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Harmless old-fashioned Polish swear words/phrases

Farurej  - | 6
21 Oct 2010   #31
I can't make out what is said here. Sth like 'if you need help, come to the pub??

"Idźcie do domu, my nie powiemy nikomu" - go home, we won't tell it to anybody.
Teffle  22 | 1318
21 Oct 2010   #32

Always found this one funny. The Spanish say it too.
Farurej  - | 6
21 Oct 2010   #33
Another phrase: "do jasnej ciasnej".
1 Jan 2011   #34
Can anyone verify the meaning of this phrase , -- Chapchalapcha ( chop cha lap cha ) ? My mother used it to reference a state of dress where you looked like someone who had just thrown on whatever you had handy. I hadn't heard the phrase in years and I had to laugh when I heard an older person use it.
26 Feb 2011   #35
It's "ciamciaramcia"!

Resolving phonetic transcription made me laugh for a while :)
and that word describe a looser, someone who is not able to handle life by himself. 'Sissy' would be good translation I think. Recently popularized by Roman Giertych, who called PO Party ciamciaramcia. Thanks for reminding that word!
strzyga  2 | 990
26 Feb 2011   #36
Można uzyskać od uderzenia pioruna May you get struck by lightning.

Nie, od uderzenia pioruna nie można nic uzyskać :)
May you get struck by lightning is A niech cię piorun strzeli.

Google translate is not quite up to it yet.
rybnik  18 | 1444
26 Feb 2011   #37
do jasnej cholery
PennBoy  76 | 2429
26 Feb 2011   #38
prvo ce da ga bije posle ce da ga kara
nott  3 | 592
26 Feb 2011   #39
How about: "do kroćset" (doh krotch-set)? I'm not even trying to translate it... ;)

'to multitude of hundreds'. Probably a short form of 'do kroćset diabłów'. It's rather ancient.

But my all-time favorite old-fashioned phrase is KRUCAFUKS. Spell it: "krootza-fookhz", with an accent on the second part.

Comes from 'crucifix'. I'd say it came from adopting the German habit of swearing by holy names, Himmelherrgottkruzifix etc. Krucafuks was, and maybe still is, popular with Górals, and I heard it in Silesia too. Some people use it still, I believe.
8 Apr 2011   #40
My grandma used to say something that sounded like: "Aw Yenna Kohanie" (maybe slang for Ah, Jesus). Any guesses?

I also remember a loose or scantly clad woman referred to as "Tock-ie Glide-ah." How does that translate?
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Apr 2011   #41
Yenna - jebna? Not grandma!
asik  2 | 220
8 Apr 2011   #42
"Aw Yenna Kohanie" (maybe slang for Ah, Jesus)

Jeny kochane! Oh dear!
Jeny it's a made up word without real meaning, could be used instead of Oh, Ah, Aw
Some people say it instead of Jezu kochany (Dear Jesus) as they don't like to overuse the Christ name.

"Tock-ie Glide-ah." How does that translate?

Maybe: Taka glista - Such a worm
9 Apr 2011   #43
dziekuje bardzo!
PennBoy  76 | 2429
9 Apr 2011   #44
Pałuj się chuju
9 Apr 2011   #45
Try the "Dictionary of Polish Obscenities" by Stanislaw Kielbasa published by Scythian Books, Oakland, California.
Xupicor  - | 3
27 Apr 2011   #46
There is "Pieronie" or "Pierunie" (literally meaning something along the lines of "You lightning") used in regional dialects, it could mean anything though, something like "You dog!" - you could use it to offend or to approve, paise. You could pretty much use it instead of "Wow" too. You can sometimes hear it used with some other words, like "Pieruńskie szczęście" - meaning great luck.

My uncle often used something I'd call a "gem of a phrase" - although it probably is still used in Silesia or Kaszuby regions (I'm not quite sure of how to write it, but here it goes) - "Nasermater" - which also could mean a lot. It can be used identically as "Cholera" - so, just a short "Damn!". It could be used in a phrase "On wszystko robi nasermater." ("He does everything poorly/carelessly"). I'd risk an assumption that most poles not only wouldn't be offended by the word, but also would have no idea what it means. :P But some, I'd guess at Kaszuby region, could actually regard it as a strong curse, since "sermater" means (I think!) "devil" or "evil spirit" there. So it'd be "Na sermater" then. ;)
Havok  10 | 902
27 Apr 2011   #47
kurwa ja pierdole wylałem piwo! oh gosh! I spilled my beer!

kurewsko - bitchin

kurewsko piździ, sup, it's very cold out doncha think?

kurwiszon - fucktard or wroclaw boy

kurewnie fajny szpil - good game, (gg)

do kurwy nędzy, this sucks

kurwiszcze, a ho

skurwysyn - definitely wroclaw boy

podkurwić- to steal something

chuj wie - i dunno

jak chuj, used to emphasize something in a sentence

chujaj się- back off fucktard

nima chuja we wsi - no way in hell

jak po chuju - easy money

ni chuj - can't do it

Śmierdzi chujem - it's kinda like when wroclaw boy posts something on PF

27 Apr 2011   #48
podkurwić- to steal something

Nah. It means to annoy someone.

To steal is 'podpieprzyć'

*What am I doing in this thread?*
pgtx  29 | 3094
27 Apr 2011   #49
Havok: podkurwić- to steal something
Nah. It means to annoy someone.

both are correct...
Havok  10 | 902
27 Apr 2011   #50
Nah. It means to annoy someone.

also zapierdolić, zakurwić, zajebać but you gotta be careful, grasshopper, because zjebać means to break it . One letter makes a huge difference.

oh man your ride is so sweet that i would wish i could zjebać it somewhere... Then everyone is going to look at you in confusion.
pgtx  29 | 3094
27 Apr 2011   #51
kurwa ja pierdole wylałem piwo! oh gosh! I spilled my beer!

so is it old-fashioned already? i can't be that old...
Havok  10 | 902
27 Apr 2011   #52
yeah they have new ones already in Polish leetspeak. 1337... Yup pgtx we're getting old.
Xupicor  - | 3
3 May 2011   #53
Some of those may be *a bit* old fashioned, but none is harmless.

The difference is simple, literally nobody will be offended by "O jeny...", but you risk a broken nose by saying "Chujaj się" around the wrong people. ;)
szare życie
21 Feb 2013   #54
A relative of mine use to say that, but it sounded more like "shock-krensch". They were first generation Americans from Poland.
24 Jul 2014   #55
Doesn't it say that you can benefit from being struck by lightening?
Sczur  - | 28
12 Nov 2015   #56
I swear words of the Polish language are beautiful
Lyzko  44 | 9717
12 Nov 2015   #57
Psiakrew, bydło!


Yes, I agree:-)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Nov 2015   #58

Choroba = old-fashion English pox on you
BTW choroba is a eupehmism for much stronger cholera.
Psia krew & psia jucha
Jeny kochany (euphemism for Jezus kochany)
Oj rety = euphemism for oj rany (English zounds < God's wounds)
NOTE: Invocaiton of the Deity or Blessed Mother were extmrely strong curses back when so they spawned a series of euphemisms in different in English i.a. gosh (God), good grief (good God), gee whiz (Jesus), cripes (Christ), bloody (by Our Lady) heck (hell), darn (damn)
4 Jul 2016   #59
My mother, God rest her soul, was from Kraków. When she came to America and raised me, a common exclamation she would make was something like, "Jesus, Mario, Shmento". Now, this is as close, phonetically, as I can come to what she would say when something confounded her. I was a little boy and later into young manhood when I would hear her say it. Fairly clear she was calling out to "Jesus" and the second word sure does sound like "Mary". The third word, I have no good clue. Does anyone know what, exactly, she said, and its precise meaning?
10iwonka10  - | 359
4 Jul 2016   #60
kurtka na wacie

kurde, kurcze,

A krakowskie- idze, idze bajoku.

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