap, but for the trash you get delivered...its expensive

Newest report ay Lockeed Martin even dropped down to 80 million per unit, so we buy it

The F-35 is cheaper in evry aspect to Eurofighter but doesnt offer what we want. Speed, acceleration.

Why should we spend 80 million on something that cant do what we want? If we can spend 150 million for something that can do what we want?
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Feb 2020   #230
Im eastern German. We are atheist. I dont believe in god and such rubbish.

I'm not asking whether you believe or not but simply have you been christened? And if yes, have you signed a formal act of apostasy from your church?
Vesko Vukovic  - | 179
12 Feb 2020   #231
Half a century ago, a trial was conducted in Nuremberg. In the political plan, fascism was tried, and in moral and ethical, anti-humanity and hatred of fellow man. This is how "objective" historians evaluate the Nuremberg process. It turns out that they condemned anti-humanity and hatred of fellow man. And who were the judges? Who were these humanists and man lovers? The first "humanist" was Communism, whose atrocities go beyond anything known to history. Over 40 million of the best representatives of the Russian people have been destroyed by communist "humanism" and "philanthropy." Communism slaughtered, by the way, all the Christian priests, whom Torq so loves.

The next judge was USA, which is ruled by satanic Jewry, that started World War II, dropped atomic bombs on Japan, fired napalm on Vietnam, used biological weapons against the Indians, which it completely destroyed. It turns out that, in the opinion of "objective" historians this was humanism and philanthropy. Official historians, however, call the Nuremberg Court a court, where hard-core Satanists and criminals sat as judges.

It should be noted that the Nuremberg Tribunal has completely closed all key information about the process, and this information is absolutely inaccessible to the public.

The main cause of the imprisonment and falsification of information about the Third Reich lies not in the ideology of Nazism, but in the plans of those powers who wanted to exploit both Hitler and his ideology in their goals. These forces were represented by the worldwide Levite mafia. They funded both Hitler and Stalin on the largest scale. There are many facts of this financial assistance. They knew Hitler's ideology very well and knew what he wanted. But to them, it was as much about that ideology as last year's snow. They planned World War II and planned that it would go according to their plan due to the difference in funding of opponents. And that in the war will die millions of people, including Jews, on that they spat on. The Jews «below» for them are the same material as other nations.
12 Feb 2020   #232
Your article is funny. A 16 year old girl made a school exchange holiday job. big deal.

Well, this is just our dear Veronika, but there are many more German guest workers in Poland. In 2010 in some parts of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, unemployment was around 20 percent. That is why more and more Germans were heading east, to Poland, in search of jobs. Despite the global recession, Polish economy was booming especially in the area around the city of Stettin. German skilled workers and tradesmen were in demand, and they came in droves. If I recall correctly 9000 of them moved here in 2012 alone. Here are stories of some of them...

... but of course ever since then we welcomed even more gastarbeiters from Deutschland with open arms.

I have nothing against it. Whether hard-working people come to Poland from Ukraine, Romania or Germany, I don't mind. I say, as long as they work hard, behave well, and make Poland stronger and richer, let them come.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
12 Feb 2020   #233

Of course im not christened. My parents are atheist, my grandparents are atheist as well. Nobody here gets christened.

We have Jugendweihe, which is a atheist version.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Feb 2020   #234
Why should we spend 80 million on something that cant do what we want?

What do you want and for what specific purpose? To fight Russia? If so, you don't need anything or you are likely to do something really stupid like a preemptive strike and die within the next 20 minutes. Please, disarm if this is your reason to buy the toys for grown-ups.

BTW, when was the last time a German soldier fired a gun to kill not in self-defense?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
12 Feb 2020   #235
@Rich Mazur

Russia is no threat for Germany.

We want a fighter jet as interceptor. Thats why we want it to reach Mach 1.9.

To defend german airspace.

When was last time a german soldier fired a gun not in self defense?

Ever heared about KSK? The German special unit that does operations evrywhere?

They have quite a good renomee. In Afghanistan they usually get out hostages. They are known to be quite trigger happy.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
12 Feb 2020   #236

"We don't believe in G-d and such rubbish......" ...which is precisely the problem with post-Reformation Germany!
This is what lead to the rise of Hitler and his infatuation with paganism.

If you don't believe in such rubbish, I contend you don't believe in a moral structure then. You can't have things both ways by saying you believe in some abstract concept of "freedom", yet at the same time don't believe in a Higher Power.

G-d is the measure of all things, and who measures otherwise, measures falsely.

Finally, if you actually read Hitler's autobiography which I have (and in the original too, although Rolf Mannheim did an unusually good translation which I read through much later), you'd recall that Hitler rejected Christianity as having a "Jewish conscience", rejecting of course the entire concept of conscience in the first place:-)
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Feb 2020   #237
You can't have things both ways by saying you believe in some abstract concept of "freedom", yet at the same time don't believe in a Higher Power.

What BS. Why should it exclude each other? I don't need a Boogie Man to not be an as**ole
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
12 Feb 2020   #238

All religious people i know are most rotten and currupted.

Catholic church is a mafia full of pedophiles, evangelivals as well. You dont need to follow a bizarre cult to have morals.
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Feb 2020   #239

Since you're a proud pagan then why do you find such a pride in German history and civilization which was founded and based on Christianity?

It was Hitler who found Christianity to be a "burden" and wanted to promote neopaganism as a new official 'pangermanic' religion. You've criticized him for hating German traditions.

Is this that famous "German soul" full of contradictions or a simple lack of logic?

And mind this that I only discuss those matters since I've found some sense in some of your opinions. I wouldn't waste my time on some dumb neo-nazi.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
12 Feb 2020   #240
Whilst I agree that organized, aka DISorganized, religion has little to do with spirituality, if Man relies solely upon himself, thinking that he has the freedom to do whatever he wants with impunity with no repercussions in the afterlife, has essentially license to commit whatever savagery he wishes and go unpunished.

The law is corruptible too, you know.

Your comment escapes me, I'm sorry.

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