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How to vote in the Polish elections?

lonpol  7 | 69
26 Jul 2018   #1
Hello, I live in London, how can I vote in the next Polish election ( or any referendum )?

I am close to owing a property just outside Warsaw, how do I vote in any local/council elections?

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
26 Jul 2018   #2
Józefie drogi, why do you want to vote and whom do you want to vote?
OP lonpol  7 | 69
26 Jul 2018   #3
Why? Because its my right and duty. Who? Lets try and keep this on topic ;)
terri  1 | 1661
26 Jul 2018   #4
If you are a Polish national, ask at the Embassy. Polish people living in the UK have the right to vote in Polish elections or referenda.

For voting in local or council elections in Poland you have to live in Poland and be 'zameldowany' at your Polish address.
OP lonpol  7 | 69
26 Jul 2018   #5
ok thanks I will email the embassy now.

I will deal with the local one later, we will be registered but no live there full-time yet.
OP lonpol  7 | 69
26 Jul 2018   #6
They said to contact them again once an election/referendum date is announced.
cms neuf  1 | 1799
26 Jul 2018   #7
You need to do your meldunek anyway - only takes an hour or so but there can be long queues
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
26 Jul 2018   #8
People who do not (or are going to in a near future) live in a country should not be able to vote in elections.
It's like choosing your neighbour's living room colors- you are not gonna live there, only see them once in a while but they will see it every day.

In Poland, a decade or so ago there was a joke:

"Jaki jest szczyt chamstwa?
- Zaglosowac na PiS i wyemigrować"

I hope I do not need to translate it
terri  1 | 1661
26 Jul 2018   #9
The same thing applies to Britons living overseas. They have the right to vote in General elections and referenda and do so.
One thing is the applicable Electoral Law and quite another 'your personal opinion.'
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
26 Jul 2018   #10
I'm aware of that. It's 15 years, frankly speaking I think it should be less (probably 2-3 years, unless one serves in army abroad etc).
OP lonpol  7 | 69
29 Jul 2018   #11
RubasznyRumcaj - Im happy you got that off your chest. I will be voting.
jon357  72 | 23098
30 Jul 2018   #12
The same thing applies to Britons living overseas

To a point.

You can only continue voting in U.K. elections for 15 years after moving abroad. After that, you can't.

A handful of countries (Poland, I think Italy among them) allow people to vote under certain circumstances even if they've never set foot in the country.
Crow  154 | 9297
30 Jul 2018   #13
Whatever you do, don`t vote for Duda. He works for non-Poles. Its clear by his actions.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
30 Jul 2018   #14
don`t vote for Duda

Difficult Crowie. We have a self serving clown where I live who has been in power as long as Putin, (and has made a living out of pretending he is "independent" - aka, he licks every orifice, depending on whose ******* needs a good cleaning at the time) and he is far too comfortable, and has burnt all the city funds on a fecking airport :(

Thinking of voting PIS :) :)
Crow  154 | 9297
15 Aug 2019   #15
Poles should give vote to patriots that openly speak of closer ties with Hungary and Serbia. That is how you know, you won`t give voice to traitors of Poland and to corrupt politicians.

Thinking of voting PIS :) :)

No, don`t do that. They sending Polish troops to work with and train mujaheedines.
Miloslaw  21 | 5083
15 Aug 2019   #16
Poles should give vote to patriots that openly speak of closer ties with Hungary and Serbia

Hungary yes, Serbia no.
Give it a rest Crow......,whichever Crow you are today......
Crow  154 | 9297
15 Aug 2019   #17
Alright. Then Hungary. Just don`t vote for traitors and mujaheedine friendly politicians no matter how sweet are their words. Sad really that Poles actually don`t have information.
pawian  219 | 24945
17 Aug 2023   #18
Normalni i patriotyczni Polacy

English, please. :):):)

moga tylko glosowac na PIS.

A nie na Konfę????
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #19
What do you need English for on Polish forum? Never mind. All rational and patriotic Poles can only vote for PIS. It's not a perfect government however there is no comparison with the scumbags on the other side. Plain and simple!
pawian  219 | 24945
17 Aug 2023   #20
What do you need English for on Polish forum?

This thread is in English. Polish posts are usually removed.

All rational and patriotic Poles

I am such and will never vote for PiS. Neither my family and friends. PiS are political gangsters who dream of introducing dictatorship and as such are traitors of Polish interests. Ha!
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #21
What kind of "dictatorship" are you talking about? There is more freedom of expression on the Polish forums than in the UK , US or Australia etc. You are talking total crap sunshine. As for the " traitors of Polish interests" Tusk and Trzaskowski recently spoke against war reparations from Germany. This is against Polish interest! The Jews are getting money from the Germans since 1953 and they did not even have their own country! You are full of complete **hit... however your " nick" is perfectly adequate- you belong to the zoo, like every monkey " pawian".
Ironside  50 | 12367
17 Aug 2023   #22
zdrajca i gnida.

This thread

See pawian anyone can see your true colours....I can translate it for you if you want ,,,,,
pawian  219 | 24945
17 Aug 2023   #23
recently spoke against war reparations from Germany.

Very well!! PiS demands reparations only from Germany, omitting Russia. This in unfair, of course. We are against PIS double standard policies. Fekk them all!

you belong to the zoo, like every monkey " pawian".

Exactly. Poland under PiS is one giant zoo. And circus on wheels, too. hahahaha

See pawian anyone can see your true colours

Yes, the true colours of my pawian ass. hahahaha buhahahaha

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