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Polish slang phrases - most popular.

skysoulmate  13 | 1250
24 Jan 2010   #301
What if she says: yes?

"Would you like some more?" ;)

ubzdryngolić się

ubzdryngolić się

I might have missed the translation but what the heck does that mean? - to have sex? Really? Could someone use that term in a sentence?

My polish vocabulary is quite "sex-less"... At seven when we're moving away from Poland I felt all girls were really annoying and had cooties. Had no idea how much fun one could have with a girl, that discovery happened a few years later :)
frd  7 | 1379
24 Jan 2010   #302
ubzdryngolić się

to get hammered
strzyga  2 | 990
24 Jan 2010   #303
ubzdryngolić się

get drunk

Ubzdryngolił się jak świnia.

Which rather excludes sex...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
24 Jan 2010   #304
Ooops, I was way off!

I'm sort of glad I'm not dating a Polish lady. I'd probably end up asking her to get drunk or lost while attempting to be sensual... LOL
10 Feb 2010   #305
does anyone know the if there is a secret meaning behind "getting coffee" in Polish? there is this Polish girl who keeps asking me to "get coffee with her wink wink"
kacz310  - | 1
11 Feb 2010   #306
I wasn't able to learn polish before my grandparents passed but I doubt they'd answer this anyway!

What are some angry polish phrases? Like...fuck off, or leave me alone, etc...

I've got italian and english and spanish down...

learn polish  - | 46
11 Feb 2010   #307
does anyone know the if there is a secret meaning behind "getting coffee" in Polish? there is this Polish girl who keeps asking me to "get coffee with her wink wink"

I'd say she's just asking you out :)
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Feb 2010   #308
What are some angry polish phrases? Like...fuck off, or leave me alone, etc...

For starters:

Odczep się! (get away (from me))

Spierdalaj! (f*ck off!)

Spieprzaj! (the same, but maybe not as rough?)

To pluralize, just add cie

Odczepcie się!



Special bonus, if you want to sound presidential the next time some guy is hitting on you:

Spieprzaj dziadu! (very roughly: fuck off, loser; dziad is very hard to translate)


Spieprzajcie dziady!
21 Feb 2010   #309
I've heard there is a phrase for "thank you for loving my daughter" does anyone know what that is?
musicwriter  5 | 87
22 Feb 2010   #310
Browar means brewery. Beer is piwo. you got me thirsty.
strzyga  2 | 990
22 Feb 2010   #311
Browar means brewery.

browar is also slang for beer - kupiłem pięć browarów - I bought 5 beers
22 Mar 2010   #312
Hallo everybody,

I am studying the song "Dlaczego" by 003 ( ) but I can't find any translation for these words, can you help me please ?

- jebie
- zapierdalam
- przypierdalasz
- wukurwiają
- żulami
- mendami
- Kenego (someone's name ??)

Thank you so much.

[ what means ; meaning ]
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 Mar 2010   #313
Wypierdude, that's a new one my wife and I have coined. I hope it takes off. Many Scots might say 'wypierdudee', that sounds good to us.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
22 Mar 2010   #314

So you don't mean wypierdole or wypierdalaj?
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 Mar 2010   #315
Well, it's a more refined version ;) I was teaching a class about EBay today and the owner Pierre Omidyar. Can you imagine if his name was Dole or Nietsche? He would introduce himself in broken Polish as: Hallo, ja Pierre Dole or ja Pierre Nietsche :)
24 Mar 2010   #316
Can you please help me translate these verses (from "Dlaczego" by 003; see link above):


1) Aż w głowie mi się jebie od ...

2) ... Tobię się we łbie jebie !


3) ... nie żulami pod sklepami !

Thanks, Andrea

PS Wonderful site from post #69 ("Słownik Polskiego slangu")
31 Mar 2010   #317
Can you please help me translate these verses [...]

I have got the translation I needed in the thread "Translation of "dirty" words pls"
[ /#msg878167]
Thanks, by the way.
22 Apr 2010   #318
what does pozdrawiam mean?
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 Apr 2010   #319
It means regards, written at the end of an sms or a letter.
olencja  - | 1
15 May 2010   #320
greetings- pozdrowienia , to hail- pozdrawiać , pozdrawiam is a word which end letter. In English for example is: kisses or take care.
1 Jun 2010   #321
How can I say something really dirty to my boyfriend in Polish?
2 Jun 2010   #322
Hey, have a look at this website it has a great number of Polish swear words with pronunciation. Also there is a video on you tube with some of these words www
tijmen4real  - | 1
8 Jun 2010   #323

I work in a Dutch factory with a lot of nice Polish people.
Since a few months i learned a few words and i'm trying to learn some more though a iPhone study app. I have to say, it's not an easy language ;)

Next week on saturday we have a big company bbq for all workers.
I want to design a t-shirt for this bbq with a funny Polish text on it.
Maybe something to do with work, a party or some common polish wordjoke.

I was hoping someone please give me a suggestion? With the translation if possible...
Thanks in advance!

Polskiej_Dumy  18 | 66
11 Jun 2010   #324
To say I am fuckin bored is it jebany nudy or jebana nudy
frd  7 | 1379
11 Jun 2010   #325
t jebany nudy or jebana nudy

lulz what? "jebane nudy" if at all... or "jebana nuda"... or "jebana nuda with beans on top"
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
12 Jun 2010   #326
To say I am fuckin bored is it jebany nudy or jebana nudy

Kurwa nudzę się
frd  7 | 1379
12 Jun 2010   #327
ja też... nudno w chuj...

1jola  14 | 1875
12 Jun 2010   #328
Next week on saturday we have a big company bbq for all workers.
I want to design a t-shirt for this bbq with a funny Polish text on it.
Maybe something to do with work, a party or some common polish wordjoke.

Little late but maybe for next time.

"Floggings will continue until morale improves"

Can any of you foul-mouthed angels put that into Polish? The strange word "mobing" might be appropriate.
frd  7 | 1379
12 Jun 2010   #329
"Floggings will continue until morale improves"

I'd say:

"Batożenie będzie kontynuowane aż poprawi się morale załogi" ; o (ewentualnie duch bojowy zamiast morale)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
12 Jun 2010   #330
"Floggings will continue until morale improves"

If it was a party in southern Poland it could have been;

"Flooding will continue until moral improves"

Home / Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular.

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