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New "Polish memorial" in Berlin

Novichok  4 | 8410
19 Feb 2021   #301
Katyn was a meaningless crime.

Frankly, I don't think you used the word "meaningless" in any hateful or pejorative way.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
19 Feb 2021   #302
Yep, clear language interference, that's for sure. How does the English word "meaningless" describe Katyn?? A literal translation from the Romanian, perhaps?
Crow  154 | 9525
19 Feb 2021   #303
Rome was brute violence. Very animalistic, that was defeated. There is Italy, not Rome,

No, brate don`t be naive. Vatican is Rome. Size does not matter. Its Rome and still have same instincts and necessity to spread. One soul, one coin. Who refuse, elimination. And Italians? You sow that video about Iliryan (Serbian/Shtokavian area) rebellion and you can read on that. Do you know how many slaves (Sarmatian ie Slavic slaves) was took to the Italy of that time? There is no Italians. Actually, never was. Western Europeans? Its all us. Us but changed by brain manipulation of Rome. Its that world of matrix presented to us that we think there are Italians and western Europeans. There are only our brethren that later got Semitic add on (in Italy). Only those in northern Italy preserved original genetics.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Feb 2021   #304
I understood it, as performing it was meaningless (Novichok pointed out from a very cynical point of view that it wasn't)

While I think it was not only foolish, but downright shooting yourself in the foot. Otherwise the Soviet Union would have over 20k military officers/personnel in fighting the Germans during 1941-1945. But would also have chance of having a somewhat more docile Polish population and giving the opposition a hard time countering Polish officers serving beside red army units. (Actual Polish officers, who were also pre-war government connected)

But having them executed at Katyń, gave no hope for any Pole to have any good opinion or relationship with the Kremlin. It also got worse after the Warsaw uprising despite the people's army attempt at helping it (Berlingowcy) cause the red army did not contribute, even when it was within their means to do so. (No arty support or landing rights at airports for American/British airplanes)

The relations soured so much, that even today suspicions are high among basically all political parties towards Kremlin. It's basically, if one wants a n sovereign independent Poland. One can't and shouldn't contact the Kremlin cause it would be senseless

Spreading love is quite different, from spreading political influence. Also the political influence your pointing towards. Very much ended after the religious wars in Germany. The Vatican had some influence within Austria-Hungary (on the Austrian emperor, no doubt)

But saying that the Vatican had political leverage after 1918 is rather ignorant
Lyzko  44 | 9711
19 Feb 2021   #305
Maybe, Mr. Grunvald. A more fitting expression might have been "an act of WANTON violence.."
Novichok  4 | 8410
19 Feb 2021   #306
How does the English word "meaningless"

The same as senseless, ill-conceived, or pointless. We use these terms to criticize the perpetrator, not to make light of the deed or the victim.

English is not his primary language, so before we get hung up on professorial level semantics, looking for the intent is a good beginning.
You flunked the intent test recently.

But having them executed at Katyń, gave no hope for any Pole to have any good opinion or relationship with the Kremli

Couldn't say it any better. That crime was the stupidest thing ever in terms of cost vs benefit, if not morality.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #307
"cause the red army did not contribute"

and hy th hell would it? would you help your enemies or people who vow to destroy you and communism?
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
19 Feb 2021   #308
So, you support Russian communism.....?
Says it all really.....
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #309
no but the red army did so why would thy help their enemies? you're really dumb if you think their action or inaction were not predictable and should blame your buddies in london and not them. everyone knew what would happen especially london. you really expected red army to help the people sworn to destroy them and communism?

and to answer your question i am neither a capitalist nor a communist more of an anarchist.
Novichok  4 | 8410
19 Feb 2021   #310
you really expected red army to help the people sworn to destroy them and communism?

Good shot and so applicable to the Warsaw Uprising. If I were in charge of the Soviet army, I would wait, too.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #311
yea let your enemies sort it out than clean up afterwards. plus logistically they weren't even ready and London just did that as a slap to their face as already an early cold war tactic. just like NATO is doing encroaching on their borders today.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
20 Feb 2021   #312

no but the red army did so why would thy help their enemies?

To make peace with them? To have any chance of governing the place? Only with the intent of wiping the locals 100% like the Nazi-Germans planned on doing in former Prussian controlled areas with Poles if they had won that it would work. And that is if the world would accept it as a new international norm or not.

By basically removing the Soviets only chance for a credible translator between the Polish society and the Soviet leadership (thinking that default-general rules apply to Polish society, relativism -.-)

They shot themselves in the foot. Outside forces tend to think that those governing Poland are there to protect Polish society from outside influence. I tell you... it's Polish elites job to keep em happy and satisfied. As to save the world from them :)

Until you understand that, you will allways misunderstand Poles
mafketis  38 | 11127
20 Feb 2021   #313
nato is doing enroaching on their borders today.

Good, it's a aggressive militarily expansionist empire - hem them in and don't let them feel like a normal country - cause they're not.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
27 Feb 2021   #314
The only parts of eastern europe that can be described as a failed region are Russia and Bellorussia

I'm glad that Ukraine and Moldova started to do an economic successes.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Feb 2021   #315
" To make peace with them? To have any chance of governing the place?"

By basically removing the Soviets only chance for a credible translator between the Polish society and the Soviet leadership (thinking that default-general rules apply to Polish society, relativism -.-)

They shot themselves in the foot. Outside forces tend to think that those governing Poland are there to protect Polish society from outside influence. I tell you... it's Polish elites job to keep em happy and satisfied. As to save the world from them :)

Until you understand that, you will always misunderstand Poles"

the thing is you are naive my friend. By making peace with them they would be making peace with Churchill and London who were the real culprits and criminals behind the massacre. They were calling the shots and it was an attempt for them to reverse the Yalta agreement with Polish blood all directed by London. Plus like ai said their logistics were not ready and the Polish AK or London didn't ask the soviets for coordination ahead of time.

they could have came in and helped AK but with the fact Stalin imprisoned AK members why would anyone expect him to. You guys should really blame London not Russia for this one.

" Good, it's a aggressive militarily expansionist empire - hem them in and don't let them feel like a normal country - cause they're not."

how is USA with its extreme capitalism with its slave colonies in Latin America with the way it treats its own citizens or people with three strikes law and the largest penal colony in the world a normal society? or its sex offender laws destroying entire families for a single mistake often consensus or not even a crime in another state or country a normal society? its super huge bum or homeless population or the have nots vs the haves? what is a normal society to you? look up or google the caracel system to see what sort of society America is. look up the death penalty there. believe me compared to western Europe or even a place like germany your lovers homeland America is no normal society by any means and we are not even talking about Georgia, Texas, nebraska those places.
pawian  226 | 27364
21 Jan 2023   #316
Mark my words: PiS will never officially demand war reparations from Germany. They know better than that.

It turned out they didn`t know better than that. :):):)

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