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Polish Swear Words

14 Apr 2006   #31
"ye-BA-na" (accent on capital letters) means "f*ckin "

"yebana qurva" (about unliked shemale teacher for instance)

Topic is about swear words so Mira don't read it if it's abussive for You.
14 Apr 2006   #32
My Girlfriend taught me a phrase which she is unable to tell me the full English meaning

Forget it. Are you going to impress people with the equivalent of "f*king bitch" in Polish?
14 Apr 2006   #33
What about "chuj" [who-i] which means "cock" /very bad word/?

"Co do chuja!?" = What the f*ck?!
"chujowo" = so bad
"Ty chuju!" [ty who-you] = You f*cker!
"po chuj?" = for f*ckin what?
"ochuja 2;es?" = Are you crazy?
"chuj na to klade" [whoi na do qua-the] = i don't give a f*ck

23 Apr 2006   #34
Forget it. Are you going to impress people with the equivalent of "f*king bitch

Actually, it was to know what my Polish friends were saying to me or what they were making me say.

Incidently, I now have the Polish spelling of "ooya bana" - that being: "ujebane". I havn't seen that one here yet - any takers?.

I think an exchange of swear words seems to be a way two differing cutures/languages can exchange something in common and have a good laugh.

I'm off to Poland for the first time next month - looking forward to it
24 Apr 2006   #35
OK, here are some my mother uses that we kids STILL haven't figured out -- any help would be appreciated, as she's become quite smug about it in her old age :)

Excuse the totally phonetic spelling.

dupa ya ya (asshole something?!)
STRI-ga WIT-zah
CHO-tah hull-YET-ah (we think this is s.o.b.)
25 Apr 2006   #36
"dupa ya ya" - you probably meant "dupa jaja" corresponds with "ass balls (of course the balls that almost every guy has)"

"stri-ga WIT-zah" - probably "strzygawica" - I think I've heard this word somewhere but I totally dont know what it could mean. Maybe it exists only in local, colloquial speech.. I know only that a Polish word "strzyga" (stri-ga) means "a vampire" in English, but it is hardly used nowadays.

"CHO-tah" is "ciota" and it means "a fag"
"hull-yet-ah" - nothing has come to my mind so far - sorry :(

Hope it will help you somehow.
25 Apr 2006   #37
I have heard my parents say this saying for at least 30 years and they will not let know what it means. Aby help will be appreciated. Pardon the phonetic spelling. Thanks

Hull yet ta shall cleff Something like that

Just jeard the saying again and I stand corrected it sound like this"


Thanks sorry about the first post

i think you mean maka instead of ma t
25 Apr 2006   #38
Are you sure it's in Polish? For I cannot figure it out.
25 Apr 2006   #39
I really don't know the spelling but as I said it sounds like

ma ka hull yeta shull cleff

I know it is something bad because when I asked a friend who spoke polish he would not tell me but told me not to talk like that and what I was saying is not a very nice thing
7 May 2006   #40
Co jest! Protoplasta, I think your pretty cool. :)
9 May 2006   #41
Thanks TomPoland!! I can't wait to tell my mother to stop calling me a fag! (especially since I'm a female!). No doubt the look on her face will be priceless!!
9 May 2006   #42
And please do not forget to tell us how it was :)
9 May 2006   #43
hi this girl used "cohamptshire" or "cohampton" and i have no idea what it means any he. its probably spelt phonetically
9 May 2006   #44
maybe "kocham cie" - "i love you" :)
20 May 2006   #45
It for sure means I love you...

CHO-tah hull-YET-ah this one could mean in Polish Co do huja? and in english it means What a f uck (is going on)?
20 May 2006   #46
Co do huja

Good one! ;) -- but I think it should be "Co do chuja" :}
31 May 2006   #47
My Polish-American grandfather called my grandmother something that sounded similar to "ja-doov-ka." He said it meant "junk lady" because she was always saving things! Is anyone familiar with this phrase and the proper spelling of it?
1 Jun 2006   #48
It's probably dziadowka lol Grandfathers are sometimes very funny! :)
8 Jun 2006   #49
My grandparents often argued in polish when we were kids. I heard a few choice words spo often that they must be swear words! Can anypne tell me what "yezza sova" means? How about "Mosco Bosco"?

Also, in their honor I would like to have "grama/grampa tatooed but in the polish spelling. Can you help? Thanks, Marina Hersh
glowa  1 | 291
9 Jun 2006   #50
Mosco Bosco sounds a little like "Matko Boska" - meaning literally Mother of God
yezza sova - this is a tough one. the first one could be "jędza" (sort of "witch") the second looks like "sowa" (an owl), but together it doesn't make much sense to me, unless your grandparents had their own way to curse at each other, which wouldn't be anything unusual

grama/grampa - babcia/dziadek

Time to run (Please see the proper Polish translation for this expression above:).

excellent touch :)

BTW. most of the s-words have more then one meaning, and that's where it gets complicated
11 Jun 2006   #51
try that :)

tea who yo yeah bunny! - in polisch thats sounds like "ty chuju jebany!" what means - you fu*ked bastard!
22 Jun 2006   #52
There were a few that I grew up with, surely they were Polish i wonder if anyone could help with proper translation and maybe even better pronounciation:

The one was like a huge phrase that we all knew, but no one knew what it meant:

Staddi baba nieme gache ali bujima

The other was used all the time with giggles afterwards, but again no one really knew what they were saying, but never said it around adults

Menadia chooch

And the last was like

Da may buji
Anyone know what either of these meant or was it all simply nonsense
rafik  18 | 589
22 Jun 2006   #53
Da may buji

this one sounds lik daj mi buzi-give me a kiss:)
bossie  1 | 123
9 Jul 2006   #54
My mother's parents were Polish/Slovak and she said they often said a polish swear word that sounds like "fee-gu" - sh*t. Is this a real swear word or no?

Ahh, you mean "figa"

No, not a swear word, just something that means you didn't succeed doing something. It means "fig", the fruit.

Menadia chooch

No idea about the start, but 'chooch' seems to be "czuc". So whatever the first thing is, the phrase means "I/you can smell ...", "smells like ...".

heard a few choice words spo often that they must be swear words! Can anypne tell me what "yezza sova" means? How about "Mosco Bosco"?

It seems to me that it comes together : Matko Boska Jezusowa - Jesus' Mother of God

"cohamptshire" or "cohampton"

1. Kocham cie - I love you
2. Kocham to - I love it - whatever you were doing :)
plg  17 | 262
9 Jul 2006   #55
can someone polish translate please

1 chuj

2 kutas

3 fiut

4 dupek

5 pojeb

6 dziwka

7 spieprzaj

8 spierdalaj

9 pojebany

10 pierdolec
9 Jul 2006   #56
1 chuj - dick

2 kutas - dick

3 fiut -dick

4 dupek - as*hole

5 pojeb - as*hole

6 dziwka - whore

7 spieprzaj - buzz off

8 spierdalaj - fcuk off

9 pojebany - fcuking crazy

10 pierdolec - to fcuk
plg  17 | 262
18 Jul 2006   #57
can someone tell me what

fucks sake

or for fucks sake is in polish please
bolo  2 | 304
18 Jul 2006   #58
fucks sake

Probably it's: "do kurwy nedzy"
lef  11 | 477
19 Jul 2006   #59

I don't believe the word 'fuck" has been correctly explained to readers,

A lot of people (poles) use american/english swear words without any understanding of the word... a lot of swear words evolve over a period of time and the correct interpretation will never be understood by new users.
25 Jul 2006   #60
I'm writing a story in which one character is a Polish American who lives as an outsider in a mainly Belgian community in the Midwest. At one point he invites them to kiss his Polish ass. So, I need the Polish word for ass. Thanks in advance.

Michael P

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