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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2013
Threads: 76
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From: USA
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26 Aug 2012
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

What is your favorite Polish Vodka?

It used to be Bols, but they're apparently changed the recipe and started distilling it less or something because it lost it's taste and smoothness. Now I would have to say Sobieski, it has made quite an impact here in the US as well, maybe due in part to Bruce Willis maybe not lol, ''sold more than one million cases of Sobieski Vodka in the United States during the 2011 fiscal year. Sobieski Vodka, one of the fastest growing vodka brands in the United States and globally, reached the million case milestone after only four years in the United States, shattering the previous record by more than three years.''
27 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / What do people in Poland think about American cars? [44]

American cars just aren't up to the standard of German ones which are better built and, per engine displacement, offer much better power and economy.

Because Americans think of mass production and making the car affordable and available to everyone. Of course America can make good quality cars, like Cadillac.
30 Aug 2012
Love / Interracial Polish girls [19]

Well sir 95% of serial killers are white!90% of pedophiles & child molesters are white,and 87% of human traffickers are white!
What do you say about that?

First off you sound like a stupid teenager, second we all know this. Up until they 1970s, 70% of America's prison inmates were white. It's after this whole war on drugs began that it flipped to being 70% black.

Blacks in Poland don't need to chase the girls in that nation;it is rather the girls who chase them for sex!

Yes but these are usually (not always) girls who think of having just a fling, not seriously committing to being with them or having a family.

67% of marriages in Poland end up in divorce and yet they are Polsh to Polish marriages!

Wrong Bozo ''divorce rate in Poland is low compared to other countries of EU and it is equal 1.2 divorces per 1000 residents. Only Slovenia had a lower rate of divorces''
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Why don't Poles want to have kids? Hollywood's and mainstresm media anti-marriage propaganda, greed, selfishness, career obsession, narcissism

Neither. Many people especially young are struggling financially how can they bring someone else into this world? Especially when the government gives a lousy 1000zl for a newborn. During communist times it was rough but at least everyone had a job, free health care.
3 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

For some reason vast majority of Americans does not have any cash and to me if you can not come up with some cash at any moment (I mean like within 4 days) you are not rich.Americans do make more than more than Poles but life here is not cheap.

That's American mentality for a large part of the population, to buy (credit card) then think of how to pay for it, or even if you can afford it. I mostly pay with cash if not the a debit card, if I don't have the money for it I don't buy it, who knows if I wont get laid of next week or what not.
4 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

They managed just fine during the diabolical early 1980's, didn't they?

Well not then, by then the economy was in ruins and communism was coming to an end.
10 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Poles becoming British subjects [39]

Same here. Its easier to get visas to Australia/Canada and the US with an Irish/British passport. Hence reason.

I thought The Brits and Irish don't need a visa for a short term stay (90 days) in the US? I know the Germans don't. BTW It's really sad that Poles still need one, being a faithful US ally.
11 Sep 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Human beings evolved into separate species (races) over hundreds of thousands of years. Different outlook, different behaviors, diet all the factors made them incompatible with each other, when u mix who different races there are bound to be problems, as this video that Bieganski has provided states. People are people and if one for whatever reason is attracted to people of a different race let them be together. Here in the states, at least in the cities, doctors tell the parents of newborns that black children are strongest genetically , then brown, then mixed race then lastly white children and less likely to die. They are encouraging racial mixing, making people feel as though they should even though they might not want to. .
11 Sep 2012
Life / Do Poles drink before noon? [95]

his seems to be a purely Anglo-Saxon concept. In Poland there are times when a nalewka or other strong drink is served at a festive company breakfast

Don't Czechs drink beer with breakfast? I dunno if its a Anglo-Saxon concept but drinking in the morning makes one feel a bit ill.
12 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Coats of arms of Polish cities [51]

I see a cog. But what is this taller object? It isn`t only a stylized W.

Just two chimneys with smoke coming out. Stalowa Wola was/is a boob town where most people worked in the steel mill.
12 Sep 2012
Travel / So where are Warsaw's slums? [30]

No such place. Poland doesn't really have slums in any conventional sense.

I'm guessing he meant slum in a broader sense, a ghetto. Parts of Praga are labeled as that but that's mostly due to higher crime rates and poverty. I have never seen a neighborhood in Poland with ghettos as the ones here in the US.

12 Sep 2012
News / Reports on gangs in Poland [21]

Former bosses of the Pruszków gang Andrew Z. "Słowik" and Zygmunt R. "Bolo" were today acquitted by the district court of Warsaw in the so-called second trial of the Pruszkow gang. Marcin B. "Bryndziak", the leader of the new 'young Pruszkow' will spend eight years behind bars.

After six years, the court has acquitted a third of the nearly 40 accused, and the others were sentenced to sentences ranging from one to eight years in prison. Janusz P. "Parasol'' (Umbrella) one of the most important people in Pruszkow, will spend just 1.5 years in prison.

It's not that the defense won, it's that the prosecution lost

- The analysis of the evidence provided dealt a decisive defeat for the prosecution - said the Warsaw district court in support of Wednesday's judgment of the Pruszkow gang.

- Among the more than 170 complaints over half ended in acquittal, acquittal, moreover, even the most serious allegations related to such things as attacks with weapons - said judge Beata Najjar. She added that such a decision of the court - often beneficial to the accused - is not based on the evidence presented by the defense, but rather from the materials or lack of, submitted by the prosecution.

It lost the prosecution , not the defense win - said the court issuing the judgment . Andrzej Z. " The Nightingale " and Zygmunt R. " Bolo " were today acquitted by the Warsaw district court in the so-called . the second trial of the gang Pruszkow . Eight years in prison spend Marcin B. " Bryndziak " , the leader of the young Pruszkowa.

After six years, the court acquitted a third of the nearly 40 defendants , and the other condemned to sentences ranging from one to eight years in prison. Janusz P. " Umbrella " , one of the most important people Pruszkowa has to spend behind bars for 1.5 years .

12 Sep 2012
News / Reports on gangs in Poland [21]

In my most honest opinion it's a good thing. No matter how much time, money and effort is spent organized crime will always exist, better to allow Polish gangs to exist than create open doors for the Russian Mafia or some other crime syndicate to make money off Poles and be more brutal to the locals.
13 Sep 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

I know I've given German women a bashing before but this picture taken by a Cathedral on a.... city beach in Berlin? this past week proves there are certainly Germanic beauties also
14 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / British - Stupidest nation in Europe [127]

most stupidest.

Hudson is it? First stop hiding like a little c**t and register, then learn how to speak English if you wanna troll the internet.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

Chastity rings - bad news for 'dziwkarze'

Get out of here with that garbage!! Have you heard the old saying 'You only live once' ?? People who live like that realize when they're 70, rocking on a chair with their cat, that they did nothing and had a boring life. There's nothing wrong with sleeping around. Having something new and different is exiting.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

This is just where people differ.

You want me to be with one woman for 40 or 50 years??? It gets boring after a few months max. When you meet a new, attractive, different girl don't you feel excitement and anticipation? Men, way more so then women, are genetically programed to sleep around. Our sole purpose on this earth is reproduction (having sex) to make as many babies ensuring that our genes will get passed on. This is so important that that is why sex gives us such keep doing.
14 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish is the 5th best languages to study for Brits [11]

It's Polish. According to The Telegraph, best languages for graduate jobs are:
1. German
2. French
3. Spanish
4. Mandarin
5. Polish

Wow that's nice. Probably due to the large number of Poles living in the UK now, and also the expanding British market in Poland.
17 Sep 2012
Food / Expats' Polish food favourites [140]

I've had herrings before but never Śledzie po kaszubsku (Herrings Kasubian style) Herrings, onions, tomato paste also can add sour cream and sliced hard boiled eggs. Found them very tasty.

19 Sep 2012
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

Read this a few years back thought I'd share it, thought it was the best eye witness account of what happened during the Warsaw Uprising:
19 Sep 2012
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

Why is it that in the US there are so many towns and cities ending in ville and in the UK hardly any? what's the British counterpart?
19 Sep 2012
History / What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944 [111]

What Hitler really thought about Poles
Frankfurt (UNIPRESS)

Today we possessed an information that needs to invoke a feeling of amazement in Pole. According to the United-Press agency, the U.S. authorities found in one of Frankfurt's secret bunker the Hitler's memorandum addressed to Himmler dated 4 March 1944. In this memorandum, discussing the affairs of nations shattered by the Third Reich, "fuerher" wrote about Poles:

"Poles are the most intelligent of all the people with whom Germany came across during the war in Europe... Poles in my opinion and basing on the observation and reports from the General Government, are the only nation in Europe that combines high intelligence with the incredible cleverness. They are the most talented people in Europe, because while living in extremely difficult political circumstances, acquired the great sense of living, unparalleled anywhere.

Based on recent research made by Reichsrassenamt, the scientists came to the belief that Poles should be assimilated into German society as a racially valuable. Our scholars concluded that a combination of German orderliness with Polish imaginativeness would give excellent results".

Forced by the bankruptcy of its policies, the testimony about virtues of our nation made by the greatest enemy of Polish national identity is worth attention.