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Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations

Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Feb 2022   #121
sided with Belarus against Poland during the migrant crisis

Poland should be grateful to Belarus for creating the opportunity to show the pussified trembling girlie-men like pawian that it is possible to resist the invasion. I only wish the hordes were more aggressive to force Poles to open fire.
Crow  154 | 9463
2 Feb 2022   #122
I only wish the hordes were more aggressive to force Poles to open fire.

No, I expected good drinking when meetings on border occur. They for sure aren`t crazy to shoot at each others.

So Crow who are you supporting? Russia or Ukrainie?

Poland, of course. Its essential for the Great Serbia from Baltic to Balkan. More Poland have, more we all have when Poland changes format.

Vlad1234  16 | 883
2 Feb 2022   #123
What do you think about Russian movie "Taras Bulba 2009"? I think it was great. Gogol was a geniuos writer and main actor Bogdan Stupka was a genious actor. Unfortunately there is no high-resolution version of this movie either in English or Polish in youtube. But it is must to see for everyone who is interest in Polish-Ukrainian history and Russian classical literature. I wonder, why no one still translated this masterpiece either in English or Polish?!

Version in Russian:

Version in Russian (low resolution) with English subtitles:
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Feb 2022   #124
They for sure aren`t crazy to shoot at each others.

Crow, pay attention to what you read. Where the hell did I suggest Poles shooting Belarussians?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
3 Feb 2022   #125
I have yet to meet a Pole who hates anyone based on Orthodoxy. I hear a lot about English negative vibes towards catholics, I heard Irish vibes about protestants. I heard bad vibes about muslims from Poles. Yet to hear bad vibes about Orthodox. Only I have heard about Orthodox is criticism of them, and that's with regard to politics and placing a emperor or king above their church, and leaving matters of the church in their hands which sounds ridiculous to me. Since Jesus Christ have told us, why have other lords when God is the lord of lords. Or something similar in this manner. (This is not a direct citation, just writing what I remember)

Largest conflict Poland has had with Orthodox Church (more strictly conflict with Russian state power who decided that) was forced transformation of churches from catholic to Orthodox during Russian partition. Later it was tried to amend that by transforming them back that provoked anger and worse relationship with Ukrainians (maybe Belarusians too?)

Seeing that one of Christianities greatest triumphs was defeating the pagan Roman Empire (which massacred Christian's in circuses through crucifixion and letting animals eat them alive). So seeing the Orthodox Church trying to put an emperor or king as head of their state questions their legality wether they truly belong to the kingdom of heaven to be honest. Correct me if I am wrong
Vlad1234  16 | 883
3 Feb 2022   #126
I have yet to meet a Pole who hates anyone based on Orthodoxy.

I didn't claim they do.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
3 Feb 2022   #127
"I don't know if Poles still hate Orthodox Christians as much as in the past."

What did you mean by that then? Please explain
Vlad1234  16 | 883
3 Feb 2022   #128
So seeing the Orthodox Church trying to put an emperor or king as head of their state

Honestly I don't know. I'm not an expert on Orthodox church political position. It is the first time I hear something like this. I think that majority of modern Orthodox parishioners either. In difference from Roman Catholic the Orthodox church is not united under one head. Almost each country has its own independent Church. In Ukraine there is a Church with the head in Moscow and a separate Church with the head in Kiev. But under current tendencies Islam, probably will become a central religion everywhere in Europe. Will it put an end to religious conflicts between Christians?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
3 Feb 2022   #129
Sounds weird, cause the schism that divided Orthodox and Catholic was with regard to appointment of Bishops. (That it was bishop of Rome a.k.a Pope that had the right to administrate it as a prime minister of the kingdom of heaven of earth, vs Byzantine Emperor appointing bishops within Byzantine empire. Here the perspective of earthly vs divine got in to conflict. Preferring earthly solutions and basically having a king/emperor who isn't Jesus Christ decide such things. Doesn't sound very Christian when you think about it.

I am no expert on orthodox theology so, I am open to hear if I misunderstand something or not
Vlad1234  16 | 883
3 Feb 2022   #130
Byzantine Emperor appointing bishops

Do you think in Russia bishops are appointed by Putn?! Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches have several important differences including theological views. For example in Roman Catholic virgin Mary is vorshiped as an Absolute Saint, while in Orthodox she is not. Roman Cathotholic believe that every Pope of Rome is an Absolute Saint by difinition etc.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
3 Feb 2022   #131
Do you think in Russia bishops are appointed by Putn?!

I don't know, hopefully not. At least formally
Vlad1234  16 | 883
3 Feb 2022   #132
I think that Eastern European countries could hardly become Roman Catholic neither in Middle Ages or later time. I can hardly imagine a priest in every distant Russian or Ukrainian village who speaks Latin. And what Roman Catolic liturgy is it, if it isn't held in Latin?! Also, Russian Empire and USSR would harly tolerate it for political reasons. To have the head of the national Church who resides in a hostile WESTERN Vatican?! Currently even Moscow and Keiv headed Churches cannot easily tolerate each other in Ukraine for political reasons.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
3 Feb 2022   #133
To me it sounds like refusal to change tires on a car, cause they aren't pink.

Are you for real? Hostile Vatican?
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Feb 2022   #134
Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations

Future? Part of what is now Ukraine becoming Poland.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 Feb 2022   #135
What do you think about Russian movie "Taras Bulba 2009"?

Russian crap, the next should be movie about Pinki and the Brain:

Putin and Russia
Vlad1234  16 | 883
3 Feb 2022   #136
Russian crap

Don't you like Gogol novel? What's wrong with the movie?
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Feb 2022   #137
Gogol novel? the movie?

Nice manipulation. :):)
The director altered Gogol`s original idea and presented Poles as monsters, much to the delight of the current Russian leaders. Simply speaking, the film was made by a Russian nationalist to brown- nose the Kremlin. :):):)
Vlad1234  16 | 883
3 Feb 2022   #138
The director altered Gogol`s original idea and presented Poles as monsters

Which exacly scenes were not in Gogol's novel? The only I can remember, when Poles mortally wounded wife of Taras Bulba and plundered his village (chutor). Do you think there were not such Polish raids in history? Remember attack on Bogdan Khmelnitski's chutor Subotiv.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
3 Feb 2022   #139
Still, I think both novel and movie are impressive. History could be harsh, but we need to know it, to avoid repiting an old mistakes.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Feb 2022   #140
If any raids were performed it was by Lisowczycy units, but just like with the 1612? Movie I wouldn't be surprised if winged hussars were shown off as bandits.

It's a smear campaign, nothing more
Vlad1234  16 | 883
4 Feb 2022   #141
I wouldn't be surprised if winged hussars were shown off as bandits

You take it too personally...
Novichok  4 | 8748
4 Feb 2022   #142
Poor Vlad...You thought you can have a rational conversation with them...
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Feb 2022   #143
With good reason, later I hear stupid comments from ignorants daily in my life. It creates frustration. If I am to reduce frustrations in my life. I act, wouldn't you?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
4 Feb 2022   #144
Are you for real? Hostile Vatican?

I think majority of modern countries cannot allow to have the Churches which go beyond their national borders. Try to imagine, for example, that Russia is a Roman Catholic country and Pope of Rome in order to please Western leaders would came down on Putin with harsh critisizm publically. And would order to disgace him during liturgy every Roman Catholic priest in Russia. Obviously, Russian leaders would want to prevent even such a possibility. Ukraine decided to break out of Russian Church administratively after it gained independence and political disagreements with Russia started to increase.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Feb 2022   #145
Newsflash, most western leaders are anti-vatican

A lot has happened past centuries, not to mention French Revolution who had a guy crowning himself (top peak of egoism, and part of being a Christian is to fight one's own ego)
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Feb 2022   #146
most western leaders are anti-vatican

I don't think they're 'anti-Vatican'. I think they're just not remotely interested in the Vatican. After all the majority of European countries are not Roman Catholic and society is increasingly secular anyway.

would order to disgace him during liturgy every Roman Catholic priest in Russia

The Pope doesn't order priests in that manner.

I heard Irish vibes about protestants.

Don't know where you heard them. You must be talking about the state of Northern Ireland. And that's nothing to do with their religious beliefs. It's political.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Feb 2022   #147
The only I can remember, when Poles mortally wounded wife of Taras Bulba and plundered his village

What Poles you are talking about? Those in Ukrainie were local elite, more local than some cossacks. They were Polish in the same way Scots are British.

Russia bishops

Are KGB!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Feb 2022   #148
Guys this is big... real big... Ukrainian civilians are now even trianing with wooden guns:
Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Feb 2022   #149
What Poles you are talking about?


Ukrainian civilians are now even trianing with wooden guns

Let God them never use the real onces!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Feb 2022   #150

That was a rhetorical question. He was local as well as Chmielnicki.

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