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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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24 May 2018
News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland? [304]

stop bitching about Katyn,will you?

let`s not, dobri brate, mix issue of Katyn and Iraq (with all due respect on Iraq). Katyn was very sad internal Slavic thing. Reason for historical dispute between Poles and Russians. One of those things that set Poland on direction of servitude to western Europe, because Poland was hit hard from the East and forced to turn to West. See, Katyn is issue that hostile non-Slavs heavily exploit. Whenever Poland show some initiative, they remind Poles of Katyn and then anti-Russian feelings get wings. I think Russia should show more empathy for Katyn victims.

Sure, I know, Russians aren`t same as Soviets. Communism itself was by western Europe planted in Russia. Stalin wasn`t Russian but biggest murderer of Russians. True, all true.

But, in sense of statehood, Russia claim continuity with Soviet Union, so Russia also must claim responsibility. And after all, some ethnic Russians did took part in events in Katyn no matter that communist leader who ordered massacre wasn`t Russian.

I mentioned Katyn only to suggest that what the Russians did there can serve to explain the historical animosity Poles can feel towards Russia.

You are quite right here.
24 May 2018
News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland? [304]

We Serbians wants normal relations between Poland and Russia. We would be satisfied with that. That securing our interests and preventing hostile non-Slavs to meddling in our business.

there was no referendum (that met any kind of standards of international law or simple human decency) in Crimea.

There was referendum. In conditions of violated (by NATO and EU) international order that previously occurred on Kosovo, in entire former Yugoslavia and on many other meridians, I am quite satisfied with level of democracy expressed on Crimean referendum.
23 May 2018
News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland? [304]

I do not know how many people are being killed in U.S.-led wars - probably quite a few.

How about genocides on entire countries by using depleted uranium in warfare and crime against people and nature in general ?

Before you answer, if ever, you should be aware that there are documents, even NATO relevant and in western European courts confirmed documents that confirms this what I just said. It is reality. Reality. Try, try to comprehend it. Genocide on entire counties. Think of it.

Somebody will pay for this. Some tax payers. You, too.
23 May 2018
News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland? [304]

If Kosovo can decide for itself what it wants to be, so can Crimea. There was a vote, nobody got shot, case closed.

Plus, there was no referendum for secession of Kosovo. Only decision of Albanian Kosovo parliament that was established after NATO came as occupational force to the region, after illegal war.

See, nothing similar between Kosovo and Crimea cases.
23 May 2018
News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland? [304]

Any Pole or Slav who supports Putin or Russia is no friend of Poland.

But Putin is irrelevant. Even Russia.

You think that Serbian patriots that together with Polish patriots (right wing Catholics included), speak to Poles about Russia and Putin? You think that Misa Vacic speak to Poles of that, prior to shouting ``f*** f*** NATO pact, in the middle of Warsaw``?

Man, NATO got itself bigger problem then it is Russia. Russia can`t undermine NATO.

NATO moved against Serbians. Openly. And that what Serbians can promise to Poles, to Czechs, to Slovaks,... Russia can`t never promise. Never.

Only Racowie knows. Only Racowie feels. And Poles knows it.

We offering last stand. Last charge. Last breath for freedom. True freedom.

And Poland will be awaken. Dragon will be summoned.
22 May 2018
Feedback / How to reply to a thread on this website? [28]

It's confusing, how to reply to a thread on this website?

before reply put cross on yourself and send few prayers to Christ and Svetovid
22 May 2018
News / Do we finally see that Russia doing something positive for Poland, by successfully resisting to EU ? [44]

Well, that`s something. Finally. How strongly evil and ugly EU hold Poland we can easily say that, if there isn`t strong opposition by Russia, Poland would be gone in oblivion.

I know, I know, Russians have their sins, they are wild and all that. I agree. But let`s thank them for positive things so that we can condemn them for their mistakes. Let us be hones, after all. Honest to ourselves, firstly.

Let us talk as sane people.

Now we thank to Russians. With a song. We unleash on ourselves little bit of Russian culture, their aspect of our common Slavic heritage. We then give us and them little bit of Polish culture, Polish aspect of this common culture.

Farewell of Slavianka - Dina Garipova & Alexandrov Ensemble (2013)

Then we say > Thanks Russians

Now, Poles

Białe róże Rozkwitały pąki białych róż- Buds of white roses flowered- Polish patriotic song

This is how it function in my world, in pubs of my people. On the land where Christ and Svetovid walking hand in hand, and oldest where oldest ancestors sit on right shoulder of those who believe, at least twice a year, where angels fly together with fairies.
22 May 2018
News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland? [304]

Why would they do that?

They want to prevent Poland to escape to them. For various reasons. Firstly, they need Poles, as they need their own population, for sedimentation of blood due to heavy mixing with non-whites. Plus, they need Poles to work for them. Then, when there is no Poles, there would be Poland`s territories, they count.

How many ethnic Poles in Poland? Less then 37 millions, is it? And still dropping? See? Same is in entire Eastern Europe. We are slaves. We are objects of lies and propaganda, treachery, extermination with depleted uranium and worse, second rate food and medications.

When you see that some future Prince Harry marry some Polish girl you would know- that`s it- time has come for Poles to be attached to the crown. With smile and kisses, behind back, Poles would get penis.
19 May 2018
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

Have in mind that we here speak of Polish meta-ethnicity or to say primordial ethnicity. We search for local original versions of back in past universal name of all Slavs (as science and old sources suggests)- `Sarmatian name`.

Obviously, I don`t point on possibility that Poles come to existence out of Serbian ethnicity. What we have on the scene is that Balkan and Lusatian Serbs preserved use of Sarmatian name as their ethnic names. In case with Poles, things developed in direction that in one local dominant tribe (in this case `Polani`) prevailed tribal name and was in specific circumstances spread as regional ethnic name. Still, those same Polani, obviously didn`t forget their meta-ethnicity, their real ethnicity and so cames the legends about Sarmatian origin of Poles.


Boleslaus the Brave and Sviatopolk at the Golden Gate of Kiev

Anyway, look when sword Szczerbiec was forged. Legend says that King Bolesław I the Brave used sword `Szczerbiec` to hit the Golden Gate of Kiev (now in Ukraine) during his intervention in the Kievan succession crisis in 1018. Why this legend? Let me tell you why. Sword `Szczerbiec` stays deeply connected with Polish meta-ethnicity and not only Polish. Name of sword is proof. Inventors of legends is people itself. See, people knows that sword `Szczerbiec` wasn`t connected just to primordial name of Polish ethnicity. People who invented legends about `Szczerbiec` remembered that name `Szczerbiec` have its weigh not only for Poles but for other Slavs, too. That is why Polish Kind needed `Szczerbiec` when wanted to establish his authority in Kiev. He referred to deeper roots of population of Kiev (Ukraine) and wanted to show how he coming as representative of that same heritage, because he knew that people of Poland and Ukraine were both Sarmatians in its origins. Sword `Szczerbiec` had to remind to it and to strengthen unity.

Serbia = srb, srbin, srbijanac > Poland = Szczerb, Szczerbin, Szczerbiec

Looking at the forest, people sometimes don`t see a single tree in front of their very eyes. Such a fantastic is simple truth about Polish origin. And not only Polish. Of most of Europe, if not all. But, Poles and some others preserved obvious traces of their origin in their culture and linguistics. Most of non-Slavic Europe didn`t. Such a strong are consequences of Roman impact on Sarmatians.

On entire Slavic West and South, `Szczerbiec` sounded sacred, referring to deeper, primordial meta-ethnicity. Have in mind that Germans use term Wend for Kashubs, too, not only for Lusatians. Actually, all Western Slavs in past were Wends to Germanics. All.


It was transition of `B` to `V`, what is know and explained phenomenon in linguistics.

In our time, Germans are specific. They use term Wend for Lusatian Serbs.

And remember. When we speak about `Szczerbiec` and `Szczerb` we speak just about one local native version of Sarmatian name in what is now Poland, where `Szczerb` represent self-given name, while `Sarmat` represent foreign given form in accordance with Greek and Roman (Latin) pronunciation. It was in time prior to name of Poland was accepted as regional ethnic name but still, Polani remembered their older- ie meta-ethnicity.

`Szczerb` (native) = `Sarmat` (foreign)
17 May 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Beware people. When religion define ethnicity its dangerous. One can easily fall in madness of kill-urge of his own brethren who are of some other religion. Look destine of Croats who are nothing but Catholic Serbs. Sure, in their case germanization played major role in rising kill-urge and then religion aspect was uploaded to shape direction of their wrongly wrath.
10 May 2018
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

So, Poles and Czechs, my beloved sisters and brothers, how I heard today brat Duda got interesting information from brat Zeman. Seams that brat Duda learned from brat Zeman that Czech Republic also used to produce `Novicok` nerve gas and, if that is truth, it is one more proof which suggesting that evil Britain used nerve gas on Skripal- Russian citizen, kidnapped him and tried to blame Russia for that. Zeman`s point is that these days Russia was target of British scheme and tomorrow target may be Poland and Czeska. If not already, actually from long time ago.

Glad to see that Polish-Czech relations nicely develop. Good to see you side by side, in these troubled times, when western Europe collapsing and, in its mortal agony, grabbing what can be grabbed.
4 May 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

I understand Jews. They greatly suffered in history. Its people deeply harmed. True, they took part in era of Slavic slavery and they never apologized to Slavs (ie Sarmats), for that issue in history. Still, as a Serbian, aware of very challenging history of my own people that was often exposed to genocide, I do feel empathy for Jews. But Jews too have to be aware of Slavic suffering and if we speak here particularity of Polish historical suffering. So, I urge on Poles and Jews to show mutual understanding.
27 Apr 2018
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

Yes, yes. I hope Serbia won`t join EU. Many here share this stance. It is now obvious, EU is some alchemist retort that would turn into something else. Something ugly, for many. Knowing Serbian historical path, I think Serbians (after liberate what needs to be liberated in the region) will push for some bigger Slavic conglomerate- if possible Intermarium or New Commonwealth. If not, in any case, Serbians would decide to continue their existence as Slavs.

He does work for Angela, so figure out.

Still, he said he coming as a Pole. He underlined that. Sure, he may lie but still, that does not exclude possibility of him being aware of major power shift in Europe. Tusk is politician and if shift happening (and it does), why he wouldn`t survive on political scene of Poland and of Europe, if that is possible? You can bet that he was 100% sincere when said- ``even Germans learned that its not wise to be your enemy``. Oh yes, as much as depend from him, he will best as possible present Serbian case to his bosses- he knows his actions will be monitored.

He always struggled to speak foreign languages, probably just read diplomatic message written by his advisors.

Capable politician, for sure. Yes, his role in recognition of Kosovo is famous. He literally betrayed Lech on this. But, when you look, official Poland back then followed USA strictly and it was US of Clinton`s and Obama. No, again Poland straggling to follow USA but things in USA have changed with Trump (maybe in favor of Serbians). Tusk sense that. But problem is what Duda sense, having in mind his collaboration with Germany and Croatia. In any case Tusk spoke in the name of some circles in Poland- what circles, we yet have to see.
25 Apr 2018
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

[moved from]

Tusk is today in Serbia`s Belgrade. We would see- as brat or nebrat.

Well, well, well. Tusk and Vucic spoke in spirit of Polish-Serbian brotherhood. Message of this meeting is that Poland and Serbia represent future backbone of European Union as long as it suits us and if not, together we can do whatever we want.

Well, after all, Tusk came as brat. He learned Serbian and spoke Serbian during entire news conference. He spoke in Serbian with Serbian president. Tusk spoke well of Serbia and Polish-Serbian connections... spoke about Tesla, Djokovic, Serbian `kolo` dance, anti-Serbian propaganda, about Serbian resistance to Soviet Union and Nazis during WWII, that (citation) even Germans learned that its better to be with Serbians then against them, that Serbian president Vucic rightfully initiated project of new union of region of western Balkan around Serbia.... that he as Polish man have deep respect for Serbians. He praised Serbia`s independence, that neither Moscow, neither Washington, neither Ankara, neither Brussels deciding about Serbia but Serbians themselves in Belgrade. On that all, among else, Serbia`s president Vucic said that he value Tusk as president of EC and as Polish man who correctly understand situation.

Tusk in Belgrade - He came as a Pole to Serbians

Velika je Poljska. Mnogo velika.

Intermarium and Sarmatia!

Today in Belgrade - on one side Germany and France and on the other side Poland and Serbia, for the balance within new reformed EU


Tusk with Serbian FM Dacic

Tusk with Serbian President Vucic
24 Apr 2018
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

Yes, I know. We all see them as Gypsies. With all due respect on Gypsies.

BDW, one evening, during drinking back in last summer on Tassos, one Pole started to `joking` with one Russian, when we were at the talk about that missile shield. Russian only said ``what you want, we have plans how to save you from yourself``. Pole on that said ``and Romania?`` Russian replied ``what Romania?``

Strangely, Russians and Poles force vodka even at summer. I had to convince them that bear shouoldn`t be underestimated. Till the morning we gave beer even to some Greek cat.
23 Apr 2018
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

last year I was on Tassos in Greece. Location Tripiti. 1/3 of hotel beach was held by Serbs while mix of Italians, Germans, Poles and Russians held some other 2/3 of the beach. Then, large group of Romanians came and you could see how Poles and Russians homogenize themselves, changing location and moving to until then homogeneously Serbian part of the beach. It was funny to me, really. Serbians finished in between Poles and Russians as some kind of tampon zone between them. Lying on the beach, I looked left and right, on the eyes of Poles and Russians when Romanians come close to swim and only disgust was there in their eyes.

Back in those days, I knew, I would tell this one day on Polishforums.