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Posts by Matyjasz  

Joined: 20 Jul 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Jul 2013
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes, though Polska język trudna język. ;)

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24 Jul 2013
Food / Hopless beer in Poland? [30]


I recommend "Magnus" made by Browar Jagiełło, especially the chocolate and honey varieties, or Noteckie na miodzie lipowym. I used to be a great fan of Fortuna, but the breweries bottled "Czarne" seems to lack consistency these days, and at times disappoints terribly, which is a pity, but it still is worth to try.
26 Jun 2011
Food / Does Poland have any similar beers to guinness? [22]

Gniewosz ciemne, a dark beer which is nothing like Guinness but is fcuking superb.

It's nice to hear it. Have you tried other dark beers from wlkp? Like for example Noteckie Eire?
12 Jun 2011
Food / The most typical ingredient used in Polish cuisine [28]

Never understood this - it seems to me that the food itself is just a variation on the typical Northern European diet - meat, potatoes and vegetables, with a heart-attack inducing amount of salt.

Or a heart-attack inducing amount of vegeta. :)

During the commie times people cooked from the ingredients that were available on the market, and we all know how the shelves in the shops looked like in those times. These days people cook from the ingredients they can afford... I always love it when someone writes here on PF that Poles only love chicken and pork. It's not really a case of love but of the size of your wallet. Few months back I read somewhere that a statistical Pole ate 7kg beef per year in 1989, while these days it's only around 1kg. How many people eat duck these days? Rabbit? Crawfish? Nutria? :)

The contemporary polish cuisine is a pre-WW 2 peasant cuisine, that got bastardized by the lack of resources during the commie period, that got further bastardized during the 90's by the unhealthy novelties like maggi, aforementioned vegeta and the likes of kostka rosołowa. The major influences of the 2000's are Vietnamese pho soup in Warsaw and kebab/gyros in the province. :)

Still, there is lots to be discovered and to fall back on. The things that I always miss when abroad are dark beer from my region (Fortuna Czarne being my favourite), home-made nalewki, cold meats with fruits in jelly and proper sausage (that is one from your local butcher and not that stuff from the super-market), wątrobianka (liver pate?) with a cucumber "mało solny" on it, bread with proper smalec, my mother-in-laws mother-in-laws szarlotka ;), pyzy with duck and mizeria ( not the ready-made stuff available in every corner shop), "miodownik", "pijak" and of course the humble "placek drożdżowy". For over twenty years I have been immune to it's charm, and then suddenly it stroke me! I guess you could call me a "placek drożdżowy" addict!
20 Dec 2010
Language / Differences in Polish and English idioms [69]

begraben (buried) > Da liegt der Hund begraben.
That's the crux/heart of the matter.

I like the other version more: I tu krowa dała nura! :)

What about some newer idioms like : Rozmowa buta z ch***m. The more polite translation would be "A conversation between a boot and a croach". ;)
8 Nov 2010

A lot has been written on this page about WWII or history of polish Jews and at the same time the period past 1945 still remains largely neglected and forgotten... and wrongly so! Maybe this documentary will spark an interesting debate about the history that a big number of us got to live through? Although it was meant as a testimony to polish rock music it is a great summary of what was actually happening socially, politically and culture wise on "our" side of the iron curtain. Unfortunately, not everyone speaks English in this documentary, nevertheless it should be an interesting watch for youz guyz. And it has some great tunes too, like this one, my all time favorite Manaam song:

Anyway, enjoy!
19 Aug 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

For me American English sounds plain, unimaginative and common. Of course this is a clear generalisation as there are some american actors that I take pleasure to listen to, but on the whole there is much more going on for me in the British Eng . There is much more flavour and melody about it. Unfortunately it is harder to understand and mimic.
6 Jul 2010
Food / Buying alcohol, wine in Poland. It's very difficult. [85]

And what is the price elsewhere, 45-50PLN? Biedronka tends to be a bit cheaper.

Yep, ranging from 40 to 50 zł. 30 zł was a very good price. I still have one last bottle of their Cabernet Sauvignon. :)
6 Jul 2010
Food / Buying alcohol, wine in Poland. It's very difficult. [85]

If they are Chilean, I'll have a look for them. 3 days til Friday though :(

Casillero you can get in Biedronka at 37zł! Just a month ago it was available for 30zł a bottle!
24 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Its not vague at all, we know quite a lot about those times, including the prices of shoes or loaves of bread in specific polish and german cities.

Sorka, in the end it was my answer that was vague. :)

What I meant was that you can say that life of a pessant in the Commonwealth was relatively good or awful andboth statements may be right. It all depends on the time frame you are reffering to, as people in the 15th and 18th century had different living conditions.
23 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Wealth is one of the pillars of a succesfull state, money without guts is worthless but so is guts without money.

It's hard to believe that the Polish nobility behaved differently than their counterparts in Europe.

The problem here is that the subject matter is to vague to discuss it properly. You cant talk about living conditions amongst inhabitants of Rzeczpospolita mentioning facts from 14th and 17th century with one breath and establishing some common ground with each other. If you really are interested in generalizations, though, than I would say that first Rzeczpospolita had a great potential and gave great opportunities for it's citizens and at the same time the wealth it generated was the reason of its downfall, because while magnates where multiplying their fortunes, the state, or should I say the King, was basically in a state of constant bankruptcy since the time Vladislaus III of Varna got into an enormous debt trying to fund his crusades against the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century.
20 Apr 2010
Life / Polish Hip Hop [47]

what would you poles say if you saw a bunch of americans in a music video

True, true... But than again Lenon, McCartney and Co had as much to do with black culture as polish rappers have and yet nobody is making fun of their music, innit?

Ahh K 44. :)
27 Feb 2010
Life / Giving tips in Poland [235]

Poles generally want the extra tip but still give the same cr@p service that is normal there. It is the "entitlement" attitude.

Thats true.

The cultures where tipping wasn't normal are starting to do it because they see it as more money in their pocket...

I think that it has more to do with fear of being branded as a cheapskate.
27 Feb 2010
Life / Giving tips in Poland [235]

No kidding! According to f-stop they "deserve" it because they get a low hourly rate. So how about everyone that eats brings in a record of their finances...and if you are in a worse financial state than your waiter you get 15% OFF?

Yeah, I can visualize the uproar as we speak. :)

Sorry, but your attitude really comes across as terrible, especially if employees are guaranteed to go home with minimum wage. Plenty of other people earning the minimum wage aren't getting the chance of tips, so why should you get them as a right?

It seems that what started as an act of good will became taken for granted. I think it's becoming the same here in Pl too and it gets on my nerves. I mean every job has it's pros and cons. If the cons outweight the pros than either it's time for a change or you just "clench your teeth" as we say in Poland and get on with it.

Its the same thing with the shop cleric and national holidays here in Pl. How is it that it is unthinkable for a shop cleric to work on a national holiday and it is ok for me or for a police officer to do it? I mean, why is it that hes free time with his family is more important than mine? Every job comes with some adantages and disadvantages, and if you donb't like it, than change the job.
27 Feb 2010
Life / Giving tips in Poland [235]

Again, I think the public you are talking about might not realize that the base salary might be a buck an hour. And you might think that the wait stuff has something to do with setting the prices on the menu. Or what is on the plate. Or how fast the food comes out of the kitchen. Sometimes, great understanding comes from having to walk in someone else's shoes.

But why doesn't the waiter/ess put him/herself in my shoes? Do you think I get paid for sitting on my arse? Nobody is giving me 15% extra to my salary, even though I do my best!

Because of what i do often I work in the night and it sucks, but this is MY choice and why should the waiter care? I can get rid of the problem by changing my job. Similarly, if a waiter thinks he is being paid below his expectations why should I care? Will he pay 15% more for his laundry machine so that I could earn more? I doubt it.

If that is how the service looks like in the USofA than I prefer the Canadian way.

And adding 15% to my bill without my knowladge is called STEALING in my book!
7 Feb 2010
Life / Why so many Poles use a second hands clothes? [110]

We all like to show off a bit, no? Its part of human nature the want to be great, admired, recognised, looked up to.

No doubt about it. It's just that some people like to show off a little bit more than others,... and I thought that you are in the first group.

Either way, sorry to hear about the problems of your loved one. I also have some issues with the medical system here, and especially with the ethics of polish doctors. Not with all, but a big part of them.

Thanks for the zeitgeist, I started to watch it already. Seems interesting.
7 Feb 2010
Life / Why so many Poles use a second hands clothes? [110]

You are an enigma to me, WB. Those really are odd words coming from a man that openly confesses to being a show off. (gramma?) But you have my attention. Do you know any intersting books or documentaries on the subject?

PS: As for "lumpexy", even though the clothes are being washed beforehand it still feels awkward to wear them... Not to mention that you really have to have a lot of time on your hands to find something nice.
28 Jun 2009

I remember as a kid I use to go down to my local bakery and buy a few loafs of bred in the evening, then we would eat it with the whole family and watch "Koło Fortuny". I don't remember how long it stayed fresh because usually it was gone very quickly.

I agree with you Polonius, it's hard to find a good quality bread these days. The best in my area is still being made by GS's.

The same is happening with meat products. Krakowska, Podwawelska, cygańska, śląska they all taste the same to me these days. Luckily I have my local butcher who makes proper hams and sausages. Well, not that good as I remember them to be 20 years ago, but quite close to it.
16 Jun 2009
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

It's unfair to generalize that polish girls are the hottest in the world, but it's ok to do the same by saying that polish guys are ugly.

Do you know a guy called frebird?
16 May 2009
Love / English Men vs Polish Men [207]

Also if you are right about Polish men being better than British men (Fat Chance), are you saying that so many of Polish women have hit there heads or lost there senses to have married British men?

Maybe they are just upset Polish women [...] that never found the right [Polish] bloke?
8 Apr 2009
Life / The Pole is happy when someone else cries... [75]

It's like a butterfly effect really. Whenever Burger King opens it's new joint somewhere in America, a Pole trips somewhere in Poland and we all take a good laugh. This restores this fragile clinical balance in the world. Good post Roadking.
1 Mar 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

Now, please, do feel free to give examples of good Polish planning and preperation.

Public transport?
7 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

Some time ago I have read about the increasing amount of high skilled Scandinavians workers that decide to stay on unemployment because of the fear from living on their own, taking risks, deciding what to do, etc...

I think that we actually could find an analogy between the current government policies in Scandinavian courtiers and the ones of the former polish nanny state of the commy era.

Old habits die hard I guess, and I must admit that I am also guilty of this trait, leaving everything on the last minute.
14 Jan 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Ahhhhh, in that case my list would contain: Germans, Russians and Jews! wink wink nudge nudge ;)

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have found that they are not so open to foreigners.

I would say that generally we are a very reserved lot. At least until the first bottle of vodka. :)
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Ha-ha! You make me laugh! Do you expect that your son will be a horse? No way! Listen to me, don't make his future life terrible, name him Ioann instead. Nice name.

Ioann, eh? Thanks Kostia. I shall consider it when naming my daughter. ;)
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

This is like affectionate diminutive. Full names are different... Konstantin, Alexander, Evgeniy, Ivan. Sasha and Zhenia could be both female and male btw. Answering why so... well... maybe because Russians in general are very kind (and modest) nation. ;)

Ahh, I see. So why is Sasha a diminutive of Alexander. Strange. But than again, in polish it is Olek.

Do you still think that Russian names have a lack of manhood?

No Sir, I have learned my lesson. BTW, what is wrong with beautiful polish names such as Mysiwór, or Kocipał?! I'm thinking of naming my son one of those names. ;)