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Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Dec 2008   #61
I'm not a big fan of political correctness either. Political correctness according to who I may ask rhetorically?!

Now that I know that murzyn is not racist, I can post this murzyn talking., I like his attitude
7 Dec 2008   #62
Murzyn is not racist, blacks made it into a bad word, its simply the counterpart for Caucasian, and besides they shouldn't call us "bialoskorzy" as they ask to be called "czarnoskorzy" just call us "wasza wielmoznosc" hahahaha ;)
Ogien  5 | 237
22 Jul 2009   #63

It's actually not racist. Are you some liberal moron? It's the equivalent of negro in the English language.
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Jul 2009   #64
Go up to a black man and say 'Hello negro' then :) Go on, I dare ya.
violetta  2 | 22
25 Jul 2009   #65
Its funny how black people can call themselves 'niggaz' and 'negros' but as soon as it comes from a white person's mouth, even if its not in the least meant to offend anyone, its worst than the devil raping the world. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and I personally hate it when people of color play this 'racist card' on the table...its contradictory and hypocritical. If you have a problem with it, then set the example already instead of being part of your own problem.

Murzyn is not a racist term and it is not the same as negro in English...why compare the two? There is no murzyn in English as there is no negro is Polish...they are different terms...murzyn is simply how Polish people refer to black people...political correctness can kiss my ass, and so can comparing Polish to English...
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jul 2009   #66
I'm PC so where's that ass? ;) ;) Just kidding, it's true enough. Per se it's not racist but can be meant as a slur when cast with that intonation.
25 Jul 2009   #67
Go up to a black man and say 'Hello negro' then :) Go on, I dare ya.

we just say, "oi blud!" round here; perfectly acceptable from both races ;) lol.

The word you use, and the context, is most important though.

In English, you wouldn't say "Hi there, black man" - it just sounds ridiculous. Likewise, "Czesc, murzynie!" sounds pretty daft in Polish, too. But even then, it depends on the relationship - it might be acceptable between friends, but only they would know when this is.

Using the term nigger or czarnuch, in a sentence directed towards a black person, WILL be construed as offensive. It doesn't matter what you say or how. The sentence "Black people originally come from Africa" isn't racist, but change "black people" to niggers, and it changes the meaning and intention completely!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
25 Jul 2009   #68
Go up to a black man and say 'Hello negro' then :) Go on, I dare ya.

I would never do it. I never refer to people by their race. It's a bad idea.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jul 2009   #69
There's no real need to refer to race anyway.
Bondi  4 | 142
25 Jul 2009   #70
Its funny how black people can call themselves 'niggaz' and 'negros' but as soon as it comes from a white person's mouth, even if its not in the least meant to offend anyone, its worst than the devil raping the world. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me,...

It's called inferiority complex...

But has anyone noticed that "nigger" is not only a racial term all the time, but a denomination of social status? In that sense, it can be applied to non-black people as well.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
25 Jul 2009   #71
Its just a term used by ghetto people as far as I can see, Ive heard a few WIGGAS use it in the UK...It just makes me cringe when I hear anyone use it.... Nignog used to the word of the day back in the 70s in the UK, this was offensive towards blacks though.
z_darius  14 | 3960
26 Jul 2009   #72
There's no real need to refer to race anyway.

Let's not get carried away.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Jul 2009   #73
Well, is there a need? We are all people, no need to be divisive.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
26 Jul 2009   #74
Officer: How would you describe the man who took you wallet?
Victim: Well, he was about 6'1", 210 lbs.
Officer: Any thing else?
Victim: He dressed with baggy jeans, and very white runners.
Officer: Any thing else?
Victim: Well, he had curly hair.
Officer: Any thing else?
Victim: Well, his nose was a little wider than mine.
Officer: Any thing else?
Victim: Well, his lips were a little thicker than mine.
Officer: Any thing else?
Victim: Well, he was b-l-a-c-k.
Officer: Well, what has that got to do with anything?
z_darius  14 | 3960
26 Jul 2009   #75
Well, is there a need? We are all people, no need to be divisive.

'sokay to sing kumbaya once in a while, but life is life and skin color is one of its facts. Do you want people to pretend they are blind?

Pretty soon it will be illegal to sell and buy color crayons because they cause people to be divisive. And that would mean the end to the American education system as we know it.
Ogien  5 | 237
23 Nov 2009   #76

I like how you're twisting the use of the word. No, I wouldn't think it's appropriate to say "Hello negro" just like it wouldn't be appropriate to say "Hello black man." However, when referring to black people, there is nothing wrong with saying things like "A group of negros were protesting the release of a racist movie." I see it used in my local newspaper all the time. I live in Connecticut by the way which is a state that is filled with liberals.
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Nov 2009   #77
I guess it depends what school of thought you belong to. Some believe that the term 'paki' by itself is derogatory but others believe you need other words to make it offensive. The intonation is the giveaway.

It's all in the intention :)
enkidu  6 | 611
13 Dec 2009   #78
PC evolution:

Negro - perfectly neutral word branded as racist and replaced by:
Nigger -perfectly neutral word branded as racist and replaced by:
Black -perfectly neutral word branded as racist and replaced by:
Afroamerican (Afrobritish, afrocaraibbean) - considered by some ppl as racist.

UN resolution states that "there is only one race - human race". Therefore any attempt do describe any group of people as being part of some race is racist by definition. Any word that distinguish one group from another is by definition racist. :-)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
13 Dec 2009   #79
Just look at Charlize Theron.
100% gorgeous, 100% white, 100% African

Actually she's Afrikaner-American not African-American - she is a European (Dutch) decendent, not African. Just thought Id point that out, there is a world of difference.
BrutalButcher  - | 386
13 Dec 2009   #80

WHo cares about the UN...a negro is a nigger and a nigger is a human.
Cardno85  31 | 971
13 Dec 2009   #81
Afroamerican (Afrobritish, afrocaraibbean

I actually heard some mock offended handwrigner say that this is all now racist too because african should not be shortened to afro.

So it is African-American/British/Caribbean.

Nonsense the lot of it. You can tell if someone is being offensive by their tone and intonation, there is no need to brand certain words as illegal or offensive.

Just like when amongst friends, you can refer to someone as a silly ba**ard when they spill their pint and no-one cares. You go up and say the same thing to a stranger who you have just spilt the pint of and it's a whole different kettle of fish.

Life - it all comes down to pint spilling analogies.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
13 Dec 2009   #82
Paulo Ferreira

Who ??

said the word "Murzyn" in Polish is racist.

And what the hell that nigga knows about the Polish language ? Enough of this nonsense.
13 Dec 2009   #83
He also said Tuwim's "Murzynek Bambo" should be removed from schools and lirbaries.

The one that needs to be removed from Polish lands is himself... the nerve of this czarnuch wanting to change Polish poetry/history/culture.

Anyways, who needs Brazilian murzenow and who's idea to bring them into the National Team? whoever that is should be shot.

Unfortunately though, people in Poland will see him as "victim" and eventually comply with his demand....
15 Dec 2009   #84
murzyn - 100% neutral

czarnuch (char (like in charm) - nooh) - bad
asfalt (ass-fahlt) - very bad
kunta-kinte (coon-tah keen-teh) - very bad
małpa (mah-oopa), smoluch (smoh-looh) - very very bad

I think you can call murzyns

You can also say OPALONY (oh-pal-ohnee) - sunburned, it doesn't convey a racist message, kind of cute (also Berlusconi used it toward Obama)
hancock  1 | 95
15 Dec 2009   #85
Just say it as it is written in this forum with lots of stars.

(You know I had to drop the d from my name.)
f stop  24 | 2493
15 Dec 2009   #86
I thought czarny/a is least offensive, if somewhat grammatically incorrect.
Murzyn is negro - not so neutral, according to the exact translation.
Czarnuch is n!gger, the most offensive.
African, to me, is stupid. There are many white Africans as well.
Mulat is so similar to mulatto, which means half black half white.
31 Jan 2010   #87
Nope, what will happen will be a lot of PC rubbish and having books removed and logos removed and anything else that might offend the guests in your country!

They aren't guests if they were born there, contribute to the economy and help to fund your pension.
Trevek  25 | 1699
31 Jan 2010   #88
The situation is totally different in the UK where the word Paki is commonly known as a very racist term.

This is still a problem because it is often thought of by the older generations as just a short form of Pakistani. I've even heard Asians refer to a 'corner shop' as a 'paki' shop.

I think the problem with 'murzyn' is that it is like 'negro', not necessarily a racist word but rather out-of-date. Murzyn is from the word 'Moor' and not all Blacks are Moorish.

I might agree if it would be "Murzynek Sambo"

In UK the Russian martial art SAMBO (a term based on the Russian version of samo-obrona) is called SOMBO because it might offend people if it had a racist name like SAMBO. Of course, nobody worries about offending the Russians.

Its just a term used by ghetto people as far as I can see, Ive heard a few WIGGAS use it in the UK...It just makes me cringe when I hear anyone use it.... Nignog used to the word of the day back in the 70s in the UK, this was offensive towards blacks though.

The thing about the word 'nigger' is that it is derived from 'negro' and was used as an insult. The Black community in US started using the word 'to reclaim it' (a bit like how the Gay community now use the term 'queer', which was originally an insult). That Blacks can use the term is controversial even amongst Blacks (and can be used as an insult as well)/

nignog previously had the meaning of someone who was inexperienced, particularly used in the army. Even today they'll use the term 'nig' for a rookie or young soldier.
Filios1  8 | 1336
1 Feb 2010   #89
Murzyn is negro - not so neutral, according to the exact translation.
Czarnuch is n!gger, the most offensive.
African, to me, is stupid. There are many white Africans as well.
Mulat is so similar to mulatto, which means half black half white.

How about asfalt? Is that o.k?
strzyga  2 | 990
1 Feb 2010   #90
no, that's definitely offensive, as well as czarnuch.

Murzyn may be a direct equivalent of nigger but is neutral, although nigger is (has become) offensive.

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