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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

jon357  72 | 22979
5 Apr 2020   #1561
like ROMB org this will improve with time. Konfederacja

An irrelevance. Gun laws here are unlikely ever to be slackened; there is no public will for this.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
5 Apr 2020   #1562
Aren`t they pathetic US cowards?

You are right Ironside, this provoking dipshit is a lot worse then delph.

Now I am speaking as a European

No, you are speaking as a dumb ass Polock hiding behind his keyboard most likely intoxicated.

I know you are trolling because even the stupidest Euro would never claim that nonsense.

I just called him an ass hole for doing the same exact trolling last week, Rich.
Maybe he is having family issues again.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
5 Apr 2020   #1563
OK, Euro girlie men. I know that reading comprehension is a common affliction during debates, so I will go slow and use simple words.

In the time of kumbaya love, peace and tranquility, guns, like the phrase "fu*ck you" and life insurance, are so totally useless. I got that. The problem is that we don't get an advance notice when the good times will end and the dog-eat-dog period will commence. Sorry for that "commence", since I promised to keep things simple.

So, if I still have you attention, my gun, like those ICBM's, will be nothing but a $800 paper weight and continue until that one moment, like my death, will come.

Then, that paper weight will save my life. Yes, I can shoot myself in the foot if I don't show proper respect. I can also get electrocuted if I decide to lick a 220V socket.

The problem is that when that special time comes to you, Euro girlie men, the only options you will have are (1) to leave your loved ones behind and run, (2) beg for your life, or (3) defecate and count that the smell will make them run.

Almost forgot, ...You can also bullsh*it the bad guys to death just as you are doing it here - day in day out.
Spike31  3 | 1485
5 Apr 2020   #1564
there is no public will for this.

It is not a will but a status quo inherited from a communist era. Communist legacy is being disasembled piece by piece by a new generation taking place of the old one. Only someone born and raised in Poland would understand those social dynamics
jon357  72 | 22979
5 Apr 2020   #1565
a will

It'a a will; there are surveys from time to time, none suggest any will to slacken the current laws.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
5 Apr 2020   #1566
Only someone born and raised in Poland would understand

Then we are not talking of British jon then are we.
He sure likes to pretend to be Polish however as he speaks as a wanna be authority for Poland. :-/

Gun laws here are unlikely ever to be slackened; there is no public will for this.

What scares you about guns jon, the loud noise or the chance of catching one in the back of the head ?
jon357  72 | 22979
5 Apr 2020   #1567
As you've been told before, there's no particular will here for a change in the current law.

People are happy without mass shootings.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
5 Apr 2020   #1568
The girlie men call cops when in trouble. Translation: I would rather wait 10 minutes and let another man do the dirty work of protecting my girlie ass than doing it myself.

Hey, girlie men, would you like that cop to come armed or not armed?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809
5 Apr 2020   #1569
What scares you about guns

When it come to guns it's the local buraki in the "hunting club" who are always pi$$ed wombling around the village with loaded rifles.

when they see something they want to shoot they don't care about anything that maybe behind the target, that includes my roof tiles.

Alcoholics and guns don't mix
johnny reb  46 | 7613
5 Apr 2020   #1570
People are happy without mass shootings.

Same here where I live jon.
There are no mass shootings and everyone has a gun, maybe that is why.

there's no particular will here for a change in the current law.

Is that the opinion of an outdated ex-pat projecting his opinion ?
Lets put your paranoia in perspective jon.
I would be 100,000 times more likely run over and killed by a Polish drunk driver in Poland than if you came to America and got shot and killed in a mass shooting.

who are always pi$$ed wombling around

Here in America they would be arrested and hauled off to the pokey if they were drunk and wobbling in public, gun or no gun.

If they had a gun and drunk they most likely would get shot by the cop.
Eventually the stupid drunks get thinned out because guns an alcohol do not mix.
You can't even legally be in possession of a loaded gun and alcohol at the same time in America.
jon357  72 | 22979
5 Apr 2020   #1571
There are no mass shootings

Plenty in your country; more than anywhere else.

outdated ex-pat

Neither outdated nor expat. As you've been told, there is no interest in weakening the current laws on gun ownership.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
5 Apr 2020   #1572
Plenty in your country;

Not within 200 miles of where I live.
America is a big country jon.

there is no interest in weakening the current laws on gun ownership.

So you project with your personal opinion but put it on the ballot and you may just find out how wrong you are.

nor expat.

Oh, so now you are claiming to be a native Pole ?
And yes, you are old school Brit through and through.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809
5 Apr 2020   #1573
If they had a gun and drunk they most likely would get shot by the cop.

Cops who are members of the hunting club also get pi$$ed, in fact most in the village get pi$$ed at least once a week , there is a drinking barn dedicated to the drinking sport, its a way of life here.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
5 Apr 2020   #1574
in fact most in the village get pi$$ed at least once a week

Doesn't sound like a real stable place.
Think the alcoholism has anything to do with that ? (Urg !)

its a way of life here.

Here in America irresponsible drunks are not tolerated.
Maybe that is why are prisons are full that you so often mock.
Having an accountable and responsible culture seems much more attractive for women and children then dealing with drunks at every corner.
Now that I understand the real reason for not wanting guns in Poland.
The part I don't understand is that if Poland is a Christian Country and the Bible clearly states that drunkards will no inherit the Kingdom of Heaven why do the hypocrites even go to church to pretend they love the Lord.
pawian  219 | 24792
5 Apr 2020   #1575
Oh, yes, you are. Ball-less, spineless,

No, it is Americans who are fekking cowards. They want to get a gun and then shoot from a safe distance to avoid seeing too much blood. Wimps! How about close fight in which you smash criminal`s head into pieces so that you can see his brain splattered on the floor under your feet? Ams wouldn`t be able to do that, they are too weak. Where is American masculinity? Gone with the Fekking Wind??
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Apr 2020   #1576
Yeah good luck smashing a person's face when they right after you throw the first punch they pull a 9 out of their waist band and turn your stomach into bad Chinese food. Because that's what's going to happen if you **** with the wrong person. And then your dumb ass will be dead, your wife will be ******* another dude (which I bet with your beta ass I bet she already is) and the guy can say you assaulted him first and he was defending himself.

But that's besides the point. Have you ever even been more than a handful of fights? Stabbed someone or been stabbed? Shot someone or been shot at? I highly doubt it. It's easy to talk about, actually going through it without your hands trembling and puking all over yourself because you don't have the stones is another story. By then the dude would've run off with your cash, car and/or girl calling you a straight *****.

And actually the gun laws are pretty damn similar to the USA except concealed carry. Not that it matters - some people will ALWAYS be armed regardless of the laws.
jon357  72 | 22979
5 Apr 2020   #1577
Where is American masculinity? Gone with the Fekking Wind??

It weighs 350lbs, has a Walmart tee shirt and a 'maga' cap, an armoury of guns it doesn't know how to use, and never leaves the house except in a car. And is terrified of strangers.
pawian  219 | 24792
5 Apr 2020   #1578
And is terrified of strangers.

Yes, that`s American complex.

they right after you throw the first punch they pull a 9 out of their waist band

You got me wrong, darling. I was talking about European context. No firearms involved. Do you think a criminal will have a chance to resist a punch from my battle axe which is hanging on the wall in my room?

Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Apr 2020   #1579
I was talking about European context. No firearms involved.

Until you want to start another world war.
Did you even call cops because you were in trouble?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Apr 2020   #1580
European context. No firearms involved

Yeah because theres no firearms in europe... no shootings occur in europe, kebab has never mowed down a bunch of people with some eu countries its easier to buy a gun illegally than in much of the usa
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Apr 2020   #1581
That was cruel to take this sweet little Euro princess out of her fantasy land...Next time be more gentle and go slow.

Hey, princess - I mean pavian - when in trouble, do you want that cop who comes to save your pretty little ass armed?
jon357  72 | 22979
6 Apr 2020   #1582
Do you think a criminal will have a chance to resist a punch from my battle axe which is hanging on the wall

Especially since they'd have to try hard (even a criminal) to get a usable firearm in Poland.

It must be strange to be so fearful, to have 'mass shooter drills'.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809
6 Apr 2020   #1583
to get a usable firearm in Poland.

Oh they are available everywhere, but not many people are interested in having them.

The old Polish joke, A guy asked his neighbour why he was watering his window boxes in winter , the reply was i'm not watering my plants i'm oiling my guns.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
6 Apr 2020   #1584
It must be strange to be so fearful, to have 'mass shooter drills'.

Not any stranger than in Poland having drills on how to cross at a crosswalk to get across the road without being so fearful of getting run down by a drunk.

And if someone really wants a firearm in Poland they can get one by hook or crook just like any other country in the world, jon.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Apr 2020   #1585
It must be strange to be so fearful, to have 'mass shooter drills'.

Says a guy who, like Arnold or the Incredible Hulk, can easily win against two thugs with knives.
I have a suggestion....Buy knee pads. You will need them to lessen the pain when you will be begging for your and you kids' lives. You do have kids?

I will use my ChinaVirus money to buy an AR-15 with laser. Sure beats a broom.
On the other hand, that statistic of 1.2 murders per 100k in the UK is just a lie spread by the NRA. Bad NRA. So, you can relax.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Apr 2020   #1586
Buy an upper and lower and build it yourself. Its a fun hobby plus itll give you something to do during the shelter order
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Apr 2020   #1587
Buy an upper and lower and build it yourself.

Can you expand on that? I am not clear what you mean.
jon357  72 | 22979
6 Apr 2020   #1588
Poland having drills on how to cross at a crosswalk to get across the road without being so fearful of getting run downby a drunk

Do they happen here?

two thugs with knives.

I've never seen even one 'thug with a knife'. It must be strange to be so fearful that you have to buy a gun.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
6 Apr 2020   #1589
I've never seen even one 'thug with a knife'.

I have never seen a dead body but I am wearing seatbelts. Do you you?
johnny reb  46 | 7613
6 Apr 2020   #1590
Do they happen here?

Yes, the girls here even showed pictures of how confusing the crossing lines are and how very few drivers pay attention to them.

I've never seen even one 'thug with a knife'.

I've never seen a mass shooting.

I will use my ChinaVirus money to buy an AR-15 with laser.

What brand name are you buying ?

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