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Posts by Ziemowit  

Joined: 8 May 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Nov 2023
Threads: Total: 14 / Live: 7 / Archived: 7
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From: Warsaw
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8 Nov 2023
Feedback / Polish forum members die [339]

I am sorry but it doesn`t matter really if I missed sth or not.

I am sorry too, because it seems you just want to have a last word in an argument which is why you come up with such a silly answer.

So I will let you have the last word, child.
8 Nov 2023
Feedback / Polish forum members die [339]

only bobko has mentioned the word "penis" at all...and it was four times

This is because Bobko fiercely supports Putin in his bloody war against Ukraine, and Brat Putin had long been posing as a true macho on Russian TV when he was a bit younger. Putin stopped at the right time thus not making a fool of himself like that Italian clown Berlusconi.

As for Brat Crow, a staunch supporter of Slavic unity, I asked him once why he takes sides with Russia brutally attacking her Slavic neighbour Ukraine, to which question he couldn't find an answer. Soon after that he went silent altogether.
8 Nov 2023
Feedback / Polish forum members die [339]

She had a crush on JR

Cargo, you know everything about PF members, so do you know what's going on with JR?
8 Nov 2023
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [562]

I thought so when I first read his comments on the Polish language and particularly on his urging Poland to join the Russian empire. Those words of his were simply much too strong to be anything more than a parody. Frankly, even Medvedev who is notorious for his anti-Polish stance would not dare using such words.

Evidently, the Polish sense of humour is quite different from the one among young Ukrainian people ...
8 Nov 2023
Feedback / Polish forum members die [339]

Secondly, and much more iimportantly, he is dead now and cannot reply and defend himself

You missed my point completely.

He wouldn't defend himself against being called antisemitic, homophobic and racist because he was absolutely proud of those views of his. What you consider "wrong", he would consider "right" and "proper".
6 Nov 2023
Travel / What's next from Chopin's Warsaw? [13]

Perhaps the poster means "What's LEFT OF Chopin's Warsaw>"

I sometimes doubt if English is your first language.
6 Nov 2023
History / Recommended Poland's history books [177]

Yes, Kosciuszko Insurrection was badly timed

Possibly, but we cannot judge history from the perspective of later times. In 1794 no one knew yet when Catherine II, that German princess from Sttetin, would die. Also, few people could envisage if her son as a tsar would have a sentiment for Poles or not; to be honest, he was first of all against all what his mother did.

Poland after the second partition was nothing more than a Russian protectorate, a mere mockery of what she was before. As people of the time described her: Silly Poland without Poznań! (Głupia Polska beż Poznania!).
6 Nov 2023
Feedback / Polish forum members die [339]

Pawian, I don't understand why talking about Adrian as being racist, antisemitic and homophobic should be 'disrespectful', if he himself was so proud of those views of his when he was alive.

In a way, people recalling these attitudes of his are paying him some sort of respect ...
6 Nov 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

Former PM Leszek Miller says he will pick Mateusz Morawiecki. It is because Duda - according to Miller - wants to replace Jarosław Kaczyński as head of PiS in the future. Thus, the president can't do otherwise ...

We will know for sure in the evening when Duda addresses the nation.
5 Nov 2023
Feedback / Polish forum members die [339]

You abuse and insult people who don`t harm you, only present their views

5 Nov 2023
History / Recommended Poland's history books [177]

So, no statue [in Poland] then... Chicago Poles have more respect for their ancestors than the degenerates they left behind in Europe.

A very big Kościuszko statue in Kraków is situated right at the main gate to the Wawel Hill. It shows him sitting on a horse as setting off to the battle with the Russians at Racławice. It simply cannot be unnoticed by anyone approaching the main gate.

And since the Wawel Hill with the Wawel Castle on it is a must-see for anyone visiting Kraków (and especially for those flying over from the US), the question that comes to mind is this:

- Joker, was your memorable trip to Kraków three years ago real, as you claim it was, or was it fake as many members of this forum have long suspected?
19 Oct 2023
Genealogy / Help Translating 1880s Marriage Bann (Chicago - Polish) [24]

Researching Polish family history is not a straightforward business,

Speaking of ancestors, and a on a side note, I have watched a documentary on the Vikings in Ireland yesterday. There have been plenty of documentaries on them lately on channels like Planete+, Viasat History or National Geographic, so I have become a little bored with the subject, but that one was really good. Amazing history showing a lot of Viking heritage in Ireland. The Irish people have now up to 20% of Norwegian ancestry in their blood! Also, the documentary showed several town names in the south of Ireland originating from the Scandinavian languages (one of them is Cork). And lastly, tremendous archeological findings from the Viking era in the very centre of Dublin!
19 Oct 2023
Genealogy / Help Translating 1880s Marriage Bann (Chicago - Polish) [24]

An interesting story. I admire your perserverance in finding out all this!

It seems that the scribe heard "w Rościborze" where they had told him "we Włościborze". Pelplin and Włościbórz are quite apart, so he must have been unfamiliar with the latter toponym.
18 Oct 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

An interesting analysis of the political attitudes of the Polish PM in today's RZECZPOSPOLITA.

"At some point, he stopped being interested in the economy and became interested in the political power. And since in power, it meant in the position in the party. And since in position in the party, it meant in ideology. This was the beginning of the end for Mateusz Morawiecki ..."

The article concludes that Morawiecki is now ending up as a loser ...

Morawiecki. Twarz porażki PiS.
18 Oct 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

Polish election results are good for ukraine

Polish election results are good for Poland in the first place.
17 Oct 2023
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [519]

Three forum azholes debating pawian

They are a new set of stooges which replaced the former one consisting of delphiandomine, jon357 and Harry. In this new set only Mierosław is British.
16 Oct 2023
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [519]

The aim of this referendum was not obtaining genuine answers to genuine questions, but to increase the support for the PiS party.

Thus it is irrelevant to discuss the wording of the questions.
16 Oct 2023
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [519]


All the four questions in this ridiculous referendum were ones of the Soviet-style type:

- Please tell us who your idol is, and why is it comrade Lenin?

which is why so many voters listened to the oppostion parties urging them not to take part.
15 Oct 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

While I have forgiven Paulina coz everybody can have a bad day from time to time

Paulina, this provincial goose of Kielce?
14 Oct 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

I kind of know who Pawian is, but am not prepared to reveal it yet.

That "yet" in your sentence sounds ominous ...
14 Oct 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

Have fun instead of crying like a leftard all of the time:)

And you, did you have much much fun on that fake trip of yours to Kraków three and a half years ago?
4 Sep 2023
News / European News and Poland Thread 3 [1272]

Adrian, sad to say, was a troubled and weak individual, in and out of jail because he couldn't control himself

I wonder what the cause of his death at such a young age might have been. Personally, I suspect some sort of substance abuse, at least in the background, if not directly.
22 Jul 2023
Genealogy / Name of place in Russian Partition [4]

This is Zwiahel in Volhynia. The script is a confusing mixture of Russian and Polish spellings. The town was called Nowogród Wołyński between 1795 and 2022.
3 Mar 2023
Po polsku / Staram się polepszać się po polsku :) [85]

wciąż popełniają błędy, zwykle błędy w przenoszeniu.

Rozumiem o co chodzi, ale polski termin jest - jak sądzę - trochę inny. Nie wiem zresztą jak brzmi poprawny termin; ja bym użył określenia "błędy przeniesienia". Sądzę, że lingwiści używają też tutaj terminu "interferencja".

A jak "błąd przeniesienia" będzie po angielsku?
20 Feb 2023
Po polsku / Wymiana jezykowa polski-angielski [19]

To jest językowo mistrzowskie określenie, to Brajanowe 'przypolakowanie', mimo że takie słowo w polszczyźnie nie istnieje. Bardzo celnie oddaje jednym słowem to, co ten Brian chciał nam przekazać.

Co do 'rodowitości', to ten wyraz bez wątpienia zyskał nowe życie w wyniku inwazji angielszczyzny na język polski. Należałoby sprawdzić jak definiowały go polskie słowniki sprzed ery tej inwazji, ale jestem raczej pewien, że nie podawały kolokacji łączących go z mówieniem w jakimś języku. Stosowano więc konstrukcje typu 'język angielski jest jego językiem ojczystym'. Określenia 'rodowity mówca' zupełnie nie znano; pojawiło się ono w polszczyźnie dopiero jako kalka angielskiego wyrażenia 'native speaker'.
17 Feb 2023
Po polsku / Wymiana jezykowa polski-angielski [19]

Chodziło mi raczej o użycie przysłówkowe, a nie o przymiotnik 'rodowity' jako taki. Przysłówka 'rodowicie' raczej w polszczyźnie się nie spotyka, w przeciwieństwie do np. przysłówków: smakowicie, znakomicie itp.

'Rodowity' to zresztą próba oddania angielskiego przymiotnika 'native'. Tak naprawdę język w znaczeniu 'native', to po polsku 'język ojczysty'.
17 Feb 2023
Po polsku / Wymiana jezykowa polski-angielski [19]

Pierwszy raz spotykam się z wyrażeniem: rodowicie mówić w jakimś języku. Ale jest ono nawet fajne ...
16 Jan 2023
History / Recommended Poland's history books [177]

AN HISTORICAL SKETCH, Helmuth von Moltke, 2020. This book was originally published in Berlin in 1832

It is always interesting to read the history of a nation written by a foreigner as they look through their own nation's experience and thus can see things in another nation's history in a slightly different light.

The year of the original publication has probably something to do with the year of the November Uprising of 1831 as the Polish military refugees were warmly welcomed in Germany after the uprising failed.