The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by MrBubbles  

Joined: 13 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 10 / Live: 0 / Archived: 10
Posts: Total: 613 / Live: 55 / Archived: 558

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30 Nov 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I honestly feel your pain, Wroclaw. Some brainless frustrated cow in the town hall has just torpedoed some important paperwork of mine, seemingly on a whim, and I have no option but to pass it on to the 'kancelariat' and wait until they're able to deal with it. God I hate dealing with these idiots. No accountability, no sense of responsibility, no comeback at all. It was a breath of fresh air coming back to the UK to deal with the Inland Revenue.

The answer - fire every third petty bureaucrat, increase the responsibility on the rest and increase their salary commensurately. If anyone official is reading I can provide a few names as a starting point.
30 Nov 2007
Food / Healthy polish food? [98]

Proper lean meat, potatoes and raw salad.

Everything you need - just make sure the portion isn't too large! and try not to down a beer with it.
5 Apr 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

How would you translate 'Kutwa' (with a t)? A friend suggested 'Pikey'
5 Apr 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

kutwa is not a swear word as such. it means "miser".

Could you turn it into an adjective? Kutwowy? Kutwony? Kutwowski?
30 Jun 2008
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

I love LOT. I wish I could afford to fly with them more often. Once, many years ago, I was flying back to the UK on Easter Sunday - the plane was only 1/3 full and the atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly. The stewardess even handed me a couple of extra beers during the flight.

I appreciate they've had to cut their costs a little when it comes to the food (it used to be better when the prices were higher) but the level of professionalism has always been high - it's a much nicer experience than something like Ryanair
12 Jan 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Youre quite right - in theory, hiring qualified and more experienced teachers should potentially mean delivering a better service, increasing reputation and eventually profit - on paper it makes sense, in practice it's not always so straight forward.

To give a good service, the school needs to be well organised and coordinated with managers who know what they're doing. Without clear direction, decent materials, proper programmes of study and decent pay and conditions, you don't have a school, you have a travelling circus selling 90 minute slots with dancing bears.
20 Jan 2009
Life / If I could introduce something from my country into Poland, I would.... [175]

Oh ho ho? What's this? Putting out feelers Shelly? Finding out whether the thinking woman's beefcake is attached? Sorry but I have to say I am - to a woman. Be strong. I'm flattered, honestly I am, but we have to remain friends. Of sorts. Ships that pass in the night.
1 Feb 2009

Anyways, I'm living in Canada and don't really know too many Poles but the ones I've known have been pretty decent so I don't know where this started

Sexual frustration - 28 years living in a flat with your parents. Imagine that. The only place you can explore your blossoming womanhood in the back of a Fiat 126 on a housing estate. Then you go abroad and you get your own place. I'm not surprised some of them go off the rails a bit.
1 Feb 2009

People of other races are also humans. The good ones are counted out... but then what can one expect from people who are infested.

If you had any concrete facts or ideas to back up this ridiculous diatribe I might actually start taking you seriously.

If my post seems boring to you...

Good point
1 Feb 2009

If you cant see... then perhaps Jesus was right when he said..."They have eyes but cant see..."

And what the frick would you know about what Jesus said?

Well I am not a Christian.

It sounds to me that you enjoy dipping in to whichever religion or ideology serves you best when you need to justify your funamentally out of touch world view. Try getting out more and meeting people in future

And who deleted my last post of Lodz being a wnker?
7 Feb 2009
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

Should one drink vodka at room temperature, 'frozen' at -20 or chilled at +4 ?

btw, for me - absolvent, luksusowa and of course zubrowka
8 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

But what have people's experienced been of Polish peoples' organisational skills?

I can only speak with authority about teachers but they are generally pretty dreadful


1) Apathy - Nothing we do makes a difference so why bother
2) Resentment - I don't get rewarded so why should I make an effort
3) Lack of time - Paradoxically, they do not have time to sit down and organise themselves
4) Ignorance - They have never been taught to organise themselves. the results of a crap education system that is perpetuated by teachers like themselves.
8 Feb 2009
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

'frozen' at -20

Brought to the table that way, and whatever temp it is when it is done, so be it. That's my preference.

A lot of friends say that but I find it kills the flavour. I prefer +4
8 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

Very good at the 2 schools I work for. As for the schools I worked for, hellbent on profit. I hate when people are in teaching for a quick buck, it's not what it is about. The teachers are the ones who carry the school and draw the punters in.

Well.... I'm sure your school are OK but I've been working in a university in the UK for a couple of Summers and the level of organisation is far higher over there than in the schools in Poland. It really isn't comparable - Everything from the organisation of the timetable to the management of the teaching staff is done on time and with no cockups.

Uni courses in Poland consist of a semester based on a coursebok that has more often than not been given as a set of free copies to the department. The content of the book is divided into 15 weeks. that is the upper limit of Polish educational management.

I've worked in Uni departments in Poland where the staff design end-of-semester speaking tests 10 mins before the exam by photocopying pages from Proficiency books. While they are assessing the speaking, they mark the written tests to save time. The marks themselves are arbitrary - "What do you think of this one?" "Hmmm better than the last one but she never speaks in my grammar lessons" "Three then?" "Three and a half" ... and so on.

Truely, every day I wake up in the morning believing I've seen the lowest standards, the most slapdash work practices and the greatest contempt for any kind of professional behaviour and every day, I am pleasantly surprised as, once more, my expectations for the following day are lowered further.
8 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

I know one school where 2 employees left because they weren't paid at all for 3 months. Getting the Polish rate of pay is bad enough but getting nothing is just a slap on the face. It brought a whole new meaning to 'equal pay, equal work', LOL.

Oh, yeah - I was working for place who used to do that kind of thing regularly. The owner apologised to us for not paying but he 'didn't have the moeny because he took his wife to Paris for the weekend'.

It's a shame that teaching has become so price led. The problem was all the horrid pikey schools offering the low quality rubbish served up in state schools at bargain bucket knock down prices. Most students go for this because they don't know any better (and most of them don't really want to learn anyway). If the prices were higher, the would be more pressure on the teachers and schools to perform and they would have to be more organised and efficient.

I know what you mean about the teachers working long hours though. One of the problems at my school is that the director has to run the school AND teach a full timetable. What nonsense is this?
23 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

this whole thread make me wonder why all these foreigners choose to live and work in Poland?

It's cheap, and commitments prevent me from leaving.
23 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

I like to work with Polish programmers (I am a Pole)

Wow. That sounds like it would make a fascinating film. Please go on.
24 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

I just can't imagine not knowing, that's something we learn in primary school

If that's teh polish primary education syllabus, I can well understand the problems this country is in. Why don't children learn something useful?
25 Feb 2009
Love / English Men vs Polish Men [207]

British men not romantic?

Exactly - some of the most romantic words in the polish language come from English: Sex shop, Video cabinet, sex film, hamburger, live sex chat...

Ah! chansons d'amour eh?
28 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

I just wanted to add a bit here.... traffic lights... polish drivers... a little situational awareness and, dare I say, forward planning will help us all move that little bit quicker on the roads.

Point taken but I'd say this is more a symptom of the complete lack of consideration the vast majority of Poles have for their fellow citizens - in this case other drivers. They simply don't think to themselves that they might hit and kill someone when they drive fast, it only matters that they get whee they want to go as quickly as they can.
28 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

But if you think that a general observation and personal opinion is an insult, then I apologise to you... but maybe the comments are a bit close to the bone, a bit to accurate?

Don't sweat it. Some people here don't understand the term discussion forum..
28 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

same for the drivers, how do you know the guy in the
car that just almost ran you down isnt muslim? or some other nationality?

You have a point there. Poland is the beating heart of cosmopolitan Europe and thus full of Muslims. I should look more carefully next time a car accident occurs near my house (tomorrow probably). Suffice it to say that there's a safe chance I'm correct about it being a Pole.

the large generalization of all polish not having organisational skills, pretty far fetched.

Sorry but I've yet to find a Pole who could even organise anything more complicated than a day's shopping. That's just the way it is.
1 Mar 2009
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

i have been to warsawa airport and i was treated like a bul shit by immigration at airport.i

What did they do? Most customs staff are jumped up little losers with tiny dicks (the women too) - what did Warsaw do that was so bad?
2 Mar 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

give us examples of them

Do you work for a Polish employer? Get your own examples. In the meantime, think to yourself why so many individual foreigners believe that Poland is so disorganised.