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Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word

rybnik 18 | 1445
28 Jan 2013 #31
Have you ever played the Polish card game called 'dziura w dupie'?

jon357 73 | 22653
28 Jan 2013 #32
What's that?

A friend likes playing it. Not a bad game.
28 Jan 2013 #33
Could you describe the rules?
jon357 73 | 22653
28 Jan 2013 #34
I'll have to check next time I play it - all I remember is that cards below 7 are not used and cards are discarded from the hand into a circle. A fairly simple game.
28 Jan 2013 #35
What does a person who lose do?
jon357 73 | 22653
28 Jan 2013 #36
Now that's something I can tell you in a week or two. I'll get the guy concerned to remind me of the rules. You're right though - the person who loses does have to do something. It's at least a couple of years since I played, so I can't remember what.
28 Jan 2013 #37
Now that's something I can tell you in a week or two.

I hope it's nothing gross
jon357 73 | 22653
28 Jan 2013 #38
I'd have remembered if it was ;-)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
10 Feb 2013 #39
What does a person who lose do?

A slap on dupa is a popular diversion in the Polish countryside:


crochetbitch88 2 | 83
10 Feb 2013 #40
the Polish card game called 'dziura w dupie'?

It's called dupa biskupa :)
jon357 73 | 22653
10 Feb 2013 #41
[************************ called dupa biskupa :)[/quote]
A much nicer name, but is it the same game? A friend always calls it dziura w dupie ;-)
crochetbitch88 2 | 83
10 Feb 2013 #42
:) I don't know if it's the same game. I've never heard of/played dziura w dupie, so I'm assuming it must be a variation of the name dupa biskupa. The rules are accurately described by Wikipedia What do you say? Is it the same?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
1 Jul 2013 #43
Wiersz o Dupie:

Shortly speaking, everything depends on dupa!

A love song about Marynia`s dupa:

Lousy shooting by a lady is called do dupy by an officer:

Nice comment on German Nazi Gold Train

When Everybody had had you in dupa
until you found Gold Train in your house

OP pawian 221 | 24284
5 Aug 2023 #44
For those who are less sensitive about the language used and with a sense of humor.

Wiersz o Dupie:

By the greatest Polish comedy playwright Aleksander Fredro

Ironside 50 | 12345
6 Aug 2023 #45
Aleksander Fredro

his house and land and all on the ukrainian side of the border. Is that fair?
Alien 22 | 5225
6 Aug 2023 #46
Is that fair?

Mickiewicz also wrote "Lithuania, my homeland"
OP pawian 221 | 24284
6 Aug 2023 #47
greatest Polish comedy playwright Aleksander Fredro

Ode to ass - version III

The ass deprived mankind of paradise
The ass tempted Adam', not an apple
The ass often appointed kings of old times
The ass also dethroned them many times

The ass makes rich, the ass ruins
The ass controls the fate of the world
Ass helps and the ass hinders
The ass loves and ass betrays

The ass makes beggars and kings rejoice
The ass reigns in the palace and in the cottage
The ass tastes to the young and old
The ass breathes lust, intoxicates with charm

The ass smells, the ass stinks
The ass also farts wonderfully
The ass poops big turds
The ass plays the clarinet

The ass is the engine always and everywhere
The ass is the password and the password will be
The ass invigorates and the ass gives birth
The ass never hurts anybody

The ass gets girls out of poverty
The ass is the best money mine
The ass attracts a;; boys like a bank
The ass leads suckers to the altar

And that's where the moral comes from:
A man is born and comes out of an ass
A man gets married and climbs an ass
A man dies while on the ass
Everything in this world depends on the ass!
Lyzko 42 | 9479
6 Aug 2023 #48
Do please add "kurwa" while you're at it LOL
OP pawian 221 | 24284
6 Aug 2023 #49
Nope, coz it isn`t as beautiful a word as dupa.
Alien 22 | 5225
6 Aug 2023 #50
isn`t as beautiful

There is something about it. This "k" word is at best a plebe language, very common. while this "d" word is a real aristocracy among bad words.
Bobko 25 | 2077
6 Aug 2023 #51
A man is born and comes out of an ass

Is this unique to Polish anatomy?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
6 Aug 2023 #52
No, it is a poetical metaphor for adult readers. Are you 18?
mowiciel prawdy
19 Jan 2024 #53
Pawianie, kocham Cię.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
19 Jan 2024 #54
Ironside, stop fooling around. It isn`t funny. Besides, I am married.
mowiciel prawdy
19 Jan 2024 #55
miałem na myśli uczucia braterskie, i to było naprawdę dobre. już dawno wiedziałem, że okres międzywojenny był najpłodniejszym okresem polskiej kultury i uwielbiałem np. polskie tango z tamtych czasów, ale nigdy nie czytałem wiersza tak przenikliwego i tak aktualnego do dziś. szkoda, że ta drobna wojna między Niemcami a Anglią z ich gruzińskim sepajem Josefem zatrzymała tę kaskadę melancholijnej materii, kiedy, jeśli użyć określenia jednego z sowieckich poetów, do Polski "ponaniosło zarazy z obu stron"
Alien 22 | 5225
21 Jan 2024 #56
Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word

In fact, "pupa" is an even nicer Polish word.
mowiciel prawdy
21 Jan 2024 #57
I have heard that there is even a political party in Poland today which was so inspired by the German translation of this word that they decided to use it as a name for their party.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
18 Feb 2024 #58
What does it mean: to be in the black ass???
The idiom used in the crazy movie I recommended yesterday.
18 Feb 2024 #59
to be in the black ass???

To be in deep sh!t?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
18 Feb 2024 #60
What does it mean: to take/pull sth from the ass?

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