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enkidu  6 | 611
28 Oct 2012   #211
Well there is nothing wrong with the word "black" unless you are Spanish... :) Black in Spanish is "*****".

The world "black" does not describe colour? That's strange...
It is not nice to describe someone by the colour of their skin.

On the other hand - in the word "Murzyn" there is nothing about colour. No matter how much you analyse this word - there is nothing that refer to one's colour or race. It simply means "A guy with African heritage". Originally this word referred to the inhabitants of North Africa.
pip  10 | 1658
28 Oct 2012   #212
ok, but not all blacks come from north Africa.
Ironside  50 | 12916
28 Oct 2012   #213
OK not all Indians are from India.
legend  3 | 658
28 Oct 2012   #214
Murzyn I dont see why thats bad. Kinda of like Negro. Nigger of course is the bad one.
In South America (and other places) Negro is acceptable afaik, go to USA and the African Americans wont like it if you say it I presume.

You got it right.Blacks suffer from a very deep inferiority complex.I mean if I call black a n i g g e r he will be freaking out but when a black calls me a cracker or a honky it doesn't upset me at all and I don't feel offended.I am just like "Yeah,whatever".Seriously it doesn't offend me a bit.

Same here.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
28 Oct 2012   #215
Kinda of like Negro

Negroid is the scientific term. They dont like it much, though.
pip  10 | 1658
29 Oct 2012   #216
pip: ok, but not all blacks come from north Africa.
OK not all Indians are from India.

so what is your point. It refers to a culture not the colour of skin and in Polish it is Hinduski--which is also inaccurate because of the billion people in India, not all of them are Hindu.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Oct 2012   #217

"Hindu" (adjective) is "hinduistyczny" in Polish.
"Indian" (adjective) is "hinduski".
"Indian" (nationality) is "Hindus".
pip  10 | 1658
29 Oct 2012   #218
and what is your point. It is a word to describe a person from India--but it is a religious reference and not all Indians are Hindus. I am sure if you called an Indian muslim a hinduski--they would probably find it offensive.

Poles need to accept that their language is not exactly culture friendly when describing those from a foreign region.
sofijufka  2 | 187
29 Oct 2012   #219
which language is? English? Frogs=French.
French? Le Rosbif = Englishman
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Oct 2012   #220
I am sure if you called an Indian muslim a hinduski-

I just explained that the religion is HINDUIZM and the adjective from that is HINDUISTYCZNY.
Hinduski / indyjski simply means "from India".

With all due respect, your knowledge of Polish is too sketchy for you to be able to discuss it seriously.

Poles need to accept that their language is not exactly culture friendly when describing those from a foreign region.

Cultural imperialism at its best.
pip  10 | 1658
29 Oct 2012   #221
With all due respect, your knowledge of Polish is too sketchy for you to be able to discuss it seriously.

perhaps, but my husbands isn't and we often discuss this.

Polish language is lacking. Its description of colours is too simple and its description of cultures is insulting.

In Polish-- Indyski--first nations. Insulting.

Murzyn. insulting.

Hinduski- insulting.

roma--cygan- insulting

got more? I am sure there are loads.

Cultural imperialist. not really. But if Poland wants to play in the big leagues and get out of the Europe B category, it needs to step up. And this is part of it.
boletus  30 | 1356
29 Oct 2012   #222
perhaps, but my husbands isn't and we often discuss this.

Well, madam, your husband might be a Polish language authority for you, but not for me. Do not make me laugh. If I had to choose one - that would be possibly profs. Bralczyk, or Miodek instead, not your spouse.

See for example this response of prof. Bralczyk to reader "Małgorzata", who proposed a word "Ukrainczyk" instead of "Ukrainiec" due to the latter's WWII bad connotation.

Szanowna Pani Małgorzato,
Istotnie, czasem mamy ochotę, znajdując niepożądane konotacje w słowie, zastąpić je innym. Czasem ma to wymiar powszechny, związany z tzw. polityczną poprawnością, w imię której w USA mówi się o Afroamerykanach, a u nas o Romach. Bywa i tak, że te nowe słowa po jakimś czasie znów nabywają negatywnych skojarzeń, bo przecież nie tylko w słowach rzecz. Co do mnie, jestem zdania, żeby raczej starać się coś zrobić z dawnym i dobrze zakorzenionym słowem Ukrainiec w jego podstawowym znaczeniu niż wprowadzać nowego i nieco (przyznam) dziwnego Ukraińczyka - który trochę kojarzy się z Chińczykiem, a trochę przywołuje nieco zabawną zdrobniałość.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Oct 2012   #223
Polish language is lacking. Its description of colours is too simple and its description of cultures is insulting.


But if Poland wants to play in the big leagues and get out of the Europe B category, it needs to step up. And this is part of it.

Really? What you have written above is one of the most offensive, uninformed, culturally insensitive, and disgustingly patronising things that I have ever read.
enkidu  6 | 611
29 Oct 2012   #224
So - we established above any doubts that ALL Polish words that describe one's nationality/ethnicity are insulting. :-)

There is another example. The "Slav" ( Słowianin ) is from "słowo" (word) and means "people of the word, people of common language".

But the Polish word for Germany is "Niemcy". "Niemiec" is closely related to the word "niemowa" or "niemy" (mute).

And that implies that the Germans are mute dumbs who can not speak in the human language. The people who bark like dogs but are unable to speak.

This is so deeply offensive that almost make me cry.
boletus  30 | 1356
29 Oct 2012   #225
This is so deeply offensive that almost make me cry.

Yes, and think about G£UCHONIEMCY, Walddeutsche

Not only mute but also deaf!
enkidu  6 | 611
29 Oct 2012   #226
That is so insulting that I almost become muted myself. Obviously - the Polish language is the most racist, insulting, barbaric languages in the whole World!

Of course - Polish people would deny it. They would say lies like "Nah nah this is perfectly neutral word. There is no hint of insult in it. " They openly lie because they know that the Polish language is so difficult that no foreigner would ever learn it perfectly. But we know the truth! Liars.

Liars, racists, insulting bunch. Your own language betray you! Your Polish so-called language show clearly what a hateful nation you are.

Another example: Italy.
In most languages of the world Italy is Italy. But in Polish it is "Włochy". And the Italian man is "Włoch".

Now - if you look on the online Polish-English dictionary it would simply state that "Włochy" is just "Italy" in Polish.

But there is something more....
The word "Włochy" is related to word "włosy" (hairs). But when written like that "Włochy" doesnt mean nice clean curly hairs. It means soaked, dirty, greasy lump of disgusting hairs. Something you may find in the bottom of the bath-tub in some really dirty motel.

That what the Polish think of Italy and Italians!
pip  10 | 1658
29 Oct 2012   #227
pip: But if Poland wants to play in the big leagues and get out of the Europe B category, it needs to step up. And this is part of it.

Well there you go--now you know how it feels because it is true--you can only dish it out but can't take it. I teach my kids to be more culturally aware than using these words. To the rest of Europe Poland is considered lesser. I didn't create it. It exists. One only needs to see the millions of workers living in the UK to prove that point.

And what is so insulting about saying that the Polish language doesn't have more descriptive words when talking about colours. I deal with this one everyday with my job. As well as descriptions of design styles. They are wrong too.
Lenka  5 | 3531
29 Oct 2012   #228
Excuse me?What kind of colours would you like?
And the name INDIAN ocean is also racist or does it apply only to Polish?
MoOli  9 | 479
29 Oct 2012   #229
INDIAN ocean

sofijufka  2 | 187
29 Oct 2012   #230
The word "Włochy" is related to word "włosy" (hairs). But when written like that "Włochy" doesnt mean nice clean curly hairs. It means soaked, dirty, greasy lump of disgusting hairs. Something you may find in the bottom of the bath-tub in some really dirty motel.

no, its not. It's derived from old-slavic volxъ - a man of roman origin, borrowed from old-german "walxa" - romanus/roman
boletus  30 | 1356
29 Oct 2012   #231
But when written like that "Włochy" doesnt mean nice clean curly hairs. It means soaked, dirty, greasy lump of disgusting hairs.

Not only that. They try to confuse the poor foreigner by mixing the words Włoch with Wołoch. And who is Wołoch? Everybody else knows him as Vlach. But no, Poles call his people Wołosi (not Włosi !) and they say that he came from Wołoszczyzna, while everyone knows it as Wallachia, Walachia or Valahia. Wołoska jazda (cavalry), wołoskie wojny (wars), wołoskie osadnictwo (settlements, colonization).

And then, to make things even worse, they decided to name multiple villages in Southern Poland and Ukraine "Wołochy"! Yes, and this supposed to be historically justified!

And then the Czechs are not that much better either; they have their Wołochy too in Moravia, on Morawska Wołoszczyzna! Imperialists!
enkidu  6 | 611
29 Oct 2012   #232
no, its not. It's derived from old-slavic volxъ - a man of roman origin, borrowed from old-german "walxa" - romanus/roman

Ha! You see? Not a half an hour passed and there is some Polish who insist that there is nothing offensive in the word "Włochy".

Just old latin-german whatever perfectly non insulting word, right? Sure.

This language is full of racists insulting remarks that are fully understandable to any Polish native speaker. But outside they deny. They insist that words like "Włoch" "Żyd" "Murzyn" or "Hindus" are perfectly normal and neutral.
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Oct 2012   #233
In Polish-- Indyski--first nations. Insulting.
Murzyn. insulting.

Its insulting quality exists only in a mind of a person who find it insulting. This is madness and you happily roll along with it.

so what is your point. It refers to a culture not the colour of skin

My point is that Indian refers to native inhabitants of India! Not to the colour of their skin. By geographical mistake Americans are also Called Indians( American Indians), when by right they should be called Americans and Americans something else.

My point is that Murzyn -Moor is neutral old word, name for dark skinned people since XIV century. There is nothing wrong with it. Murzyn can be person from any country whereas African logicically comes from Africa. That is potentially more racist - saying you are African why don't you go back to your continent!

Also African-American is nonsense, If African then not American, and if American means Indians then there should be another word invented for Europeans calling themselves Americans and so on ...

My point is that some names are just that - names.Those names are neutral, tools to communicate. A fact that hammer can be used to kill doesn't mean that all hammers should be banned as potentially deathly weapon.

If you want to insult somebody you will find a way regardless of words you are using unless you are a tool yourself!
when ignorant people without respect for others and history try to make an impact there are only disrespect other people. it doesn't just the fact that such people should stick where they belong, somewhere were a simple basic skills are enough, like business or politics.

Seriously thought Political Correctness is based on Marxist ideology which spread among many Americans dick-heads in the 60s. The key here is book of Herbert Marcuse "Eros and Civilisation" easy to read and simple enough for morons to understand, never the less based on communist ideology.
pip  10 | 1658
29 Oct 2012   #234
Excuse me?What kind of colours would you like?
And the name INDIAN ocean is also racist or does it apply only to Polish?

you missed the point.

First nations people, Natives, Aboriginals in Polish are called Indyjski. Which to them is offensive. It has nothing to do with the Indian ocean.

Indyjski should be what you call people from India but instead they are called Hinduski which is inaccurate.

As for colours. There are millions of colours and the Polish language doesn't have the capabilities of describing them.

Its insulting quality exists only in a mind of a person who find it insulting. This is madness and you happily roll along with it.

this is ridiculous. Using ignorance as an excuse.

Whatever. use the language you want I don't give a rats as$. My kids are half Polish and we are teaching them more respectable language -language that can be used with no question or doubt when describing somebody of a different culture. They are proud of their culture and will be thought of better than those that define the country with their poor behaviour.
enkidu  6 | 611
29 Oct 2012   #235
First nations people, Natives, Aboriginals in Polish are called Indyjski. Which to them is offensive. It has nothing to do with the Indian ocean.

No, no. "Indyjski" is something from India. You know - this large country in the central Asia. With elephants and stuff...
First Nation people are called "Indiański" not "Indyjski". For instance: Indiański Wódz (First Nation Chieftain).
Hindusi - Asia.
Indianie - America

BTW - The word "Natives" and especially "Aboriginal" are highly insulting. I know there is little chance that any First Nation's member would read it but nonetheless we shall purge our language from such racists words.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Oct 2012   #236
First nations people, Natives, Aboriginals in Polish are called Indyjski.

Not true.

Indyjski should be what you call people from India but instead they are called Hinduski which is inaccurate.

Hindus, hinduski come from Hindustan, Hindustani, which are native Hindi (not Hindu) words. India is Hindustan and the adjective is Hindustani. Kindly look it up before you speak of "accuracy" again.

There are millions of colours and the Polish language doesn't have the capabilities of describing them.

Give me several specific examples of colours for which Polish has no names, and no capability of describing them.

Also, would you kindly render into English the shades of colour as described by:

różowy - różowawy - rożowiutki - zaróżowiony.

In single-word equivalents, that is.
enkidu  6 | 611
29 Oct 2012   #237
pip:Hindus, hinduski come from Hindustan, Hindustani, which are native Hindi (not Hindu) words. India is Hindustan and the adjective is Hindustani. Kindly look it up before you speak of "accuracy" again.

Oh yeah!? If the Poles are oh-so-correct then why they don't call Hindustani people "Hindustańczycy" in Polish? As we established previously - the word "hindus" is insulting racists remark. And why the call the First Nation people "Indians"? Maybe because Poles are racists?

As for the colours - in Polish you can describe only most basic colours. The other colour names are just stolen from English
purpurowy - purple
fioletowy - violet
sofijufka  2 | 187
29 Oct 2012   #238
purpurowy - purplefioletowy - violet

no, purpura [not purple] is from latin łac. purpŭra
violet/fiolet - from latin viola
enkidu  6 | 611
29 Oct 2012   #239
I don't care where Polish steal their words.
My point is that Polish language is so primitive that it has to steal words. If you would use only POLISH words (not the one stolen from other nations) you would not be able to describe any complex matter or even describe colours.
Lenka  5 | 3531
29 Oct 2012   #240
As for colours. There are millions of colours and the Polish language doesn't have the capabilities of describing them.

Oh,excuse me.I fought that this was easy.
Listen,of course there are different skin tones but with the colour of the skin there are some basic rules.Yes it connected with race and with some biological differences but either way human race recognises few skin colours.

Black person,Afro-American,Murzyn-person with high melanin level
White,Coucasian-person with low melanin level
Asians -moderate melanin level.
There is nothing more to add.Maybe you should tell us how you express this differences?Or maybe you're pretending these diferences don't exist?

Hindusi-ppl from India
Indianie-native Americans
Aborygeni-Aborigens(native ppl of different continents mosly used in term of native Australians

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