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Short Polish<->English translations

kpc21  1 | 746
28 May 2015   #151
They want you to send them 2 or 3 proposals of topics (ones that you could write about) with a short explanation, why, and their size that you would like to write. This is not a word count, but a number of characters.
majkel  - | 60
28 May 2015   #152
They want you to propose 3 topics you'd want to write about (with short explentation) and planned volume of article for each topic.

I'd assume that 12500, 7500 and 5500 are some sort of a standard volume for them.

Edit: haha three responses, all starting with the same words ;) (not on purpouse)
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 May 2015   #153
Okay thanks folks

I assumed it was this, but the character count threw me off and made me wonder if they wanted me to write the entire piece.

Thanks again.
31 May 2015   #154
Hey, i have a Polish friend and im trying to learn so sometimes he speaks to me in Polish and doesn't tell me what it says until i learn myself. Its really helped me learn so far but there is two words that i don't know already which i can't find the translation for anywhere... Could someone please help?

The words are 'wujasem' and 'porzadzilismy'

And for context the sentence was...
'Bo ja to mam tragedię ostro z wujasem porzadzilismy :) do dziś nie wiem co i tak'

Thanks in advance!
Looker  - | 1129
31 May 2015   #155
'Wujas' - colloquially term for wujek - The Uncle - used mostly among younger people.
'Porzadziliśmy' from rządzić - also colloquially saying for a boozing - in this case 'porządziliśmy' is a word used in the past tense so the boozing had place in the past.

From your full sentence we can imagine that the person who was talking this, have now a big hangover - 'mam tragedie' (probably 'I feel tragically bad') and is not sure (he don't remember) some of the events of the last party.
31 May 2015   #156
Teraz rozumieć, dziękuje bardzo
17 Jun 2015   #157
Merged: Can you help me translate this?

My friend is graduating and I wanted to send them a card.

This is what I wanted to say:


As you enter a new part of your life I wish you all the blessings with wherever life takes you. I hope you do the things that bring a smile to you, and everyone you care about. Don't be afraid of what comes next since I know you will make great things happen!

Thanks for the help on the translation.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
17 Jun 2015   #158

Jako ze wchodzisz w nowy rozdzial w swoim zyciu zycze Ci wszelkich blogoslawienstw gdziekolwiek zycie Cie zaprowadzi. Mam nadzieje ze robisz rzeczy ktore przynosza usmiech Tobie i wszystkim o ktorych sie troszczysz. Nie obawiaj sie tego co nadejdzie bo wiem ze sprawisz ze wspaniale rzeczy sie zdarza.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Jun 2015   #159
Serdecznie gratuluję Ci dyplomu! Z głębi serca życzę Ci obfitych łask Bożych gdziekolwiek życie Cię zaprowadzi. Mam nadzieję, że będziesz robił to, co daje Ci satyskację, a radość przyniesie Twoim Bliskim. Nie bój się tego, co Cię czeka, bo wiem, że dokonasz wielkich rzeczy. Wszystkiego najlepszego!
Looker  - | 1129
17 Jun 2015   #160
My friend is graduating and I wanted to send them a card.

This is one friend or maybe more of them? (some difference in translation)
I'll take that it's one person, probably a girl? (I assume that she/he is after graduation already?)

Gratulacje z okazji zdania egzaminu! (what kind of graduation in was?)
Wkraczasz w nowy okres więc z tej okazji życzę Ci wszelkiej pomyślności w każdej sferze nowego życia. Mam nadzieję, że robisz to, co daje Ci zadowolenie i przynosi uśmiech tak i dla Ciebie, jak i dla wszystkich, na których Ci zależy. Nie obawiaj się co przyniesie przyszłość, bo wiem, że sprawisz iż stanie się wszystko to co najlepsze!

My 'quick' try.

I didn't noticed Polonius respond. His version is good too (maybe even better) - decide yourself which one to use, or mix them both ;)

Oh, and yet Peter's...
Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Jun 2015   #161
I didn't noticed Polonius respond

I responded the minute I saw it, but what happened to my translation?
21 Jun 2015   #162
I ended up using yours Polonius. I appreciate everyone's help.

Thanks so much!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Jun 2015   #163
Merged:Polish internauta = netsurfer in English language?

Does English have a nice equivalent for the Polish internauta? Would it be Internet user, net surfer or what?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
22 Jun 2015   #164
in your case it would be 'silver surfer' - otherwise not really no.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Jun 2015   #165
not really

So what is it? There must be an English name for all those know-alls commenting on everything under some nick and putting in their two pennies worth.
25 Jun 2015   #166

Can someone translate this for me? I've already tried several translators, but they fail to help me understand this sentance:

i żeby aniołki się tobie przyśniły

I think this means (for what I could already find): and that you may dream about angels? But I can be far off aswell.

25 Jun 2015   #167
i żeby aniołki się tobie przyśniły

... and I wish You to dream about angels.
Yantina  - | 17
25 Jun 2015   #168

Can someone help me with this please?
My Polish ex-boyfriend was supposed to come visit me next friday to pick up some stuff.
But this morning he texted me,saying he wants to come this evening.
I asked him why,because he knows that the stuff he needs won't be here untill next week,but I don't understand his reply.

I can't find the meaning in my dictionary and online translators make no sense.
Also can't ask him,because he is working in an area where cellphones have no signal.
So what does : "Bo Mam Ochotę Na Ciebie " mean?

Thanks in advance.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
25 Jun 2015   #169
Bo Mam Ochotę Na Ciebie

loosly translated: "because I wan't you" (in an erotic meaning of that word).
Yantina  - | 17
25 Jun 2015   #170
Ahem oooookay.... :o

Thanks for the quick reply! ( gives me some time to think about my answer)
1 Jul 2015   #171
Merged: What does this means ?

Hi, I am Ahmed from UAE. I am having trouble regarding WARSAW UNIVERSITY admission results. Have applied to graduate studies in Quantative Finance.

Lp. Imię Nazwisko Wynik Zakwalifikowany
1 Felix 96 tak
2 Arif 78 tak

16 Maryam 29 nie
17 Jianche 28,5 nie

21 Carlos brak opłaty
22 Sadiq Budaqli brak opłaty

I figured out tak which means selected and nie means not selected. I can't figure what does brak oplaty means? Can any one say me what does it means?
jon357  72 | 22967
1 Jul 2015   #172
It means that Carlos and Sadiq Budaqli haven't paid. Therefore their results haven't yet been published.
1 Jul 2015   #173
very thanks jon357 !
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
2 Jul 2015   #174
I think this means (for what I could already find): and that you may dream about angels? But I can be far off aswell.dziękuję

dream about angels not about monsters or something worse. Sleep well.
5 Jul 2015   #175
Merged: Translation and meaning of the song Chryzantemy złociste

I'm since a while trying to translate and understand the song Chryzantemy złociste. I know more or less about what the song is and that there are a few bad words in it... But I just cant manage to translate the details so that they make sense. Hope to get some help here :)
Looker  - | 1129
5 Jul 2015   #176
The meaning of this song is very simple: a girl called here a 'slut' cheated on a guy, who is mad now.

The Polish lyrics:
Yantina  - | 17
6 Jul 2015   #177
I don't know if this makes any sense at all (I've only been studying Polish for a couple of weeks )
But when I read the lyrics, I think that the yellow chrysanthemums are symbolic.

In some cultures they are a symbol of loyalty , hounesty and trust.
Maybe that is why they are whithering away in a wodka-bottle.(well,my online translator says it's wodka,dunno if that is correct)
Flowers (and also loyalty hounesty and trust )don't thrive well on alcohol.

In other cultures they are a symbol of slighted love or even a forebode of breaking up.
7 Jul 2015   #178
Merged: Piękny ranek . can someone translate this nice letter into English?


Can someone tell me what this means? I got it from a beautiful Polish lady I met in Warsaw...

Thank you and God bless.


Niech ten piękny ranek, przyniesie Ci wraz z promykami słońca, ciepło w sercu i przypomni jak wspaniałą osobą jesteś :) Niech w duszy gra Ci dziś muzyka i jak magnes będzie przyciągać do Ciebie tylko pozytywnych i radosnych ludzi oraz zdarzenia i myśli :) Nie może być inaczej, gdyż przychodzi do Nas to co sami dajemy :) A Ty dajesz Światu, pewnie czasem więcej niż Ci się wydaje Niech wróci to do Ciebie ze zdwojoną mocą... a co tam niech będzie 5 razy bardziej :) Dziś w prognozie pogody przewidujemy : - obfite opady szczęścia... prosimy nie brać parasoli tylko dać się przesiąknąć :) - huragan miłości... nie opieramy się mu tylko dajemy porwać - wybuch wulkanu energii... lawa z niego nie parzy a dodaje siły i powera więc krocz po niej dumnie - tsunami motywacji... niech zaleje Cię od stóp po czubek głowy, niewyobrażalna moc i wiara że Ty właśnie dasz radę zrobić wszystko o czym sobie pomyślałeś Wszystkie składniki pogodowe ładnie łączą się na koniec w całość w tęczę jako symbol który zawiera wszystkie te skarby A teraz zamknij oczy i przeżyj to a na końcu włóż symbol tęczy gdzieś w ciało żeby miał do niego dostęp zawsze Cudownego Dnia Przytulas
9 Jul 2015   #179
Could it be any longer? (Friends reference)

I'll give it a try. Feel free to correct me. I ain't native English and treating this "stunt" as a good occasion to learn something. :)

Let this beautiful morning bring, along with sunshine, warmth in heart and remind You how great person You are. :) Let the music play within Your soul and make You attract, like a magnet, only positive and cheerful people, events and thoughts.. :) It can not be the other way because we get what we give. :) And You give to the world sometimes more than You imagine. Hope it'll get back to You twice as powerful...let it be even fivefold :) Today in the weather forecast we foresee: - heavy fall of happiness... we advise to not take umbrelas and get soaked :) - a love hurricane... we do not try to withstand it but we just let it carry us... - an energy volcano explosion... lava flowing from wich does not burn but gives strength instead and (powera) so You walk on it (boldly?) - motivation tsunami... let it engulf Your body from feet to the tip of Your head giving You inimaginable power and faith that You can do anything You've been thinking about. All the weather ingredients merge into a rainbow as a symbol that include all those treasures. Now close Your eyes, experience it and at the end put that symbol into Your body so You will always have an access to a Wonderful Day Teddybear.

Out of my head so can be a bit twisted lol

"Unimaginable"... sorry I'm after three pints. :)
12 Jul 2015   #180
Merged: could someone please translate the followin thanks...

moze damy rade w tydzien i size nie zabijemY

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