The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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24 Sep 2017
News / Charles Crawford on PiS just after the 2015 election [28]

prevent a possible Ukrainian scenario in Poland

Yes, seams how is now Poland on menu. Just, I don`t believe in Ukrainian scenario in Poland. More probable are Catalonian or Kosovo scenarios.
17 Sep 2017
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

In that thread, among else, I wanted to present how Poles and Serbians uniting their interests and, among else, intend to give middle finger to English who love mujaheedines. Thread had great perspective.
11 Sep 2017
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

you could pass as polish or any European except southern

Specifically, we see that he can`t be Spaniard, Portuguese, Shquiptar (as they call themselves, while western Europeans named them Albanians), Italian, Greek, Romanian and also hardly Bulgarian.
11 Sep 2017
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

You contradict yourself.

not at all.

You say "fundamentally multi-ethnic and multi-religious society" but then say "society that accepts reality of predominant Christian and Slavic cultural heritage"

Nobody says that modern human civilization gave answer to all open questions. But, that goes for all societies in the world. To function, societies have backbone, spirit, values, dominant culture, etc. To live in organized society, to avoid anarchy, humans pay prices. Why Americans tolerate English language? Canadians? Australians? After all, why entire humanity tolerate English as global language? Simple- interest. See, Intermarium is best what many could get from Baltic to Balkan, Adriatic to Ukraine.

Where does that leave the Tartars,

you mean Tatars? Tartar is sauce

or atheist Czechs?

With rest of us. If they now live in `Judeo-Christian` EU as it is stated in EU proclamation, why wouldn`t they live in `Slavo-Christian` society?

What about the Kosovans (like it or not, they exist)?

Kosovans don`t exist. Exist only Serbs and Albanians of Kosovo. Some others, too. Actually, Albanians call themselves Shquiptars.

Why would that 'Intermarium' be any better for Lithuania than the much broader multi-ethnic and multi-religious EU that they already belong to, with its larger trading bloc, larger defence force and guarantee against Polish domination of their own language?

You should ask that Lithuanians. What they think of `much broader multi-ethnic and multi-religious EU`. As for `larger trading bloc, larger defence force`, forget it. EU would turn to be something else. It would reduce, modify, crumble. It would split on probably three separate conglomerates (one of them being Intermarium). In future, what remain of EU they may name Magna Germania and that would be multi-ethnic and Germano-Christian society.

So, truly, why would Lithuania choose Intermarium over Magna Germania? Maybe they won`t. Who knows. Its interesting question. Same question goes for Estonia and Latvia, too. Today, they are already deeply germanized societies.
10 Sep 2017
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]


Well, actually, your posts offering good base for dialogue, I see it now clearly after I took my glasses.

See, idea of new Commonwealth or to say Intermarium isn`t about nationalism. It accepts differences and see them as advantage, not as a problem. This tolerance and pluralism isn`t reserved only for different ethnicities but also for political ideas. Idea of Intermarium itself reasonably came in existence due to necessity to preserve independence and specifics of Poland and not only of Poland, equally- from the threat from the west of Europe (not only Germany) and from the threat from the east of Europe (primarily Russia). And Intermarium have to encompass Slavs and non-Slavs who live on wast area from Baltic to Adriatic and from Balkan to Ukraine. So, Intermarium is about fundamentally multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, sure, society that accepts reality of predominant Christian and Slavic cultural heritage due to historical and practical reasons. Here I especially point on English language as official in USA, Australia or Canada. So, same way, for example, Polish language may become official language in Intermarium, if Poland found strength to return to the basic principles of Sarmatism, resisting that way to all possible negative influences that may dispute role of Poland as leading country of the Intermarium.
8 Sep 2017
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

You are little bit crazy but, somewhat you are right. Belonging is sh**. Just, why do you telling that to me? Go complaint to western Europeans. I don`t know, try speaking to mormons.

In any case, let us don`t belong to Brussels. We who are Slavs (ie Sarmats) and non-Slavs but Slavic friendly, we who are Central Europeans, people from Baltic to Balkan, with all our mutual local differences and specifics, we are free to choose.
8 Sep 2017
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Seams that Poland don`t lead processes connected to fusion of interests in Central Europe or in general in Europe`s regions that should encompass new Commonwealth/Intermarium. Center forming not around Poland but around Hungary and Serbia. We can only hope that Poland have some plan, tactics. If its not the case, we can expect more turbulence on Polish political scene, when Polish public increasingly starts to separate on block that gravitate to Brussels and on block that gravitate to Budapest/Belgrade.
29 Aug 2017
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

Why not, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia Bosnia and Montenegro would all fit right in.

mafe, I think that we here, at least needs to talk honestly and openly. Here we aren`t on BBC or CNN and we don`t determine world`s questions. We are free here. So, shall we? From my side, you will get valuable info, in any case

Firstly. Define to yourself Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro. Its all about Serbs and `Serbian question`. Those countries are Serbian lands that aren`t Serbian right now for all sorts of reasons but all reasons are due to foreign madding. Competition between religions. Weakening of Serbs and by that Slavic South in general. Etc, etc. Still, there are people (no matter are they Catholic, Orthodox, Muslims or atheists) that wants to be Serbs. Anyway, imagine Poland entering in there (to gain something), ignoring Serbian question. It would be aggression, that won`t have support even from majority of Poles. Not to mention that would such aggression antagonize Poland with Serbians, Czechs, Slovaks, Belorussians and Russians. Do Poland need that? No. Do Slavic world need that? Of course not and that could be final thing that could actually destroy Slavs.

Secondly. Czechs and Slovaks won`t even stay in Visegrad if official Poland continue to provoke Serbia. Even Hungary don`t need Visegrad with antagonized Serbia. Slovenia (small Catholic country of 2 mil. proud Slavs but generally weak and ready to resist to non-Slavs only if Serbs supported them)? No, Slovenia won`t go with Poland if it consider going against Serbia. No, not that they love Serbs passionately but they understand strategy. They knows that `Serbian question` must be resolved and they themselves have problems with Croatia. Slovenian only hope to gain something is to wait for resolution of `Serbian question`. See, Poland can`t offer that to Slovenia, what Serbia can. Plus, Poland can only bring troubles to Slovenia. With Serbs, Slovenians are in equilibrium with Germany and Russia. With Poland, Slovenia actually, don`t exist, if you understand me.

Third. Croatia is German factor. What would official Poland expect here? To side with Croatia against Serbia and to prove its loyalty to Germany? Forget Intermarium in this case. On the long run, forget ....

Fourth. Bulgaria? Ha, that would be some combination. All treachery what Poland can expect from Croatia, also can get from Bulgaria. Just, Croatia is Catholic and Bulgaria is Orthodox. Tell me what betrayal you prefer. Plus, holding Bulgaria by Poland would secure Russian invasion of Poland, while holding Croatia securing another division of Poland. Think about it.

Serbia is not at all strategic to anything Poland wants to do and the idea that it is, is just kind of silly.

Serbia is everything to Poland. Only way out of misery, in strategic, in nay sense. And vice versa, Poland is hope to Serbians. With one slight difference, not only hope. But still, we wait Poland. We prefer Poland. What would Poland, its up to Poles.
29 Aug 2017
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

The countries invited do not want to be in the Intermarum

See, that is why myself don`t trust to Duda.

Did you ever heard him on TV, radio, internet or any public media how he calling Serbians in Intermarium? No, you didn`t and he knows that Intermarium isn`t possible without Serbians. Not only Intremarium, even Visegrad can`t be sustained without Serbs. No, its not about importance of Serbs as Serbs. Its just strategic reality. So, when (if) you hear that some Polish leader calling Serbians, you would know its for real, it is that, morning of awakening of Dragon or to say simple- time for Poland to brake her chains. But, time now works against us. We shall see
29 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Yes, by all means a very big wall should be built around Serbia to keep the contagion inside. A country proud of the deaths of millions.... filthy!

Don`t blame Serbia and Serbians for resisting to invaders. Our resistance was (is) just so natural. That natural that USA president of that time placed Serbian flag above White House. Only foreign flag that ever waved above US Capitol.

Are they likely to replace Poland in the EU?

If Poland goes out and Serbia in, it would represent ultimate joke of the fate. Or, rather, prelude for EU disintegration what wise Poland sensing before Serbia`s entry because all sane people on this Earth knows that EU can`t be Serbian long term solution ;)

please focus on Poland
28 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Big YES? Hardly

I read headlines in Serbian media today and I founded this, among else (these days Poland is every day present in Serbian mass media; in a last weak more then in three last years) > Poljska protiv Brisela: Od čeda EU do istočnog strašila > b92/info/vesti/tema.php?yyyy=2017&mm=08&nav_id=1297708 > /it says- ``Poland against Brussels: From the EU`s favorite to the eastern monster``.

In any case, article reminding Serbian public how it looks like when EU loves you and how is when EU goes against you- over night country becoming monster in mass media. This too well reminding on Goebbels style anti-Serbian propaganda and hysteria launched by this same EU. Simple, you obey to EU or you are enemy of EU. No partnership in that relationship.

Right now, under pressure of EU, Poland set to retreat in same orbit as Serbia. It is just the matter of time or even moment when would alliance of these two countries become open thing. If that happens, truly, Intermarium may become reality once more. Is it possible? We shall see
25 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]


To help to Poles and to do something for Slavdom by prevention of assimilation of Poles into non-Slavs. So, when EU collapse, what is imminent, as we all know, all Poles and other Slavs are welcome in Serbia.
25 Aug 2017
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Ha, somethings happening. Serbian media reported that official Poland`s delegation in UNESCO stubbornly refusing to give vote for Kosovo, no matter anti-Serbian stance and instructions from Warsaw. So over Serbs, Duda and Shydlo facing resistance within Poland. As I expected. Do you remember how previous Poland`s regime was facing resistance by Polish post service which refused to consider Kosovo as state and hijacked all letters mailed with addresses on Kosovo, sending them to Serbia.

And all this isn`t resistance of political opposition. Its deeper then that. Its movement. Resistance movement of those who wants serious, strong, Slavic, independent and leading Poland. I told you, `Serbian question` would reveal who is Polish patriot and who is traitor. Sarmatian connection is unbreakable. Its awakening. Its old role of Serbians in Polish history. First and last stand.
24 Aug 2017
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]


Poland don't behave as serious state and leading Slavic country

Believe me, time is right for thread like this, if we love Poland. That, considering sad Poland`s role within Visegrad Group, general isolation of country from most other eastern European countries and even, not-provoked, increasingly hostile stance of official Poland on some other Slavic countries.

If we add to it conflicts between official Poland and EU, some Polish misunderstandings with Vatican, on a first glance no matter all `pro at contra` reasons, one can hardly understand whats going on. So, there comes this thread to try to offer answers.

Anyway, its not serious approach and its not leading role.

And BDW, this thread isn`t critic on actual Poland`s ruling establishment. No, this failure started even earlier, with previous government and previous president. And now same trend continues. As if those who lead Poland previously and right now, agree only in one thing and that is - how to ruin Poland.
20 Aug 2017
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Romans did good job by introducing new religion to Sarmatian (ie Slavic) world. When Christianity split it went to the extreme in Serbian lands, in old core of Sarmatia. Two Churches agreed that one village had to be Catholic and the other Orthodox. Literally, it was like the skin of leopard. They control us.
20 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

and remember Crowie, Poland always faces west rather than east.

First time when Poles learned about western Europeans it undoubtedly came as info via Serbs (ie via those Sarmats that lived stretched along the Danube River and on the Baltic-Adriatic-Balkan line and who were considered to be old core and backbone of our civilization, overlord-parental tribes to other, more distant tribes). And Poles were not fascinated by the western Europeans. No, they resisted and no matter they made few compromises, they still resist. They are in agony but, they resist, at least in their hearts.

So, don`t underestimate Poles. Dragon sleeps in them.
20 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

It's neither giving nor taking, Crowie. It's sharing.

Oh, sure.

You prefer isolation?

No. Just its clear that Poland isolated itself from rest of the Visegrad Group, from other Slavic countries, from majority of Poles in Poland, while opening itself to obedience and assimilation by western Europeans.

No. Just no.

Yes, just yes. Ask them. All Slavic Poles realize what`s going on but live like f****** automatons. In agony. Essentially.