The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Piorun  - | 655
6 Jul 2010   #211
What’s sad is that some Jewish Troll pretends to be a Hindu in order to spread rumors about Poland and its people.
f stop  24 | 2493
6 Jul 2010   #212
Some low lives ruin the reputation of a whole nation.

oh, for jah's sake, aren't you exagerating a little? And if you're so worried about his "influence", stop giving it more attention. There are many other OBSERVATIONS ABOUT POLAND here you can comment on, or come up with your own.

Seanus, I really don't believe we (I mean Poles, Germans.. Eskimos) are all that different. Everyone wants to be healthy, have their kids happy and put a freak-on at night. (JK!)

If you put a Pole, a German an Australian, whoever, in the same dire straights, it's not where they're from, but how high they set their ethics bar at, that will differentiate them.

I think Polish people are amazingly adaptable, even holding on to old ways, in the place you're never going to leave, is an adaptation of sorts. But put a Pole on a deserted island, and he'll be Crusoe in no time.
southern  73 | 7059
6 Jul 2010   #213
But put a Pole on a deserted island, and he'll be Crusoe in no time.

He will reinvent the vodka.
f stop  24 | 2493
6 Jul 2010   #214
True! I'm sure he would be fermenting something in no time at all! Wouldn't anyone?
OP Sun and Moon  2 | 28
6 Jul 2010   #215
What’s sad is that some Jewish Troll pretends to be a Hindu in order to spread rumors about Poland and its people.

same old excuse and that rusted defence mechanism.

True! I'm sure he would be fermenting something in no time at all! Wouldn't anyone?

very true and real observation

He will reinvent the vodka.

I think some thing else also.
Cud nad Wisla  - | 6
7 Jul 2010   #216
I have been to Poland many times. One observation about Poland I noticed was that when you wish to pay for something in a shop and you don't have the exact change, the shopkeeper gets really annoyed if for example you give a 50 PLN note for something that is 18 PLN! Apart from that I find customer service similar to that of here in Ireland!
f stop  24 | 2493
7 Jul 2010   #217
That's one of the major reasons I'm afraid to bring my friends to Poland. They've been begging me for years! One rude encounter with a saleslady or waitress and their day will be spoiled. I know... thin skinned! ;)

I'll always remember from Poland this certain tone in my mother's voice when she was talking to someone she needed to get something, or get something done, like she had to supplicate herself, put herself down. Even the words she used, the dimuniatives... I hated it. Last time she visited Poland she had to buy socks, and saleslady gave her some attitude, like "who do you think you are", and it all came back to her and she swore she'll never go back again. Ever. She seems to send more money to Poland than she's got to live on, but she'll keep her word.
Piorun  - | 655
7 Jul 2010   #218
same old excuse and that rusted defence mechanism.

At least you’re honest and don’t deny your Jewish roots proving my point in the process that it’s just another Jew with a huge chip on his shoulder. What’s rusted here is your ability to spread your massage of hate. Reinforcement of some old German stereotype about Poles and projecting it on all Poles as if that was true simply won’t do, you have to be more original than that. Speaking of: I have one for you “quick everyone - hide your kids! Jews are on this forum”.
f stop  24 | 2493
7 Jul 2010   #219
“quick everyone - hide your kids! Jews are on this forum”.

I thought it was gypsies that steal your kids, not jews
convex  20 | 3928
7 Jul 2010   #220
gypos steal your belongings, jews steal your kids...

jesus, how long have you be over in the states? forgot the basics already?
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
7 Jul 2010   #221

When did I pretend to be Hindu?

Poland and its people.

There are many others doing that and they are not me. I am just here messing with your brains.
Piorun  - | 655
7 Jul 2010   #222
When did I pretend to be Hindu?

You have Dyslexia or something of that nature? Perhaps rereading my comment would help. Somehow S&M had no problem, get my drift? You on the other hand are just a cheering section who pretended to be Colombian, now everyone knows you’re a German Jew unless you have a second account on this forum now that the truth is out? Could it be?
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
7 Jul 2010   #223
Hah, replies like these keep me coming back to this forum. My ethnicity changes about every week.
Piorun  - | 655
7 Jul 2010   #224
My ethnicity changes about every week.

Having problem keeping track of all those accounts? Don’t worry, you’ll find it easier with time, practice makes perfect you know.


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nott  3 | 592
7 Jul 2010   #226
I've been away for a while, as you may have noticed...

Talmudic hocus-pocus? This is exactly my point. They are discussing the core essence of theology and also of Scripture and you can't see it.

I can see it, I just don't give a damn, actually. So much, that I don't even care if this is a basic problem or not. I could have a go at it, I used to do such things, but it's mainly a scholastic exercise for me.

My point is, that you don't find God by splitting the hair over some old eclectic text re-translated over several languages. That discussion on TV was, for me, a typical fundie exercise on faith, hard to imagine in Europe. You think the first Christians, those dining with lions, cared that much about theology? Yes, I know they started to bicker early on, but for me The Sermon on the Hill is probably all that most Christians need to know.

To call yourself sth is to strongly imply that you understand what that thing is.

No, it's just to state that you identify with it. More or less strongly. Today I was asked by a Hindu, if I am a Catholic. Well, why not, I am. I am not going to explain him the depths and shallows of Faith, as much as I can see of them, only because he needed to put a label on me.

My point is that many don't. It's just conditioning-based nonsense. How can 95% of people miraculously come to the same conclusion based on a wide mass of evidence being available? Probability would show otherwise! It's just a part of the broader sticker culture which religion hasn't escaped :( :(

But what's the problem, actually? Most of our beliefs are conditioning-based. I've never met a person doubting everything that was given them to believe since early childhood. Like that the force of gravity is inversely proportional to distance squared. God manifests in Three Persons? Fine. Induction versus whatever it was? Whatever.

Beware of applying reason to faith. You'll abuse both.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jul 2010   #227
I agree, you find God in different ways and not through a text. Still, theology holds meaning for many people.

You identify with it too but you generally understand why you are a certain thing. Religion need not be discussed, true. Still, please explain what a Catholic is to sb who might not know or is knew to it. Imagine a martian came down from outer space and asked you what a Catholic was. What would you tell him?

I believe we should reach different conclusions and not just follow like sheep. Like my wife :) I don't apply reason to it, I just feel that the water has been muddied and why not just say you are a Christian?
nott  3 | 592
7 Jul 2010   #228
I agree, you find God in different ways and not through a text. Still, theology holds meaning for many people.

To each his own, I am not going to ban theology. Like, some people delve into theoretical physics, but most just punch mobiles and drive cars. Sometimes with amazing skill.

You identify with it too but you generally understand why you are a certain thing. Religion need not be discussed, true. Still, please explain what a Catholic is to sb who might not know or is knew to it. Imagine a martian came down from outer space and asked you what a Catholic was. What would you tell him?

:) couple of options:
1. 'It's kinda, you know, our Earthling thing...'
2. I'd give him a Catechism, and wish luck.
3. 'See that man in a black robe? He's an expert.'

It's not so easy, to put Catholicism in a nutshell. I've known plenty of Polish Catholics, and we spent not a single night over the bottle just to find out what it is to be a true Catholic. Quite unsurprisingly, to me, it often boiled down to: be a decent man, keep your conscious clean, pray when you feel like. Ah, well, go to the church now and then. And baptise your kids.

Ok, the formal side of it was quite important. You just prove and improve your faith by conforming to rules, and keeping in touch with the pulse. Something like kata in martial arts. Keeps you on your toes.

I believe we should reach different conclusions and not just follow like sheep. Like my wife :) I don't apply reason to it, I just feel that the water has been muddied and why not just say you are a Christian?

You might be taken for a Jehovah Witness :)

As for different conclusions, you'd be surprised how many Catholics quite freely interpret what is really important, and what not quite so, regardless of what the priest says.

Let her. It's her own way.


Brian: You have to be different!
The Crowd: Yes, we are all different!
Small lonely voice: I'm not...

Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jul 2010   #229

So basically like Protestantism then? :) :)

A Jehova's Witness? What's that ;) ;) ;)
nott  3 | 592
7 Jul 2010   #230

I told you there's hope for you...

So basically like Protestantism then? :) :)

Oh, well... No. :)

First thing, you don't give up on Holy Mary, Mother of God. Never. And She's the Queen of Poland, you know. Official.

A Jehova's Witness? What's that ;) ;) ;)

wossname... a pest :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jul 2010   #231
Higher entities know that there's great hope for me so I'm happy :)

No? You described a Protestant beautifully.

Mother of God? Prove it!

A pest? Are you a Catholic who says that a wasp is a pest? White Anglo Saxon Protestant ;)
nott  3 | 592
8 Jul 2010   #232
Higher entities know that there's great hope for me so I'm happy :)

I'm not that high, really... :)

No? You described a Protestant beautifully.

Perhaps I just described the guy next door, without being too particular.

Mother of God? Prove it!

:) bloody luter... że też ich jeszcze święta ziemia nosi...

Once I was in a discussion about differences, and I spun a theory that what you Protestants lack, is Mother. You are half-orphans, you lot. I mean, the Protestant countries are more down-to-earth, more practical and rational, more serious and sombre. Catholics, are more laid back, irresponsible, emotional, and getting more of life. You deal with a strict Father, yes is yes, no is no, punishment follows sin, no appeal, equal measure or better, for your own good. We have a Mother too, and one of her most important roles is to avert the Wrath of God. However down and under you are, and whatever you've done, which is more important, She's always there for you. The God may be busy or just angry, the Saints indifferent or lazy, the Mother never lets you down.

There's more to it, but Mummy says I'm getting up early tomorrow... :)

A pest? Are you a Catholic who says that a wasp is a pest? White Anglo Saxon Protestant ;)

Wasp is not half bad. A tick is abomination.
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Jul 2010   #233
There are Higher authorities :)

Maybe, maybe :)

You Protestants? Ta, od razu ;) ;)

Yeah, zabij tej kleszczy :)
OP Sun and Moon  2 | 28
8 Jul 2010   #234
Reinforcement of some old German stereotype about Poles and projecting it on all Poles as if that was true simply won't do, you have to be more original than that. Speaking of: I have one for you "quick everyone - hide your kids! Jews are on this forum".

at least i can pitty on ur perception. any way i am not jew. dont want to disclose my religious bondage. better remain on topic and suggest some ways and means to improve the image of poles. it may be a old joke but i heard from a pole recently. a german got job in poland. he discussed with a pole how to transport his car there. pole replied, sir do not worry. see your garage ur car is already in poland. try to understand the message between the lines. it is a great nation and should ponder on improving its image globaly. not like terri threatening for the dire consequences and then shutting mouth as nothing happened and others forwarding the excuses for her just like as grapes are sour. same goes for magda enjoying with popcorn and not getting serious about her national image. torq undoubtedly proved to be racist having hatred for other nations. one school of thought is that those poles who are in poland are not pushed about this image. they say they to have live in poland so they care hoots what others thing about polish people.what a reply and what a country
Magdalena  3 | 1827
8 Jul 2010   #235
what a reply and what a country

Yeah, that's exactly my attitude, it's my country and I like it just the way it is, warts and all!
8 Jul 2010   #236
torq undoubtedly proved to be racist having hatred for other nations

Naaah, that's not it - I just don't like you (Sun and Moon), that's all.
alfi89  - | 2
8 Jul 2010   #237
"Middle consumer segment of society is missing" - that is soooo true! I talked to my friends from (community portal for Poles living all over the world - a very cool one) and most of younger Poles choosed living abroad, becouse they had no reasonable opportunity to work in their home cities in Poland despite higher education and expierance. They should realy do something about this because soon I'm gonna be one of them...
Piorun  - | 655
8 Jul 2010   #238
same goes for magda enjoying with popcorn and not getting serious about her national image.

Why would she? There’s a plethora of trolls like yourself on this very forum; nothing new really. Besides you’re not much of a threat, your ability to express yourself is less than adequate, your material a bit out of touch with reality I’m afraid and antediluvian don’t you think? My dear chap! If you only had time to do your research properly (read a thread or two on this very forum) before making your first posting instead of getting down to business, so to speak; you would have found that the only thing Poles are accused of stealing these days is the unwanted jobs off of hard working English people. If you only took your sweet a** time, your pay off could have been so much more. Perhaps one day you’ll realize that keeping up with current events generates much larger audience, yields greater support, in effect it creates a beehive of activity of like minded individuals working in unison to achieve their goal. Perhaps you might even gain your very own cheering section if your witty enough consisting of more than one individual.

That’s quite enough for now, I don’t want to give away all of my trade secrets for free. I do run an online workshop on “How To Be a Troll”; if you want to sign up give me a call, on second thought; taking an English language course could be a much wiser investment of your money in your case, perhaps one day it might even pay off. I must admit, I do enjoy reading your posts – really, very amusing and entertaining in their own way, mind you not in the way you think - popcorn anyone?
Amathyst  19 | 2700
8 Jul 2010   #239
popcorn anyone?

Do you provide a popcorn voucher with the on-line trolling course?

My dear chap!

Sounding rather quintessentially English there, old boy!
LEOPARD  - | 1
8 Jul 2010   #240
what a funny discussion going on


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