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Native Polish Muslims.... how do they get into relationships?

shahji_irl  2 | 2
9 Aug 2012   #1
This message is intended only for Native Polish Muslims...

If you are not one of them... Please don't bother spoiling the thread...

And no i am not looking to get married... or visa or passport....


Question: How Polish muslims get into marriage/relationship...? As Islam doesn't allow dating (as non islamic western world defines it) or pre marital sexual relationship. I mean what is the procedure...?

(and for all of you who will start picking up on Islam now... i want to clarify that Islam gives equal rights to women to choose their husbands as it does to men to choose their wife. Men and women are allowed to talk and meet, but in the presence of another person, to discuss important issues e.g personality, habits, hobbies to find compatibility)
Wulkan  - | 3136
9 Aug 2012   #2
Men and women are allowed to talk and meet, but in the presence of another person, to discuss important issues

You convinced me, I am going to convert to islam now.
9 Aug 2012   #3
there is no such thing as native polish muslim
teflcat  5 | 1024
9 Aug 2012   #4
i want to clarify that Islam gives equal rights to women to choose their husbands as it does to men to choose their wife.

That's the theory; the reality is, as you are no doubt aware, very different in many countries.
sobieski  106 | 2111
9 Aug 2012   #5
There is some Polish/Muslim heritage though. See the Muslim cemetery in Warsaw with definitely very old gravestones. ...It goes back to the time when Tartars were serving in the Polish army...
Wulkan  - | 3136
10 Aug 2012   #6
Tatars are Tatars not Polish
Zibi  - | 335
10 Aug 2012   #7
Tartars were not polish by 16 maybe 17th century... Ever since they have been, by and large. They spoke, first, ruthenian and then polish.
jon357  72 | 23350
10 Aug 2012   #8
Tatars are Tatars not Polish

The Muslims in Kruszyniany are as Polish as it gets. A rather remote place but worth visiting.Not many people live there but judging by new graves in the cemetery (a Polish style rather than Islamic one) there's still a small community.
Midas  1 | 571
11 Aug 2012   #9
This message is intended only for Native Polish Muslims...

All three hundred of them?

i want to clarify that Islam gives equal rights to women to choose their husbands as it does to men to choose their wife.

In the mood for jokes today, aren't we?
isthatu2  4 | 2692
11 Aug 2012   #10
In the mood for jokes today, aren't we?

No,its no Joke, my mate had no choice in his wife,it was marry her or your passport goes up in smoke and you and your family wont get back to the airport in islamabad in one piece...

Luckily she is a cracking lass and they get on,but.....
Midas  1 | 571
11 Aug 2012   #11
I beg to differ, muslim women are usually the ones treated worse than animals should they "refuse":
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
11 Aug 2012   #12
Parents of Charles Bronson were Polish Tatars.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
11 Aug 2012   #13
I thought that,so when did he start being classed as Lithuanian in all the Bio's ?
When I was a kid he was Charles Bronson ,the Polish American he's dead the Lithuanians seem to claim him ,are they like Mormans or something ?:)

I beg to differ

Beg to differ as much as you want matey, its not like you actually know any Muslims though is it?
Presure to please the family with who you marry is placed on male and female muslim kids.
Stories of muslim lads getting a beating from their family just dont make the papers...violance against men in domestic settings rarely does in the oh so enlightened west.....
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
11 Aug 2012   #14
That or Yanks not understanding one coming from Lithuania doesn't have to be Lithuanian.
Midas  1 | 571
11 Aug 2012   #15
Beg to differ as much as you want matey, its not like you actually know any Muslims though is it?

And what made you pull that particular assumption out of your ass, boy?
Wroclaw Boy
11 Aug 2012   #16
In the mood for jokes today, aren't we?

Look at the Jew battling the historical religious enemy.
10 Dec 2021   #17
It's so sad and disgusting to read some comments. I polish Muslim do exist and have although there's a minority of them . Polish are mainly Catholic. Like many people who lack knowledge about Islam due to IGNORANCE do not realise that there's many Muslims from all back grounds.
Novichok  4 | 8640
10 Dec 2021   #18
Muslims should be treated in Poland the same way Christians are treated in Saudi Arabia and have as many mosques in Warsaw as there are churches in Mecca.
jon357  72 | 23350
10 Dec 2021   #19
Muslims should be treated in Poland the same way Christians are treated in Saudi Arabia

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
10 Dec 2021   #20
i want to clarify that Islam gives equal rights to women to choose their husbands as it does to men to choose their wife.

Novichok  4 | 8640
10 Dec 2021   #21

...asked a guy who wants fairness and equal rights for all. Hahahahahahaha...
jon357  72 | 23350
10 Dec 2021   #22
fairness and equal rights for all.

Doesn't everybody?
Novichok  4 | 8640
10 Dec 2021   #23
Yes, so why do you ask stupid questions?
jon357  72 | 23350
10 Dec 2021   #24
Ask yourself that.

A bigger question (the one asked, even) is whether or not Poland should adopt the practices of another state.

Now stop trolling and shut up.
Novichok  4 | 8640
10 Dec 2021   #25
whether or not Poland should adopt the practices of another state.

Not just Poland. Christians should treat Muslims the way Muslims treat Christians everywhere to give them a taste of what they dish out.
If you know a better way to send the message, spit it out. Just because the UK turned insane is no reason for the sane to follow your idiotic ways to accommodate the invading hordes and make them feel at home.
jon357  72 | 23350
10 Dec 2021   #26
An idea that makes little sense or any progress and has no benefit to anyone.

Nor are native Polish Muslims anything other than Polish, and therefore there is no reason for anyone to "treat" them according to the mores of another country.

This thread is about dating though. There's an off-topic thread for you to troll pointlessly about other religions.
Novichok  4 | 8640
10 Dec 2021   #27
This thread is about dating though.

OK. Memo to all women stupid enough to consider "dating" a Muslim...DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!
...unless you want to be treated worse than a dog and risk that the sob will take your kids to one of the Muslim sh*itholes where you will have zero chance of even seeing them, much less getting them back. Plus a dozen other reasons...
Alien  25 | 6332
10 Dec 2021   #28
I don't understand you Novi. Muslims are our brothers in faith. They are nice people. And now seriously. There are Muslims im Poland since 500 years and they are harmless.
Novichok  4 | 8640
10 Dec 2021   #29
Muslims are our brothers in faith.

No. They are pseudo-Muslims because the non-Muslim majority made it impossible for these primates to follow Islam the way they do today where they have the power. This is also an answer to your...

There are Muslims in Poland since 500 years and they are harmless.

...because they are smart enough to know that they can't be anything else.

Muslims are our brothers in faith.

There is not a single Muslim who said the same in reverse. If they did, it was a tactical move following the rule that lying to the enemy - you - is a virtue.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
10 Dec 2021   #30

I know many good Muslims in the UK and a few very strange ones that have very weird beliefs.
You cannot compare.Muslims in Poland with those in Western Europe or North America.
If you do that and let them in, they will ruin Poland.

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