The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by dany_moussalli  

Joined: 27 Mar 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 May 2017
Threads: Total: 13 / Live: 2 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 259 / Live: 41 / Archived: 218
From: Damascus, PoznaƄ
Speaks Polish?: yes

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26 Apr 2017
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

a Soroesque NGO based in Frogland.

They supposedly condemn censorship. Have you ever wondered why they are silent about PC-style muzzling of of free speech?

Hold your horses, according to the same ranking France is only ranked 2 positions higher than Poland
21 Mar 2017
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

Poles can travel more easily, work abroad and invest abroad.

Let me add that many international companies have activities and businesses in Poland because of its EU membership, VW, Amazon, IBM, caterpillar and many many others, they usually pay better salarird than what polish companies pay, and they employ a lot of people hence decreasing unemployment.
18 Mar 2017
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

and giving up from manipulating with Muslims in the region for neo-Ottoman aims

I see that Erdogan still has neo-ottoman aims especially after saying that turks in Europe should have 5 children
16 Mar 2017
Study / Review of the Poznan University of Economics? [18]

I've graduated from Poznan university of economics (in english), the program needs lots of improvement and the finance program is quite new, so I don't know if you'll benefit from these studies or not, I personally learned a lot in many classes and felt that I've wasted my time in other classes, some teachers were excellent and had an excellent command of english, while others had a slight polish accent (which didn't affect comprehension), and we only had one case where the teacher was bad in english, but we informed the program coordinator and this issue was fixed.

I think it is possible to find work if you graduate, especially if you speak several languages as there are many international companies that have offices in Poland, you would also have the possibility to do a master in another european country with your degree at Poznan university of economics, I've been told that SGH Warsaw is a better choice if you want to make connections
19 Jun 2016
Study / Studying in Poznan for an Arab student. [25]

Is there any website where I can find flats for rent ?

There is, but it's in Polish, and even if you manage to use it, you might have problems in finding a landlord who speaks English, there is also, it's in english, but people usually use it for vacations rather than long term renting (though you can), maybe someone else in this forum knows other methods ?

Oh, and you also need to have a contract when you rent to show it at the municipality for the residence papers (and I don't know if it's possible to obtain a contract through airbnb)

Btw, students usually rent a room in a flat rather than the whole flat, because most of the flats here accommodate at least 2 persons

I also found this website :

and found for example this apartment 5 min walking from the city center :
the cost is around 2000 zloty plus bills, so around 2300-2400 zloty ( 600$) , it gets cheaper if you choose an apartment that is further away from the city center.

10 Mbps (which has the download speed of 1mb/s), unlimited of course, not like Lebanon :P , usually you don't have to worry about the internet subscription because it is provided with the apartment.
19 Jun 2016
Study / Studying in Poznan for an Arab student. [25]

industrial design

Cool, where ? At Poznan universtiy of technology ? (politechnika)

I'm studying business at Poznan University of Economics

How much doest it cost approx to rent a flat in the city centre or in a decent area ? How can i find a flat ? can you recommend any website ?

That depends, do you want to have your own flat ? have you considered living in the university's dorm ?

Internet costs around 45 zloty (11.5$) per month , mobile subscription around 30 zloty (7.5$) monthly (I prefer to use a prepaid sim as I mostly use my sim card for mobile internet, thus I pay around 50 zloty (12.5$) every 3 months),

The transportation in Poland is quite cheap for students and it's much better than Beirut (or Damascus), you can subscribe and pay 185 zloty (47$) for 5 months, Polish trains are also cheap, a ticket between Warsaw and Poznan (300km) costs around 30 zloty (7.5$) for students.

When it comes to food costs, it depends if you're cooking or eating in restaurants, I pay around 300-400 zloty ( 75-100$) on food monthly (I mostly cook), and I always eat around 250 grams of meat minimum per day, generally, food is much more cheaper in Poland than in Lebanon, I remember buying a big combo from Burger King in Beirut for 15000 L.L (10$) , Whereas in Poland it will cost you around 20 Zloty ( 5$)

Can I open a bank account there on student visa ?

Yes you can.

if I get the chance to get some freelance jobs or part time job can I work legally as an international student ?

You can, but it's difficult, if you only speak English and Arabic and have no qualifications it will be almost impossible, there are many jobs if you speak English and German/French/Dutch/Russian in Poznan, you are from Lebanon so I assume that there is a good chance that you speak french.

how hard it is to learn Polish ?

Quite hard, and it depends on your effort/determination, don't expect to be fluent in one year (or maybe even two)

btw how can I PM you, i'm not familiar with this website.

You need to create an account
19 Jun 2016
Study / Studying in Poznan for an Arab student. [25]

specifically in Poznan city

Good choice, many international students and student events, may I ask you what you're gonna to study ?

There is some racism, but these are (till now) still minor incidents, you're not going to struggle.

Should I cancel my plan ?

I don't think so.

I will keep wearing a cross around my neck in and hope that everything will be fine there :)

Hahahahaha, that's what my mom told me to do when she heard about racist problems.

The racism is sometimes against black people, indians..

If you want, you can ask me any questions about life in Poznan, what to do.. tips etc.. I've been living here as a student for nearly three years, you can PM or just ask here in the thread. la te5jal :P
12 Jun 2016
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Hahahahaahahahaha , good one :D
12 Jun 2016
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

They could, But I doubt that any team would rely on this strategy.
1- It's too risky, and one goal can change everything.
2- In order to be one of the best thirds, the second criteria (after the points) is the difference between the scored goals and the conceded goals, so teams are still motivated to score goals.

Anyway, we will see how it will turn out to be, the games so far haven't been that crazy (apart from the last minute goals)
12 Jun 2016
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

this ridiculous 24 team tournament

I think there's a positive side to this system, a team who has lost the first two games has still hope to qualify, it means that they will play as good as they can in the last game, whereas in the previous system, a team with similar circumstances would just play the last game as a friendly match.
12 Jun 2016
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Why not ? they played well and had the chance to score more goals. Maybe they even secured their place in the play-off,because of the new system of the Euro Cup, where the best 4 teams in 3rd position get to qualify to the next round.
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

The only thing that can be bad, is the double standards, some saudis (and other nationalities) might appear open minded and cool, but in reality they still keep their radical thinking for themselves and will act upon it when they get back home.

Edit :

That is true... Saudi men, when they go to Ibiza, just go insane.... and, surprinsingly, most of them prefer gay parties (maybe a reflect of have 4 wifes back at home).

that's what I meant..
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

Have you ever came to Saudi Arabia?

Oh i'd rather not to.. , I've never been to Paris though, I'm talking about Poznan.. and the saudis i've seen here aren't an exception to what i've just said.. , people who live in countries like saudi arabia and iran where the rules are quite strict might appear strange to foreigners, but once they leave the country and interact with them, they're not really that different, they listen to similar music and enjoy similar activities..
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

However, oriental and Polish cultures are different so not always obvious.

I don't think nationality matters that much anymore, the tastes and traditions related to one's culture are becoming a secondary thing, young people are becoming more and more internationalized due to the internet and pop culture.. , but this is only from my personal observation in my social circle (international and polish students) .
24 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

if he's lebanese there is a high chance that he's christian .

Now, I don't think nationality really matters, what matters is you, in terms of looks, personality, and profession.
13 Oct 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

Most of us have never seen "true patriots" doing a single thing to help society - indeed, many of them don't work, don't volunteer and do nothing except drink beer and swear.

And pick up a fight with random people , or they fight each other if they're bored , maybe they should join the army since they're that patriotic. At least they'll have a purpose
24 Dec 2013
Travel / Places open in Poland on national holidays [23]

A bit like where I am now during Eid.

oh well ,even during the Eid (any muslim holiday) you have all the restaurants (and other places ) opened ... oh well ,good thing i had some crackers ...
24 Dec 2013
Travel / Places open in Poland on national holidays [23]

yh, buy yourself a mars bar and a packet of crisps

I would ... IF I COULD , I didn't even find a vending machine ,well there is one ,but it only serves drinks ...
24 Dec 2013
Travel / Places open in Poland on national holidays [23]

Merged: Any place that has food (restaurants ,supermarkets , groceries ) and open at christmas eve?

I'm in Wroclaw and I didn't know that literally everything will be closed ,i'm dying of hunger here XD I only have bread and chips left !!

title : *open on christmas eve

oh and I have some cornflakes and milk :P
24 Sep 2013
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

They give you a chocolate :P and a glass of water ,but yeah ,there's a menu ,and it's not very expensive .
1 sandwich costs around 10 zloty (around 3 dollars ) .
wodka and whiskey are also included in the menu :P
9 Aug 2013
Work / What is life like in Poland for a student? [26]

I've heard that nearly 100% graduates of SGH get job in Warsaw quite fast, so it's a good choice for a Pole. But I don't know how it is with employment of foreigners with SGH diploma. (especially when one doesn't speak Polish or have no work permit)

:does not speak polish" but in 5 years might :) ,and I'm a polish foreigner (I have a polish passport ) so the work permit isn't an issue .