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Short Polish<->English translations

Lyzko  45 | 9749
11 Aug 2017   #571
"...You bring light unto my soul,
I shall forever love you."

I realize I clearly took a few 'poetic liberties' here, but then, for the sake of register, I made a judgement call, folks!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
11 Aug 2017   #572

lol yeah. We all know u can't speak/write in Polish.
Good to know you yourself asses your Polish as terrible. It's nothing more than that tbh. Actually 3-4 years old Pole speak Polish better than you.
Lyzko  45 | 9749
11 Aug 2017   #573
Hardly surprising, as it's their native tongue:-) However, Mr. Troll-in-Residence, I know plenty of US kids who speak English much better than youLOL
12 Aug 2017   #574
"How Can I Be So In Love

You ask me how can I be so in love?
How can the stars twinkle in the night sky?
Or the moon pull the tides in an endless dance?
How can the sun burn ever so bright overhead?
Or the earth keep it's contstant turn below?

How can I be so in love?
How can the flowers bloom come spring?
Endless colours in a sea of green?
How can the rains spring eternal?
Ever flowing, never ending, a dance of life.

How can I be so in love?
With this woman that inspires my heart to greatness?
With her genius mind that will carry her over the world,
with her humble heart that deemed me fit to hold within.
With her beautious smile, the secret of happiness hidden behind,
With her gorgeous soul, that makes me strive to be a better man.

You ask me how can I be so in love?
But I ask you, how in the world could I not? "

If anyone can help me with this, it would be awesome. I would love to be able to surprise her with reciting to her in her own language (which she is trying her best to teach me)
24 Aug 2017   #575
There is a saying my grandfather would recite all the time..
I know the first part is
Jak się masz (How are you?)?
And the rest I haven't been able to figure out. It sounds like...
Hits die spatch
then something something booby dahck
Any help?
Hoping it's some sort of proverb or rhyme.
kaprys  3 | 2076
24 Aug 2017   #576
Did he say it when he wanted to say good night?
hits die spatch sounds like idź daj spać - go (away) and let me sleep but I guess your grandpa was more possible to say idź już spać- go to sleep now.

Booby dahck - buzi dać? to give a kiss

Just a guess. I can't think of any rhyme containing these. Perhaps someone will have a better idea.
28 Aug 2017   #577
kaprys, thank you for your help!
polish loveer  - | 1
22 Sep 2017   #578

Need Translation


Can someone please translate the following for my facebook page?

"New Luxurious Spa just opened in Warsaw. To make us popular, i am giving away 100 vouchers worth 3,000PLN for the first 100 people that accept our friend request"
gumishu  15 | 6227
22 Sep 2017   #579
Właśnie otwarliśmy nowe luksusowe spa w Warszawie. By spopularyzować to miejsce, rozdajemy 100 voucherów o wartości 3000 złotych dla pierwszych 100-u osób, które zaakceptują naszą prośbę o dodanie do znajomych.
Mrs T  1 | 12
8 Oct 2017   #580

Translation please

Hi can someone tell me the Polish phrase that means land and mortgage register. Thank you.
faithfulpilgrim  - | 10
21 Nov 2017   #582

What does Tutejszy mean?

Hello I am reading through the Polish census in 1931 and came across the word Tutejszy. What does it mean? Are they a Polish sub-ethnic group?
terri  1 | 1661
21 Nov 2017   #583
No, it means 'a local' a person who lives in the locality.
Lyzko  45 | 9749
27 Dec 2017   #584
Anything in meaning like "przybisz"?
Looker  - | 1129
27 Dec 2017   #585
Przybisz - no such word in Polish, maybe przybysz?
kaprys  3 | 2076
28 Dec 2017   #586
And przybysz is quite opposite to tutejszy.
Lyzko  45 | 9749
28 Dec 2017   #587
Of course, thanks Looker! I meant "przybysz" as in the phrase I read recently "...przybysz ze wsi.....", which I translated (idiomaticallyLOL) as "local yokel".

There have been some new descriptions about people from villages who come to big town. They are called 'sloiki' (glass jars). Reason being that when they go and visit families they give them prepared food which is put in glass jars for them to keep in the fridge.
1 Jan 2018   #588

Moj Ziomku// moja mordko

Can be use both in the same meaning? Like an " My bro" or 'my man" ??
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
1 Jan 2018   #589
Mordo ty moja! :)

Słoik is a term that describes only people that moved to WARSAW. Not any big town/city.
jon357  72 | 23405
1 Jan 2018   #590
Terms change and spread. You do hear the word in other cities.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
1 Jan 2018   #591
Don't think so. I lived in Poznań and Gdańsk and never heard "słoik" to be used. Heard it only in connection with Warszawa.

Anyways... you wouldn't know coz u don't even speak Polish.
jon357  72 | 23405
1 Jan 2018   #592
Don't think so. I lived in Poznań and Gdańsk

Remember, Notty, that it's a relatively recent expression. Neologisms spread very rapidly indeed,

I suspect there are quite a few expressions you didn't hear during your many decades in both cities.
terri  1 | 1661
1 Jan 2018   #593
As I'm going to Krakow in a few days, I'll listen carefully to the TV programme 'Sloiki' to find which cities people are moving into. Will report later.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
1 Jan 2018   #594
"Słoiki" exactly IS about people that moved TO WARSAW from other places.
kaprys  3 | 2076
1 Jan 2018   #595
Wasn't it Terri who mentioned słoiki first?

I have also heard it used about Warsaw.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
1 Jan 2018   #596
I suspect there are quite a few expressions you didn't hear during your many decades in both cities.

I suspect u know nothing since you don't even speak the language after decades you spent on knowing Poles, Polish language and Polish way of thinking.

You're as an authority on Polish language as you're on hetersexual relationship.
jon357  72 | 23405
1 Jan 2018   #597
I have also heard it used about Warsaw.

It originated in Ursynów a few years ago, and caught on after it was picked up in the media.

I suspect u

As if you'd know...
28 Mar 2018   #598

gaździnka po angielsku

Hello --

What is the meaning or implication when a young lady (a family member) is referred to as a "gaździnka" ??

Many thanks,

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Mar 2018   #599
They are mountaineers and the lady of the house is referred to as 'gaździna' or 'gaździnka' (the male form is 'gazda').

Witojcie nom Podholanie Gazdowie, a i gaździnki. Witojcie syćka dziecyska Parobecki i dziewcynki. Tu w nasym Dunajcu...
Lyzko  45 | 9749
28 Mar 2018   #600
Thanks, NoToForeigners!

Sorry I waited this long to respond. Always grateful for the assistance:-)

While we're on the subject, are you familiar with the expression "On jest dobrym gosciem.", which I was told by a native Polish-American means something on the order of

"He's a good egg.", as one might say in American slang.

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