Life /
Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]
What a waste of time...but I will chime in anyway. Between 1964 and 1974 I traveled all over the world and have seen many people. I grew up in inner city USA in a "Polish" neighborhood. My grandparents on both sides were both Polish and came from Southern Poland and Western Ukraine. They were good hard working people that came to a foreign land without speaking the language in a time when the world was at war and was slaughtering each other by the millions. They suffered hardship. They raised large families and fed and clothed them well. They never forgot their roots and during the years after WWII sent and brought many things to their families in Poland from the abundance they found in America. I truly and heartily respect them for that. It was love and very powerful.
Poland is one land I have not visited but Lord willing someday soon I will.
I have seen the bias expressed by Wizard among many individuals and groups in the world. It is darkness and causes pain. He expresses the language of a fool and should be avoided and pitied. I am grateful to those of you who have expressed reason and wisdom regarding this matter in this thread. You give me hope. Thank you.