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Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word

18 Feb 2024 #61
to take/pull sth from the ass?

To invent something that has no basis in fact?
Poloniusz 4 | 793
18 Feb 2024 #62
What does it mean: to take/pull sth from the ass?

To take a wild guess at something and actually be correct.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
18 Feb 2024 #63
Both of you guessed well but Polo, your actually be correct isn`t a fully correct guess. When you pull sth out of the ass, it is usually fabricated.
Poloniusz 4 | 793
18 Feb 2024 #64
your actually be correct isn`t a fully correct guess.

Well then you obviously don't know how the expression has sometimes been used in English. Too advanced for you but that's okay.

Anyway, I came across this old Polish health care advertisement,

and was inspired to create one in honor of you, this thread's topic, and your many contributions to PolishForums since 2008!

OP pawian 221 | 24284
18 Feb 2024 #65
how the expression has sometimes been used in English

But my linguistic riddles always pertain to Polish meanings! What is wrong with you???

was inspired to create one in honor of you

Wow,. such amasing endeavour on your part! Thanks. I am impressed. hahahahaha

your many contributions to PolishForums since 2008!

Of which I am so proud except a few posts. :):):)
Poloniusz 4 | 793
18 Feb 2024 #66
But my linguistic riddles always pertain to Polish meanings! What is wrong with you???

Aren't you the self-proclaimed linguist who claims to teach English?

If the questions and answers are in English then you should be aware there can be alternative meanings of expressions in English.

Just admit that you didn't know.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
18 Feb 2024 #67
Just admit

I can`t admit it coz my language riddles are always based on Polish meanings even though I directly translate them into English. HA!!!!!

Aren't you are self-proclaimed linguist who claims to teach English?

Yes, I am this and many more than that. Simply speaking, I am a genius monkey. Why??? :):):)
Alien 22 | 5227
22 Feb 2024 #68
, I am a genius monkey

We already have one genius on this forum. That's enough.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
22 Feb 2024 #69
one genius on this forum

He`s a fake. Complete hoax. Humbug grown on Russian .chemical warfare agent called novichok.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
7 Mar 2024 #70
What does it mean: to shake one`s ass/asses???
OP pawian 221 | 24284
9 Mar 2024 #71
to shake one`s ass/asses???

Nobody? Amasing! It seems some Polish idioms of my youth are slowly falling into oblivion. Hurry to love your idioms cos they leave so fast. :(:(:(:
Poloniusz 4 | 793
9 Mar 2024 #72
It seems some Polish idioms of my youth are slowly falling into oblivion.

You are special being one of the few remaining living communists in Poland. But like the Neanderthals your kind will be extinct in a couple more decades.

to shake one`s ass/asses

To hurry up and do something.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
9 Mar 2024 #73
You are special

Yes, I know. Thanks. :):):)

To hurry up and do something.

Sorry, no.

Here is the hint - the idiom is uttered at the very beggining of this Polish film about the rise of Solidarity in 1980. Directed by Oscar winner Andrzej Wajda. The movie awarded at Cannes Festival.

Sorry, only in Polish.

The Man of Iron:

Alien 22 | 5227
9 Mar 2024 #74
Trząść dupą - bać się/to be afraid
OP pawian 221 | 24284
9 Mar 2024 #75
to be afraid

Yes, exactly!
Better late than never. :):):)
Poloniusz 4 | 793
9 Mar 2024 #76
What does it mean: to shake one`s ass/asses

Yes, exactly!

You did a terrible job translating this into English.

"Why are you shaking your ass like that?" and "Why is your ass shaking like that?" have entirely different meanings.

The first one (which you used) connotes a person is behaving in a manner which may be inappropriate but deliberate (i.e., dancing or moving in a licentious manner).

The second implies a person has no control over how they are physically responding to an uncomfortable underlying issue (i.e, being nervous).

Better late than never.

Do a better job next time. :)
Joker 2 | 2233
10 Mar 2024 #77
What does it mean: to shake one`s ass/asses???

You did a terrible job translating this into English.

I try not teaching him our slang. Its more fun sending him on a fools errand for him to try and figure it through google.

Hes my experiential lab monkey..
Joker 2 | 2233
10 Mar 2024 #78
to shake one`s ass/asses???

What if they " shake your ass down"??? Boy, you have homework to do tonight!
Lenka 5 | 3526
10 Mar 2024 #79
You did a terrible job translating this into English.

No, he didn't. It was obvious.

You were thinking about:
Move your ass.
jon357 73 | 22653
10 Mar 2024 #80
He's my experiential lab monkey..

He's a trzesiportka.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
10 Mar 2024 #81

Trzęsiportek. :):):)

translating this into English

My translation was accurate. You shouldn`t blame others for your poor command of Polish. Ha!!!

To hurry up and do something.

Your command of Polish is poor to such an extent that you even weren`t able to google the correct meaning coz you had no idea how to do it. AmaSSing!!
jon357 73 | 22653
10 Mar 2024 #82

No, Trzęsiportka. I was using the feminine form since he wears voluminous ladies portki like the ciamciaramcia that he is.

poor command of Polish

Non-existent like his CV love life .

Though not his juvenile rap sheet.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
11 Mar 2024 #83
No, Trzęsiportka. I was using the feminine form

:):):) I see.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
26 Mar 2024 #84
A few quarters ago I have recalled another idiom which I last heard in 1990s. Your dupa has grown/increased/developed. What does it mean???
Feniks 2 | 379
26 Mar 2024 #85
Has this got anything to do with going downhill? To be in a worse condition?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Mar 2024 #86
To be in a worse condition?

Sorry, utterly no! But you are very close!!! Try again!

Hint - when people`s asses enlarge, what is the reason for it? And what is the reason for that first reason?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Mar 2024 #87
One more dupa idiom: to break sth on the edge of the ass What does it mean?

Now you are confronted with 2 riddles. .
Feniks 2 | 379
28 Mar 2024 #88
what is the reason for that first reason?

Greed or lack of self-control?

to break sth on the edge of the ass

Saying that something is no good for anything, useless, a waste of time?
Torq 7 | 1152
28 Mar 2024 #89
Saying that something is no good for anything, useless, a waste of time?

Well done. Quite impressive :)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Mar 2024 #90
Greed or lack of self-control?

Sorry, no. Now you are thinking like a Brit who was born and raised in a comfy setting with mild weather conditions, rich colonies, developed industry, etc etc . Can you reason like a Poless or Pole for a while??? You know, Poland as a God`s Playground by Norman Davies, surrounded by Germans, Russians, Tatars, Turks, Swedes and other warlike nations etc etc .

So, what does it mean that somebody`s ass develops/gets bigger/increases/enlarges in the Polish context????

for anything, useless, a waste of time?

Yes! Today I heard a song by Kazik with this phrase

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