The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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14 Oct 2012
Language / Busha and JaJa [140]

Oh G*d, Delph,give it a rest.... is it any more weird than my 4 generation Italian Scots cousins calling their Granny and Grandpa Nonna and Nonno......get over it..... :)
3 Oct 2012
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

Not really, Im sure even " The Beast" gets on well with some Tories. You tend to find in British Politics that its internal party rivalries that are the deepest. He is far more likely to get on with an *honest* tory Posh Boy than some pretend *man of the people* on the pretend Left......
1 Oct 2012
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

We are one tribe seperated by language and milk or not in our Tea.
We both come from the cold wet edges of Europe and plough our own paths through life,anoying the hell out of everyone else around us (you have the germans,we have the french...)as we do it but never really wanting to offend ,well,not all of the time :)

BTW paw, the bloke,second photo down in the British House of Commons, did you pick him deliberatly?
He is about the only politician who lives by what he preaches,he only accepts the avarage wage of his constituents which,considering he represents a fairly poor area means he gives up a big chunk of his pay just to be *real*. Top bloke, the right hate him :)
30 Sep 2012
History / Lech Walesa - Happy Birthday! [21]

Yups, Ive guessed its like Maggie T' we Brits mostly hate her yet you Poles seem to love her, vice versa with old tasch tastic Lech :)
23 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

1, No, he was a bastard. His father raped a girl,she had the baby out of wedlock ergo,William the bastard. It was very common in an age where no one had *last names* to call them such blunt names.

2, I will ignore the obvious trolling to the extent that only a dummy considers the Norman blip to be the founding fathers of England. They brought nothing new to these shores beyond a few poncey French terms for bits of animals.

As for "we don't live in those times" no,we don't, but it is still more historically correct and orthodox these days to refer to him as William the Bastard apart from in school books aimed at small children :)
23 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

Better use Conqueror.

You can use that in class if you like but the name I was used was far more common at the time both amongst English and Normans (though whether anyone ever called him that to his face I couldnt say :) )
23 Sep 2012
History / What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944 [111]

Perfectly believable ( seeing as it clearly is dealing with occupied countries so British pride is not an issue lol), towards the end of the war when high level discusions were taking place as to how to continue the war if germany was occupied all assesments stated that a resistence based on the Polish example combining a shadow government as well as armed secions was the way to go,the Polish underground being seen as the most effective and efficient complete underground government they had come across.

There were plenty of pre war attempts to lure Poland into an anti Soviet alliance so by 1944 with nazi perfidy I find it entirely believable that such could be said about Poland,by this time the *german* army included Ukrainians ,Georgians,Muslims,French,Indians,Arabs......the whole racial purity thing was well out the window.
20 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

Why can you only agree if I include a topic we were not talking about ? :)
Yes,there were maybe people from within the borders of current Poland in Cnuts army too,there,happy? :)
Europe by that time was criss crossed with trade and pilgrim routes,we were far more mobile back then than the stereotype suggests.

( Dont worry, we like the Danes where Im from,we are proudly within Danelaw and to this day this part of England is different to the rest :) If you know our history you know we are only culturally anglo saxon/viking etc,its more or less a choice based on lifestyle rather than ethnicity so a Pole in Cnuts Army would soon just be another Englishman.)
19 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

Vice versa too Pawian, there were *probably* Poles in Wiliam the Bastards invasion force in 1066.
But, Norsemen does not automatically make them *Normans* even though Normans got their name from being Norsemen,if that makes sense?
We had Norsemen in Yorkshire as well as Danes,all getting lumped together as Vikings , Basicaly those Scandanavians got everywhere :)
17 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

it would be nice if you shared a story or two with us

Haha, I dont want to turn this thread into a me me me thread,I do that enough in other ones :)
There is a history of *re enactment* in a modern sense in the UK going back to the 1920s . In the 1990s I was waiting to join the armed forces and joined up with a group of people who collected uniforms and helped out at veterans days and also at summer fetes and Airshows.

There have been people *doing Polish* in the UK since the begining of ww 2 re enactment but most portrayed either Polish in the RAF or Polish Airborne at Driel/Arnhem. Early 00s a few of us,mostly *pure brits* (ie,like me,no Polish connections) started getting interested in other aspects. I *did* LWP for a while with a large group who specialised in Eastern front events and moved from that to portraying AK in various guises at some events in the UK. As I said,its been a while since Ive done anything but now there are plenty of real Poles to carry on the tradition :)

With regards to recreated wartime *soldiers* at memorial events,those are something that started in the 90s and certainly not at every event. I worked a lot with the Royal British legion (a veterans group/charity) as a teen and so was considered to be OK to have the honour of being involved as memorial *guards* etc. The old boys were always fun,you had to get everything right looks and uniforms wise or they let you know in no uncertain terms but most seemed touched that people their grandchildrens age were carrying their memory :)

Isthatu2,what is your favorite era uniform?

Sticking strictly with Polish?
Hard choice between 1920s/30s or Duchy of Warsaw Era
1920s for the simple yet smart lines and Duchy period because all that Napoleonic stuff is some serious bling and Ive seen the female reaction to it enough times :)

(in a more general sense Im more interested in pre uniform era stuff,early medieval stuff these days :) )

Thanks for the offer Harry,its a consideration but they are still available,just not in every corner shop.....luckily this is yorkshire,you can still find,shock horror, non eco friendly light bulbs if you try ;)
17 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

if you don't mind me asking, where does your fascination with the Polish militaria come from?

Not at all.
Hard to explain,always had an interest in that period in history,was involved in recreated honour guards etc for memorial events in the UK and western Europe for years and always had an interest in Polish forces ,this only increased once Id visited Poland a few times and met a few Polish re enactors both here in the UK and then again in Warsaw . And you are right,no actual family connections at all with Poland.

I think part of it is I'm just in the last generation where growing up Poland was *over there*, behind the Iron Curtain so there was a ready curiosity and a willingness to learn what had maybe been hidden......oh,and Norman Davies Uprising 44 helped too :)

Small world Pawian, the top recreated photo you have shown includes the person who gave me my AK cap Eagle :)
If you notice we are wearing the same colour black bandana and more or less the same *style* of uniform....that was so I could join in with the group at Polish events ....unfortunately I have not yet managed to get involved in Poland but,maybe someday....with permission of some AK veterans I met I must add :)

About Parade uniforms, agreed, I find it odd when any soldiers in traditional style uniforms carry modern assault rifles.....its not like they are loaded and ready for use so why not carry a more traditional *long rifle*?
16 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

I remember that torch; my grandparents’ still had few of them around in a good working order when I was a kid.

Still works a treat but the 12 volt batteries are hard to find :)
Ive not done any memorial events in a while but I still have the uniforms and kit in the attic .
When I get time I'll photo some of my origional bits of pre and wartime Polish militaria.
16 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

They look strange in traditional uniform but carrying AK 74s :)
Its sort of a good guys/bad guys vibe if you are from the West ;)

Recreated Uniform of AK junior officer around the mid point of the Uprising.
Civilian blue overalls under a waffen SS smock with black panzer cap bearing a *home made* Home Army Eagle badge and on the left side the national flag.

In the pre war Polish Army belt is a captured german *stick grenade* and hanging just below is an also captured german torch with coloured filters,essential for use in the sewers as is the black bandana worn around the soldiers neck.

Not clear in the picture is the officers ppk holster with attached Polish Scouts badge,recreated from an origional example,as is the cap badge,reproduced on one of the wartime home army metel press jobbies and given to me by a friend in Warsaw....Oh,yes,that ugly bu**er is me BTW :)

29 Aug 2012
History / What do Poles owe to Czechs? [82]

Still no answers to the questions put to you?
If not then maybe you are right for once,there is no point in you continued input if you dont actually have anything to say.
29 Aug 2012
History / What do Poles owe to Czechs? [82]

argumentum ad personam is no argumentum at all

And using random bits of Latin does not impress anyone over the age of 21....
Instead try answering the accusation.
Would that be to hard?
Would it just show you are not half as clever as you like to think you are?

Quite so. Real patriots would work for their country, rather than vandalising monuments to the dead.

We have the graves of Luftwaffe bomber crews in the UK, they are all treated with respect.
The Dead have paid the ultimate sacrifice or ultimate penalty depending on your point of view,for that,leave them alone.

I wonder if these pathetic *polish patriots* are the same type who attack russian football fans and blame them for katyn....pathetic.
Besides, Poland invaded Russia plenty of times...thery have just as much *right* to hate Poles as vice versa,but maybe they just dont have the same chip on the shoulder/inferiority complex as the average *polish patriot*?
29 Aug 2012
History / What do Poles owe to Czechs? [82]

The dead have no voice and they cannot defend themselves. It is up to us to behave like human beings.

Exactly, 27 million dead...not going to be crass and compare it to 3 million dead......oh,wait,I just did.

This act of patriotysm is called in Gazeta Wuborcza and TVN as hooligan's act, vandalism etc...

Thats not patriotism,thats nothing more than scum sucking animals acting like trash.

Smaller guns were called p횻ala in Czech.

Hussites rocked :)
20 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Hitler gagdets in Britain and Poland? [24]

I clearly remember those Hitler European Tour shirts from the mid 1980s.

haha, I didnt even realise it was the same one in the link....well, a nasty cheap version,Im sure the 80s ones were black friut of the loom type....

ps, wtf is a gagdet?
20 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Hitler gagdets in Britain and Poland? [24]

you're saying that Britain has no specirfic law penalising the propagation or glorificaton of totalitarian systems

Yes,because any such law would be a totalitarian law in and of itself.
However, wear a Hitler World Tour T shirt in Leeds,Manchester or North London(large Jewish areas...) and see how long it is before you get arrested on incitment to racial hatred charges
15 Aug 2012

Erm, Read Sun Tsu ironside....
Ok,dont bother,its friggin boring and only really read by second rate car salesmen but..
It is a perfectly legitimate exercise in military circles to attemt to predict the future shape of a nations armed forces. There are entire departments in each countries armed forces set up soley to carry this out,so,there is nothing Sci Fi or fantasy about interested obsevers attempting to do the same.

No one here has *predicted* the replacement of Soldiers with Cyborgs have they?
Mind you,no doubt that is one scenario on many planners to do list.
11 Aug 2012
Love / Native Polish Muslims.... how do they get into relationships? [32]

I thought that,so when did he start being classed as Lithuanian in all the Bio's ?
When I was a kid he was Charles Bronson ,the Polish American he's dead the Lithuanians seem to claim him ,are they like Mormans or something ?:)

I beg to differ

Beg to differ as much as you want matey, its not like you actually know any Muslims though is it?
Presure to please the family with who you marry is placed on male and female muslim kids.
Stories of muslim lads getting a beating from their family just dont make the papers...violance against men in domestic settings rarely does in the oh so enlightened west.....
11 Aug 2012
Love / Native Polish Muslims.... how do they get into relationships? [32]

In the mood for jokes today, aren't we?

No,its no Joke, my mate had no choice in his wife,it was marry her or your passport goes up in smoke and you and your family wont get back to the airport in islamabad in one piece...

Luckily she is a cracking lass and they get on,but.....
9 Aug 2012

Britain1939- 897,000 men including reserves.

In the entire world actually,not just IN EUROPE as you have claimed obviously trying to say why didnt that many men come instantly to Polands aid......well, because most of them were thousands of miles away .

In September 1939, the army had a total of 892,697 officers and men in both the full-time regular army and part-time Territorial Army. The regular army could muster 224,000 men, who were supported by a reserve of 173,700 men. Of the regular army reservists, only 3,700 men were fully trained and the remainder had been in civilian life for up to 13 years.[10] In April 1939, an additional 34,500 men had been conscripted into the regular army and had only completed their basic training on the eve of war.[11] The regular army was built around 30 cavalry or armoured regiments and 140 infantry battalions.[12] The Territorial Army numbered 438,100, with a reserve of around 20,750 men.[11] This force comprised 29 yeomanry regiments (eight of which were still to be fully mechanized), 12 tank and 232 infantry battalions.[12]
9 Aug 2012

It could handle a Lithuania or Czech Rep, maybe Belarus but not Germany or Russia

You may be missing the point. European Armies are now being shaped not to *handle* outside forces but simply to *handle* the citizens of Europe...........

Britains standing Army in a year or two will actually be smaller than the entire contingent we sent to Iraq in 03.....
4 Aug 2012
News / Does Polish hotel have right to turn down Americans and Israelis? [73]

Discriminating on the basis of different EU nationality just wouldn't happen.

.... for the obvious reason that British establishments would have to LOWER their prices for most EU countries nationals seeing as GB is one of the most expensive places to live in europe.
3 Aug 2012
News / Does Polish hotel have right to turn down Americans and Israelis? [73]

NO WAY!!! I have worked in fast food.

I have not,but that story made me chuckle,are we really expected to believe that Hot dog stands are turning away people for not being cherry cheeked,apple pie luvin genuine born in the USA ,born on the fourth of July Americans?

Lols,are there actually any Hot dog stands where the guy selling the dogs even speaks English???

Is there a need for a place where American tourist will not be found?

The Osama Bin Laden Hates Guns Gay Bar?

In which countries?

Poland for a start....Polish friend asks price for a cap, 20pln
I ask price in my best but obviously non native Polish, 100pln.....
This was on a Market,but,it works both ways,a couple of the stall holders on finding I wasnt Polish threw in free gifts,one I didnt even buy anything from chased after me and pressed a book in my hands :)
2 Aug 2012
Real Estate / May you confirm that Podgórze (Kraków) is a great area to live in? [13]

I never actually lived in Podgorze but I do like that part of town,lots of nice places to eat, easy access either into or out of Krakow ,the Park as mentioned,some gorgeous old wooden houses tucked away too.

Id say,and I hope it doesnt sound condesending,but , Podgorze is *real * Poland for me. It might sound odd,but its nice to go somewhere that there are still one or two Bars that you know are just for locals......dont get me wrong, I dont mean in an unfriendly,going to get beaten up if you go in way,but obviously not aimed at tourists or students :)