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Short Polish<->English translations

Lyzko  42 | 9663
9 Mar 2020   #751
Thanks, Ziemowit!
9 Mar 2020   #752

Can anyone translate this?

I'm trying to order a few books from Allegro. Thanks

Can you repost your listing with the new asking price? Also can you provide pictures of each book so I know the condition of each book?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
10 Mar 2020   #753
Can you repost

Czy mógłbyś/mogłabyś (don't know the sex of that person so him/her) ponowić swoją aukcję już z nową oczekiwaną ceną, jak również czy mógłbyś/mogłabyś załączyć zdjęcia poszczególnych książek tak by była możliwość oceny ich stanu?
pawian  222 | 26670
19 Mar 2020   #754
Guys, do you know the name of the virus sounds nicer in Polish?

Polish korona means 'crown." You know, it comes from Latin.

What do English speakers feel when they hear crown virus?
pawian  222 | 26670
22 Mar 2020   #755
Room - pokój
Peace - pokój.

A funny collocation from the home mass service: Przekażcie sobie znak pokoju w pokoju. Offer each other the sign of peace (in the room)."
danthetourist  - | 2
19 Apr 2020   #756

translation needed

I have an artist painting a First Holy Communion scene from Czestochowa. He wants a name for painting. I was thinking Komunia Czestochowa or Komunijne Czestochowa but I don't know the Polish language so I don't know for sure if my title makes sense. Is Komunia just an English-easy version of Komunijne? Is there a better name? My intent is "First Holy Communion, Czestochowa". How is this best said in Polish? Thanks.
Looker  - | 1129
19 Apr 2020   #757
I would write:
"Pierwsza Komunia Święta, Częstochowa"
danthetourist  - | 2
19 Apr 2020   #758
great! thank you very much for your answer.
21 Apr 2020   #759

Can you tell me what this job is called?

Support worker (learning disbilities)

Care worker.

Looker  - | 1129
21 Apr 2020   #760
How about:
jon357  72 | 23298
21 Apr 2020   #761
Support worker (learning disbilities)

"Asystent osobisty osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną"
If the employee is female, the first word is asystentka.

Care worker.

"Opiekun osób niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie."
If the employee is female, the first word is Opiekunka.

Opiekun/Opiekunka is used for paid carers, care assistants for any client group, home care etc.

Polish is a very gendered language, however job adverts often say asystent/asystentka or opiekun/opiekunka


That means 'Instructor'.
Looker  - | 1129
21 Apr 2020   #762
Good point Jon.

Support worker (learning disbilities)

Couldn't it be 'pedagog szkolny'?
jon357  72 | 23298
21 Apr 2020   #763
'pedagog szkolny'?

Pedagog szkolny is usually an Educational Guidance Counsellor who works within the school system.
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 Apr 2020   #764
It may also be nauczyciel wspomagający.

More information will be helpful.
jon357  72 | 23298
22 Apr 2020   #765
nauczyciel wspomagający.

That's a different job, one in a school; the role requires teacher training. Support Workers have a very specific role, usually in Group Homes. I used to supervise them back in the UK.
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 Apr 2020   #766
The original post mentioned learning disabilities.
That's why I said more information would be useful.
jon357  72 | 23298
22 Apr 2020   #767
learning disabilities.

The term has a specific meaning in the UK; a particular adult client group of Social Services. It was the field I worked in for a few years back there, before it was all privatised.

If the work concerns children in school, the term Special Educational Needs is usual.

The various jobs, roles etc vary from country to country, usually on the basic of the particular 'model of disability', whether social or medical, as well as the type of care providers involved.
mafketis  38 | 11036
22 Apr 2020   #768
Can you tell me what this job is called?

People need much more context including (but not limited to)

country you're talking about

duties of said job

start with those and maybe we can help...
jon357  72 | 23298
22 Apr 2020   #769
People need much more context

It's fairly clear to anyone directly familiar with that field. The job title is a well-established one. And there happened to be someone reading the thread who knows the field very well and was able to answer.

Unless you expect the full job description so non-specialists can mull over it and give random opinions...
mafketis  38 | 11036
22 Apr 2020   #770
The job title is a well-established one

Maybe in the UK I'm pretty sure American terms (like large swaths of educational terminology) are very different. I had a vague idea of what the OP was after but the specific terms didn't mean anything to me....
jon357  72 | 23298
22 Apr 2020   #771
didn't mean anything to me

Fortunately it did to me.
mafketis  38 | 11036
22 Apr 2020   #772
And hopefully the OP will actually be considerate enough to thank you....
jon357  72 | 23298
22 Apr 2020   #773
He/she may have already found the answer elsewhere and not even checked here. It's very possible.

Always nice to get a "thank you" though. One of those little things that brighten the day, make the birdies sing, the flowers bloom and warms the cockles of the heart.
2 May 2020   #774
How to say "I am good/bad etc at (doing something)" in Polish? Is the correct Polish preposition "na" or "w(e)" or something else? So far, I know only "(Ja) Jestem dobry/zły etc...(z)robienie coś". Or does the Polish equivalent of such sentences use adverbs "dobrze/źle etc" instead of adjectives "dobry/zły etc"? So far I'm 100% confident only the "(Ja) jestem" part

Uh oh, and how to say in Polish "I'm NOT good/bad etc at (doing something)"? Is it "(Ja) Nie jestem...(z)robienie nic"? And does the equivalent sentences in Polish use adverbs "dobrze/źle etc" instead of adjectives "dobry/zły etc"?
Looker  - | 1129
2 May 2020   #775
I am good/bad etc at (doing something)"

The literally translation could be:
Jestem (nie jestem) w tym dobry.
But the better sounding translation:
Znam się (nie znam się) na tym.
Mike98989  1 | 3
14 May 2020   #776

Possible Translation

Hello, is there anyone out there that can possibly translate this metric book entry for me? Thank you!

  • Metric Book Entry
jon357  72 | 23298
14 May 2020   #777
From Latin?

Do you have any more details? They help with translating; the more the better.
Mike98989  1 | 3
15 May 2020   #778
Sorry about that. Yes, it's Latin, and it's from a Greek Catholic metric book from 1898-1900. Anything anyone can glean from it would be great. Thanks!
kaprys  3 | 2076
15 May 2020   #779
You need someone who specialises in Latin.mine is too poor.
I guess it's a birth record of Basil (Wasyl or Bazyli in Polish but since it's a Greek Catholic book probably the previous).

The headings are missing so it's not only my poor Latin but also guessing in poor Latin.
The first date is usually the day of birth and then the day of baptism. I can't see the month -it was cut out while cropping.

A legitimate child.
The next chart is usually about the parents
Basilius Feredycz (?) Peasant (?) in Jablonka Wyzna of Lucas (?) And Helena nee Stefan.
Sophia Feredycz daughter of Daniel Bzynko (???) and Eufrozja/Eufrozyna nee Iwaniuk.
The last part is usually the godparents.

Show the full page to someone who knows Latin better ^^
Ernestoc  - | 6
5 Jun 2020   #780
Hello, I need your help! My grandfather fought in WW1, he was born in Nowosiolky,Tarnopol in 1895, I have his military booklet and would need help to understand what it says, I would like to know where did he fought, if he was injured, etc. I tried translating myself and it is almost impossible with the hand written words. I am attaching a few photos of the booklet. Many thanks in advance for your help! Really appreciate it!

  • ADD9E4D73BF247AAA.jpeg

  • 16231318003349AAA.jpeg

  • 0F44AB5C3B7849EA8.jpeg

  • AD39929AB88B456F8.jpeg

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