Today youngsters are raised in greenhouse environment instead of harsh communist winter like us, oldies.
It's better nowadays and that's what you always should wish for next generations, imho.
We, oldies, survived the martial law. It didn`t kills us but made us stronger.
I'm not sure about that "stronger", to be honest. In my opinion those generations that grew up under communism got f*cked up by those times. I defenitely wouldn't want younger Poles to be like my parents' generation. Times change, people change. My impression is that people raised in better times/circumstances are often kinder and have more empathy for others. So, everything has its pluses and minuses, as always, I guess.
And what did those youngsters live through??
Being brought up by parents f*cked up by communist times? lol
Btw, unlike the shortage of toilet paper or no "Teleranek" on Sunday morning, a pandemic can actually kill people ;/