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Boys acting and dressing feminine, girls acting and dressing masculine - transgender teens in Poland

mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Mar 2023   #151
Were there any incidents?

You tell me.... which of the pictures/stories here do you regard as appropriate for children?

make sure to scroll far enough down for the drag queen who thinks children should be taught to "open their hearts and open their legs" or the "Rainbow d|ldo bvtt monkey" that danced for children in a library....
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Mar 2023   #152
You tell me.

No need to. The TERFosphere on Twitter would have told you as loudly as their vulgar voices would have let them yell. Any institution hosting events of any sort for kids, including ones led by clergy, should do at least the basic DBS. They didn't.

"open their hearts and open their legs"

Anyone who thinks that's not about dancing has a mind as dirty and malicious as the extremist Twitter feeds you follow.

or the "Rainbow d|ldo bvtt monkey" that danced for children in a library

Odd that you mention this in the context of trans issues. Your 'rainbow dildo butt monkey wasn't drag or trans at all.
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Mar 2023   #153
Yes it is.

Of all people you should remain silent about the priorities of life since if we all were like you humanity would not exist.
Stay with the rainbow coloring books.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Mar 2023   #154
if we all were

And if your aunty had bollocks she'd be a transwoman.

The population of the world is rising very fast so you don't need to worry, troll.

And don't make (incorrect) assumptions about my life history. Learn some manners too and some respect for your betters...
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Mar 2023   #155
The population of the world is rising very fast so you don't need to worry, troll.

Only because 98% are normal. Now imagine 98% being like you...

The world's greatest irony: You wouldn't want that. ...hahahahahahahaha...That was brilliant, Novi...
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Mar 2023   #156
Now imagine 98% being like you...

Imagine people being like you. Anyone reading your posts can see what a foul world that would be.

And without disclosing private matters, I can assure you that I've done my bit for the future. And as you have been told before, sexuality has no bearing on fertility.

This, by the way, is a thread about gender non-conforming teens in Poland; not your thread-trashing nihilism about people that are nothing to do with you.
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Mar 2023   #157
his, by the way, is a thread about gender non-conforming teens in Poland

Gender non-nonconforming teens are part of the same nihilistic world of perverts we can tolerate only because your numbers are small.

Just as we don't advocate surgeries and chemos for gays and lesbians, we should not allow surgeries and chemo for anyone - and especially for kids who are not allowed to do many things under the assumption that they are not capable of making adult decisions. It this case IRREVERSIBLE!

If a kid wants to be a cop, should we give him a gun to play with? You do know that guns without ammo are rarely lethal, right?
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Mar 2023   #158
'rainbow dildo butt monkey wasn't drag or trans at all

Well okay then! It must be appropriate for children!

The broader context is that DQSH is part of a larger movement to sexualize children (that I've noticed since about 2015.... which means its probably older)

Anyone who thinks that's not about dancing

Doesn't seem to be about dancing:
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Mar 2023   #159
Well okay then! It must be appropriate for children!

It is however irrelevant.

at DQSH is part of a larger movement to sexualize children

What's sexual about it?

They've been watching Danny La Rue, Dick Emery, Les Dawson and annual pantomimes for generations. Nothing 'sexual' except in the minds of rather odd people.


Didn't you notice that it was at a Pride Festival. Not Drag Queen Story Hour at all. Do you oppose Pride Festivals? And did you think he wasn't talking about the future of the next generation. You have a very prurient outlook on life.

Another big nothing that you read about on the depths of Twitter and posted a link from a sensational and extreme website about.
mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Mar 2023   #160
Jazz Jennings tv reality star supposedly told his mother he was trans at age 5 and underwent years of treatment including hormone treatment and "gender affirming" butchery

This poor young man was the victim of a fame-seeking and homophobic mother who decided she'd rather castrate her feminine son than risk him being gay (that's speculation but there's a _lot_ of evidence to that end). The vagino plasty was botched partly because his penis was so small thanks to years of hormone treatment so that he never really went through normal puberty.

With appropriate therapy he could have been a reasonably happy feminine young man (gay or maybe bisexual according to a recent episode) and not a eunuch with an eating disorder... (exulansic speculates this his weight gain is related to the surgeries which produced an effect that mimics prader willi syndrome

Therapy not knives!
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Mar 2023   #161

What a vile and sensational 'source'. Isn't its owner in jail now?

With appropriate therapy he could have been

With appropriate bollocks my auntie could have been my uncle.

You've raised an interesting point though; destroy aggressively conservative and malignly ultra-religious attitudes in society and perhaps the other extreme is less likely to manifest.

rfame-seeking and homophobic mother

What are your views on those child 'beauty pageants', given that you complain about the alleged sexualisation of the young?

Quite a bit of "would rather", "could have been", "speculates" in that post....
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Mar 2023   #162
I hate girlie men and LGBT perverts.
Bobko  27 | 2130
17 Mar 2023   #163
I hate girlie men

You would have had a hard time living in the 1600s.

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mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Mar 2023   #164
What a vile and sensational 'source'

The tv show is the source.... you should check out exulansic's breakdowns of what's happening. She was in the trans religion for a while (she explains how it's a religion) and then left and points out lots of things going on in the show (I can barely watch anymore it's like a body horror movie but kind of real). What's sad is that Jazz himself seems like a very sweet person (who's been done dirty by his hooror-show family).

your views on those child 'beauty pageants'

they're terrible and exploitive and should be stopped (clearly most of the time they're for the mothers who are competing through the sexualization of their children... nasty, nasty stuff).

you complain about the alleged sexualisation of the young?

jon357  72 | 23361
17 Mar 2023   #165

By the TERFS who scream about pantomime dames, yes.

She was in the trans religion for a while (she explains how it's a religion)

Doesn't sound like a neutral observer. Does she have a Twitter feed? As I mentioned before, the extremes on either side of the issue are making a a complex issue so much worse. And of course they all go back to their bourgeois lives and some poor gender non-conforming person in Chechnya or Uganda gets killed.

What's sad is that Jazz himself seems like a very sweet person (who's been done dirty by his hooror-show family).

He seems to have had a very rough deal. It shows how much work the LGBT+ political movement have yet to do.
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Mar 2023   #166
the 1600s.

The 1600s and 195x commies are catching up with me.

It shows how much work the LGBT+ political movement have yet to do.

What is that "work"? Three-year-olds getting T-surgery without parental consent?

I no longer work so all I can do is hope and pray to see all of the LGBTQXYZs dead or at least extinct.
mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Mar 2023   #167
What eff Ireland? I expected better from you!
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Mar 2023   #168

The prison services in developed countries are very used to dealing with (and isolating) violent and difficult prisoners, including some of the most dangerous people on earth, whatever TERFs may wibble about on Twitter.

Every single 'article' on that dodgy website is aggressively anti-trans. That is the very reason for the site's existence. Given the 'breitbart' this morning, you certainly do know how to choose them. Personally, I'd never look at either website; they are like staring into a madhouse. What next? Hopefully not r*SSia Today or st*rmfr*nt.
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Mar 2023   #169
Hey, maf, didn't I say that Western governments are pure evil?

Every single 'article' on that dodgy website is aggressively anti-trans. That is the very reason for the site's existence.

That does not change the fact that Western countries are run by the world's worst morons. See Post 167.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Mar 2023   #170
Every single 'article' on that dodgy website is aggressively anti-trans.

Sorry, your royal highness!! Is this good enough for you?
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Mar 2023   #171
I really have no issue with a man who wants to pretend he's a woman.... but those fantasies come at a price. A fantasizing man should not be allowed to compete against women....

Men have no place competing in women's sports (unless the goal is to destroy women's sports... which it might be as a lot of the TRA seems to be about removing women from public life, the western version of the Taliban)

Here a violent maniac tries to make women shut up in public.... how did the left get here again?
Barney  19 | 1733
18 Mar 2023   #172
how did the left get here again?

These dead end culture wars are not really a leftwing thing...
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2023   #173
Is this good enough for you?

No because, rather like TERFs, you're trawling the internet looking for crimes committed by people who are trans. It isn't as if people who aren't trans don't commit crimes, and are transpeople supposed to be perfect?

are not really a leftwing thing...

I'd say not at all. they're whipped up in the media by people who wan't to rile up the masses and make them forget that other people are getting more money from their labour than they are themselves.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Mar 2023   #174
are transpeople supposed to be perfect?

No. But the violent males playing at being women should not be housed with women.

Simple concept. but somehow weird and reactionary?

rather like TERFs

Not 'like'... I am a TERF. I didn't used to be but most reasonable people who look at what's going on would be TERFs.

But many have on blinders and are trying to not notice reality staring back at them.

This is not a woman no matter how hard anyone pretends...
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Mar 2023   #175
Simple concept. but somehow weird and reactionary?

...only to those who have no daughters.

really have no issue with a man who wants to pretend he's a woman...

That's not a problem. The problem is that these weirdos demand that we play along and pretend he is a woman.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2023   #176
should not be housed with women.

Do you not trust the Irish prison service to manage prisoners properly?
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Mar 2023   #177
You are right. There is no violence in prisons because prison guards sleep with prisoners, with their eyes wide open, ready to pounce.

Did you consider voluntary sex and pregnancy that would turn prisons into maternity wards?
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2023   #178
There is no violence in prisons

Who said that?

Don't assume all prisons are like the ones where you are.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Mar 2023   #179
Who said that?

You did.

Do you not trust the Irish prison service to manage prisoners properly

...a cute way of saying that you trust that they manage prisons properly and, therefore, prevent violence.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2023   #180
it really does look like you're just trying to argue for the sake of it.

Meanwhile people get killed because of who they are, and two extremes argue endlessly online.

Home / Life / Boys acting and dressing feminine, girls acting and dressing masculine - transgender teens in Poland

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