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Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw

Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 Aug 2015   #1
Rzepa has reported the the controversial "rainbow", an eyesore symbolising degeneracy and perversion to many, will finally disappear from Saviour Square at the end of August. On numerous occasions it was set ablaze by opponents of the garish installation, but with a determination worthy of a better cause Warsaw mayor Gronkowiec-Waltz indicated she would sprare no amount of taxpayer's money to keep refurbishing the monstrosity over and over again.

"The city had installed a monitoring camera in Saviour Square as well as a sprinkling system which would kick in in case of fire. The installation was watched over by the municpal guard and the police kept their eye on it as well," Rzeczpospolita said:
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Aug 2015   #2
Shame. It was a nice touch in the city, and I thought it was a very pretty rainbow when I stumbled across it a while ago.

Yet more short sighted decision making - the rainbow provided a focal point to the square, and if people get upset with biblical imagery, well, it's their problem ;) Strange that people would get so upset over a rainbow though - but I guess if someone thinks about gay sex constantly, then...
6 Aug 2015   #3
The installation was watched over by the municpal guard and the police kept their eye on it as well," Rzeczpospolita said:

I seem to remember reading hilarious reports in a somewhat less reliable publication about the Rainbow being protected round the clock by riot police and attack dogs. Does anybody happen to have a link to that article?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 Aug 2015   #4
attack dogs

Not being a police terminology specialist, I used attack dog for police dog. Although police dogs do attack on command. And the latest report says the ugly eyesore was monitored by camera and watched over by municipal guards and police. One wonders wonder how much taypayer moeny was wasted on something that shouldn't have even been there int he first place. You always like to latch on to some minor point (attack dogs, Sunday church etc.) to derail any discussion. That's very cheesy and petty but 100% Harryesque!

if people get upset with biblical imagery

You too are becoming Harryesque - throw a red herring in to derail the discussion. The nationalists were not protesting against Biblical imagery as you well know but against what tehy saw as a symbol of perversion and degeneration. And many Warsovians who had no interest in any ideological implicaitons simply saw it as a dingy, slip-shod monstrosity - plastic particles covereing a steel arch - totally out of character in relation to an architecturally interesting corner of the city, the only such square that miraculously escaped wartime destruction.

They should set it up in front of Gronkowiec's town hall if she likes it so much. Except local residents wouldn't stand for it any more than those living in and around Saviour Square.
InPolska  9 | 1796
7 Aug 2015   #5
I've read that the Rainbow shall be taken down and elsewhere (don't know where) on Aug. 22-23.
7 Aug 2015   #6
Rainbow was taken down some years ago in the UK, Zippy and Bungle were most upset.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Aug 2015   #7
The nationalists were not protesting against Biblical imagery as you well know but against what tehy saw as a symbol of perversion and degeneration.

Poor them if they immediately associated a biblical symbol with perversion and degeneration. While I agree that there's plenty of both in the Bible, it seems a bit strange to confuse a symbol of hope with such things.

Did you know The Bible begins with a rainbow and ends with a rainbow:
· In the Book of Genesis it says: The Rainbow of God's Promise shines across the world.
· In the Book of Revelation it says: The Emerald Rainbow shines around the Throne of God in heaven.

Worth a read, and worth taking into account.

Except local residents wouldn't stand for it any more than those living in and around Saviour Square.

Don't you think that the idea of salvation fits perfectly with the idea of the rainbow?

As for local residents, most of them weren't there before 1945 anyway, so who cares about their feelings?
InPolska  9 | 1796
7 Aug 2015   #8
Personally, I think that instead of a plastic rainbow, homosexuals in Poland would rather need the same rights as the others (for instance, marriage, adoption...) and not been stigmatized.

I don't believe the city of Warsaw has money to buy plastic rainbows or plastic palm trees, like the one standing for years at Rondo Charles de Gaulle in Warsaw (everybody knows that in Warsaw there are no palm trees so why such BS?) When there is so much poverty, city hall should have other priorities.
Marsupial  - | 871
7 Aug 2015   #9
'Degenerate rainbow', now there is a term which makes me laugh. Every time I see a rainbow now I will laugh. You buggas have ruined rainbows for ever for me.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 Aug 2015   #10
confuse a symbol of hope

In an ancient culture the swastika symbolised the sun, but mostt people associate it with something else. Similary, the homos hijacked the biblical rainbow and made it a symbol of their pathological lifestyle. The irony of it all is that the Bible clearly condemns those perverted practices as an abomination.
InPolska  9 | 1796
7 Aug 2015   #11
In my neighborhood (in Warsaw), there is even a (private) day care center called "Rainbow something' (in Polish) with a big rainbow in their logo. I suppose this day care center has nothing to do with homosexuals.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Aug 2015   #12
FGS P., give it a rest.
Obsessed much?
It is a symbol of hope - hope that twisted perverts will just leave gays alone.
8 Aug 2015   #13
the controversial "rainbow", an eyesore symbolising degeneracy and perversion to many, will finally disappear from Saviour Square...

Look at a rainbow. While it lasts, it is, or appears to be, a great arc of many colours occupying a position out there in space; a line drawn from the sun behind you and passing through your head would pierce the centre of the circle of which it is part. And now, before it fades, recollect all you have ever been told about rainbow and its causes, and ask yourself the question "Is it really" there?
Marsupial  - | 871
9 Aug 2015   #14
No it's not really there. It's just light split into it's various wavelengths. Humans and some other animals have developed to see colour to represent these wavelengths, plenty of animals have not. The colour black just means there is no light being reflected and white all light being reflected with various degrees of this for colours in between. Sound is just a vibration through the air or other particles which terrestrial ears have adopted to interpret as sound. Without terrestial ears there to interpret it there is only the wave. But....the big plastic rainbow is definately there it is a solid object made of atoms not a sub particle such as light which is Not made of atoms. So polonius be happy man, the rainbow is some type of polymer fake.
10 Aug 2015   #15
... the big plastic rainbow is definately there it is a solid object made of atoms not a sub particle such as light which is Not made of atoms.

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth - plastic rainbow for plastic people is more real than real.

"Now look at a plastic. It is very different from a rainbow. If you approach it, it will still be `there.' Moreover, in this case, you can do more than look at it. You can touch it. Your senses combine to assure you that it is composed of what is called solid matter. Accord to the plastic the same treatment that you accorded to the rainbow. Recollect all you have been told about matter and its ultimate structure and ask yourself if the plastic is `really there.' I am far from affirming dogmatically that the atoms, electrons, nuclei, etc. [...]"

cropped +100 words
10 Aug 2015   #16
the only such square that miraculously escaped wartime destruction.

Have you ever been to pl. Zbawiciela in Warsaw? (Note to mods: that's the 'Saviour Square' mentioned in the title of this thread, making the question very much on topic.) You very much appear not to have ever been there. Only one building on the entire 'square' is in its pre-1939 form, and that one was reconstructed in the 1950s. Of the rest, two are reconstructed buildings based on the pre-1939 structures, one is an office block from 2005 (the top two floors being all glass & steel is a bit of a give-away) that recycles architectural elements of an older building. The remaining four buildings are pure socialist-realist, build as part of the MDM development and not even vaguely related to the pre-war buildings that were there.

No wonder you are having such problems with seeing what happens in Warsaw if you never bother going to have a look!

Although police dogs do attack on command.

Actually, they don't. Police dogs (in Poland) are trained to detain, not to attack. Training them to do otherwise would break Polish and European law. I know that in your country county have armoured tactical assault weapons, but here in Europe we do things differently. There are not now and there never have been any attack dogs guarding the rainbow in pl. Zbawiciela. There have never been any dogs guarding the rainbow in pl Zbawiciela round the clock. Just as it has never been guarded round the clock by riot police, despite your laughable claim that it is guarded round the clock by riot police with attack dogs.

They should set it up in front of Gronkowiec's town hall if she likes it so much. Except local residents wouldn't stand for it any more than those living in and around Saviour Square.

I happen to live just round the corner from the town hall and would most certainly welcome the rainbow; it would certainly brighten up pl Bankowy. I can't imagine that anybody I know who lives near there would object to it being there, I certainly saw enough locals at the last Warsaw pride parade.

But then I have never met anybody who objected to it being in pl. Zbawiciela. The most of the people who objected to it have no idea what a rainbow signifies, have never been to pl Zbawiciela and use the whole thing to tell pointless lies.
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Aug 2015   #17
Exactly. And these haters forget (or most likely never knew) that the art installation in question (a huge success by the way) is there temporarily and will be moved elsewhere in the city centre, probably next to a park. This has always been the plan.

And no "attack dogs" or "round the clock riot police" as certain extremist American 'journalists' have suggested.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Aug 2015   #18

Maybe it's the pervert extremists who worship at the plastic rainbow -- their Golden Calf?
10 Aug 2015   #19
Have you seen any of those at pl. Zbawiciela?
I really wouldn't be surprised to read you say that you have, given the way that you so often write about a pl. Zbawiciela which doesn't exist. We've heard about the imaginary round-the-clock guard by riot police armed with attack dogs that are illegal in Poland. And we've laughed at the claim that a place which is in reality dominated by social realist architecture "miraculously escaped wartime destruction". Whatever next will we read in the way of fantasies about pl. Zbawiciela? Will you next tell us that Lord Lucan works behind the bar in Charlotte cafe there and that Bigfoot is one of the doormen at Plan B?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Aug 2015   #20
Have you seen any of those at pl. Zbawiciela?

I've seen a vast amount of annoying hipsters in one cafe there, does it count?

Didn't see any perverts, though. Disappointing.
10 Aug 2015   #21
That is very unlikely, given that nothing of that name exists in Warsaw, although it not existing does explain why you're writing about it.

And even if a thing by that name did exist, it's hard to imagine from which woodwork those perverts would crawl out of, given that all of the buildings on pl. Zbawiciela are stone (apart from the one from 2005, which is mainly steel and glass, with accents of non-structural stone; so easy to mistake those for pre-war buildings, isn't it).
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Aug 2015   #22
pervert extremists...worship at the rainbow

No, deary, they worship at the ghastly Dmowski's statue on 11 November and rip up paving stones.

No matter how much you're insecure about that particular art installation, it's been a great success and will soon be moved to another spot in Warsaw.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Aug 2015   #23
another spot in Warsaw

Hopefully the city dump! And all the pervs can dance round it on parade day!
InPolska  9 | 1796
10 Aug 2015   #24
Why in the world do some keep telling lies? There are no police, no dogs to "protect" the Rainbow and there never were any. I lived several years within walking distance from area and I never saw anything of the kind. I now often travel through area and still no police, no dogs...

It is disguting to make up stories. People who live in Warsaw can say it is no true.

Instead of talking BS, do travel around the world, do come to Warsaw and check for yourself!
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Aug 2015   #25
How rude you are Pol3. An absolute philistine when it comes to art.

Remind me, what was the name of that failed PolAm journalist who wrote an article (presumably for money) pretending that the Rainbow installation was guarded by "attack dogs" and "armed riot police"?

I think we should be told.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Aug 2015   #26
come to Warsaw

On 5th August 2015 Rzeczpospolita wrote: "The rainbow was set ablaze numerous times but always the town fathers spent a lot of money to restore it. Although it was obviosuly not accepted by Warsaw townsfolk, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz said the rainbow must remain. It is therefore all the more gladdening that it will disappear from Saviour Square. Hopefully for good."

Rzeczpospolita also reported that a sprinkling system and monitoring cameras had been installed at the site which was watched over by the municipal guard and looked in on by the police.
InPolska  9 | 1796
10 Aug 2015   #27
@Pol: YES, the rainbown was burnt down several times (by whom, according to you? ;)) and was restored in May 2014 and since then nothing has happened to it (no police guys or dos though;)). Bear with it: I'll be taken down on Aug. 22-23 ;)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Aug 2015   #28
For a glimpse of one of the non-attacking policedogs guarding the ill-conceived rainbow check out:

In the States that unit is called K-9 (as in canine). I've been told on PF that European police dogs are apparently to stupid to attack anyone on command, so they are pretty much useless.
InPolska  9 | 1796
10 Aug 2015   #29
@Pol: what I'm saying is that in EU we don't see dogs like those attackings blacks in some redneck US areas or Palestinians by Israeli Police. In riots, in some places, mostly in NorthWestern Europe, we see sometimes the police on horses (I've seen some 2 or 3 times in Warsaw when riots from hooligans)
11 Aug 2015   #30
There are no police, no dogs to "protect" the Rainbow

I also live in Warsaw and quite often pass through pl. Zbawiciela. I have also never seen riot police there. Even when there were riot police all over Warsaw (during the parade of neo-fascists on 11 November), there were no riot police in pl. Zbawiciela. And of course one will never see attack dogs being used by any government agency anywhere in Poland; that will be entirely illegal under Polish and EU law.

But I suppose that some people are either incapable of seeing what is in pl. Zbawiciela or are incapable of honestly reporting what is there, for example the way that somebody claims that pl. Zbawiciela "miraculously escaped wartime destruction" when the reality is that not a building there now was finished before 1953 and it's dominated by socialist realist architecture.

I've been told on PF that European police dogs are apparently to stupid to attack anyone on command, so they are pretty much useless.

It's actually quite a lot harder to train a dog to detain somebody that to train it to attack somebody. Here in Europe we think it's worth the trouble, I know that in your country things are very different, perhaps you should go home, given that you don't like being a guest in our country.

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