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Divorce recognition in Poland through an English / EU court?

andy07400 1 | -
5 Aug 2013 #1
my Polish fiance was divorced from her Polish husband last year, in the English courts.( they both live in England and have done for 8yrs) So in the eyes of English law, we are free to marry, however, is there anything she needs to do in Poland as well or is the English divorce automatically recognised in Poland too as we are all part of the EU?
Ant63 13 | 410
5 Aug 2013 #2
To be on the safe side check with a Polish lawyer in the UK. Dorota Beange from Ison Harrison should be able to advise you.
31 Jul 2024 #3
A divorce finalized in the UK is recognized by the Polish authorities and is subject only to the registration procedure ("divorce validation"), which can be carried out in Poland at the Civil Registry Office, possibly in the same location where Polish people normally get married.

Home / Law / Divorce recognition in Poland through an English / EU court?

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