No men in
Yeah, I have some serious doubts about this stuff too...
For example this case:
Check out what this "woman" looks like:,transplciowa-plywaczka-nominowana-do-tytulu-kobiety-roku-ma-biologicznie-niesprawiedliwa-przewage
According to that video on FB that swimmer didn't have his penis removed and yet women were forced to change together with him in the dressing room and compete with him - and of course he would win, because he was bigger than women, he had wider back, bigger lungs, bigger hands and feet.
That's simply unfair.
I'm all for tolerance and inclusion (and making those people feel better about themselves), but there should be some common sense applied.
To be honest sometimes I can't blame people from other parts of the world when they get bewildered by what's going on in the West, because such cases make the West look like it went cuckoo. The West is shooting itself in the foot with stuff like this, imho.
Lately I've come across some kind of Polish add/article spreading awarness about the colour of blood during menstruation that was addressed towards "menstruating persons" lol To be honest, it made me chuckle and I can live with being called a "menstruating person" instead of a woman, but what shocked me were some of the comments. One woman O_O, for example, wrote that not only women are menstruating, which is simply not true ;D Only women menstruate, because only women have uterus lol This is basic knowledge from biology and that comment was written by a grown woman! o_O What the hell...
I actually see a very scary trend with the trans debate: that narrative that women safety depends on isolation.
I think by "women's spaces" people mean places like public toilets, etc.
I think I personally wouldn't mind if they were used by men who went through full surgery and actually resemble women. Because in other cases any pervert can claim that he went into the toilet for women, because he "feels that he's a woman".
If we assume that theonly thing that is keeping women safe is isolating them from men then we have much bigger problems than trans people.
I don't think anyone claims it's the only thing, but yeah, we do have problems (some societies more than others, obviously):