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Posts by milky  

Joined: 26 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 13 / Live: 1 / Archived: 12
Posts: Total: 1656 / Live: 210 / Archived: 1446
From: ireland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: reading

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1 Aug 2016
News / "A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis [89]

When he started the trip on Wednesday, Francis said the killing of an elderly priest in France by suspected Islamist militants and a string of other attacks were proof the "world is at war" but that it was not caused by religion.

Pope Francis' prayer, which honored two Polish priests killed by Maoist guerillas in Peru in 1991, concluded by asking for the "gift of peace and of the elimination from our midst of the plague of terrorism."

The pope started his visit to Poland Wednesday by commenting to reporters with him on the plane from Rome that the recent spate of terrorists acts in Europe, including the killing Tuesday of a priest in northern France, was part of a war comparable to the world wars of the previous century.

Yet the pope's prayer also asked God for the "strength and courage to continue to be brothers and sisters for others, above all for immigrants."

The Pope can't be wrong!!
1 Aug 2016
News / "A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis [89]

Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church that states that, in virtue of the promise of Jesus to Peter, the Pope is preserved from the possibility of error "when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church.
8 Mar 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

the same should be said about the nature of things as they had been carried out before that change, that is at the time when the present opposition was in government.

That's why the international community will need to assist. Make sure both sides compromise and checks and balances are re-introduced.
15 Nov 2015
News / The Left wing (not-so Slow) death in Poland [120]

mildly said.they didn lose,they were smashed,crushed ,eaten alive and came out the rear end right into hole where they belong.

They were weak to begin with as always in bible belts.
15 Nov 2015
News / The Left wing (not-so Slow) death in Poland [120]

Also, those that want to post here some statements from the Left Wing losers, specially their ridiculous behaviour of "Bad Losers", are welcome.

The left wing only lost in Poland, would you call the opposition in Greece right wing losers?
10 Nov 2015
News / Poland hates Poland [24]

The CEO assured that the Polish affairs, particularly the relations between Poland and the US, are still extremely important to Polish Americans and the PSFCU. He stressed that the Poles anxiously follow the latest decisions of the American administration concerning its Central and Eastern Europe policy. Mr. Chmielewski also mentioned the close relations between PSFCU and Polish Cooperative Savings and Loans (SKOK).
7 Nov 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

you are not even willing to give a democratically elected majority a fighting chance.

No! because democrats are for a church state divide.
6 Nov 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Where is Szydło

I'm sure she knew what her role was. Fish in the swing voters, and then when the mission is accomplished: Dracula returns. I also think the National Front in France are also playing a PR game distancing themselves from their great leader. (dad's girl)
20 Oct 2015
History / remember, forget, forgive, blame ... Holocaust Memorial Day in Poland [229]

I wonder will ultra nationalist Poles in 40 years time deny their present Islamophobia and anti-immigrant stance? And accuse people who bring up the past of being anti-Polish.

Like trying to deny this. The slogans were considerably less sophisticated: "God honour the motherland," &#******** the EU" and "Hands off Polish land". Demonstrators tossed red smoke flares in the centre of avenues as they marched from the city's Stalin-era Palace of Culture to the old town. A young man next to a poster claiming that Muslim immigrants constitute a "Trojan pig" unleashed a profanity-laced screed about the educational opportunities offered to Ukrainian youth, then noted that these "Arabs have mobile phones, so they're not poor". His marching companions agreed.

The rhetoric was harsher still at a rally in Gdansk, where demonstrators chanted "We will do to you what Hitler did to the Jews."
14 Oct 2015
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

For all its shortcomings, the Judaeo-Christian ethical system is based on common sense, advocates restraint, provides stability and has helped to calm the precarious, oft-turbulent waters of the modern world.

Moral decline. Tories just trying to appeal to UKIP supporters. I suppose the moral decline according to UKIP is due to all the Poles that came into the country trying to escape the catholic paradise.

With the Polish Taliban coming to power in the next election, I reckon even more Poles will be running for the godless UK.
19 Jan 2014
News / Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity? [129]

Poles do have legends about their Sarmatian ancestry

but this in not the same as a genetic link. You also made a similar sweeping statement about the Picts.
19 Jan 2014
Life / Polands new immigrants from the West. [31]

Article on immigration to Poland by the Spanish and other nationals

Polish government under pressure as thousands protest over unemployment
11 Jan 2014
Life / The Polish Dream - move out from Poland as fast as possible [73]

it is the fault of the post communist ub controlled clique that sold our heritige when they had a chance to

yea, but who did they sell it to. Not simply the west but to the Chicago Boys.

Poland is being colonised by the West.

and so is Ireland Greece etc but we don't use such black a and white terms to label our oppressor. Putting a geographic name on the other is an old soviet trick. The fact is Poland's elite are in an alliance with the neo-liberal international agenda.(neo-feudalism)They are capitalist. The shock therapy in Poland was forced upon the people but it was done by Polish capitalism in alliance with the international casino capitalism. Blaming the imaginary west and the soviet past/ soviet Poles is being a xenophobic sociopaths.
4 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

feminism is harmful to society[/quote]
Well there are various strands of feminism, and some are basically forms of women fighting for masculinity rather than feminism, but femininity that is genuinely fighting for equality of the sexes can only be good,{not sure about women having the same sex drive as men bla bla BS etc} Why are nationalist so hung up on feminism in Poland? Do they not love their mammies?

I agree with the school yard statement.
22 Feb 2013
News / Predictions about Poland for 2013 [85]

Polish unemployment will reach 15% and the remittance from the west will be decimated by Romanians and Bulgarians, which are the only two countries poorer than Poland.

Unfortunately Germany is having to deal with the PIGS and this strain is slowing the German economy down,

Germany caused the problem by lending the money in the first place.