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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2013
Threads: 76
Posts: Total: 2432 / Live: 2325 / Archived: 107
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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5 Jun 2012
History / Why WERE Those Death Camps Built in Poland, Then? [47]

The krauts didn't consult a magic 8 ball, or throw darts at a map.

Umm because Poland had the largest Jewish population in pre war Europe. It was also in Central Europe (convenient location) and when Adolf was done with the Jews the Slavs were next.
12 Jun 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Polish Kasia Lenhard who appeared in the finals of the German version of 'Top Model'

Will she conquer the hearts of the German audience?

In the world Polish women have a reputation for women of extraordinary beauty. We find out about it by following the careers of top models like Anja Rubik, Magda Frackowiak, and Kasia Struss. Soon to their group has the opportunity to join Kasia Lenhard (second from left), who was seventh in the final of the German edition of "Top Model".,78649,11891274,POLKA_w_FINALE_niemieckiej_edycji_Top_Model_.html

Kasia from Poland

26 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Golota facing deportation back to Poland [30]

'Golota pleaded guilty in a 2006 Cook County involving a dozen firearms found in his home. Golota's firearm owner's identification card was temporarily revoked at the time. He also pleaded guilty in Will County in 2003 to impersonating a police officer. Golota was accused of flashing an honorary New Jersey police badge when he was pulled over in the Chicago suburbs.' The decision for this case is expected in September.,0,5326866,full.story
27 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Golota facing deportation back to Poland [30]

Its not a honorary police badge it was a PBA card that some privileged people

I know what it is my friend has it. Family members of Police officers get them for 'special treatment' like when getting pulled over for speeding or drunk driving, showing it may may result in the cop letting you go.

He's a freaking criminal and doesn't deserve to be our countryman.

That's why he fled Poland, supposedly was 'collecting money' for a gang, beating people up sticking them up with a gun. Then there was the fight outside a hotel in Poland a few years back. Since he retired and is older now he doesn't do dumb things like that anymore. He's a family man now, invested his money in properties in New Jersey. I'm sure he's paid millions in taxes to the US government, so I'd keep him any day over some border hoping illegals who don't pay a dime in taxes and send all their money back home.
27 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Golota facing deportation back to Poland [30]

Given that he fled Poland, I wonder if the reasons he fled are beyond the statute of limitations?

No he got a presidential pardon from President Aleksander Kwasniewski.
27 Jun 2012
History / The story about German- Polish reconciliation [194]

The story about German- Polish reconciliation

Poland's foreign minister said Wednesday that a decades-long effort at reconciliation with Germany, once a historic foe, "is pretty much done" and the two neighbors "are now at a stage of consummating" the relationship.

It would have once been unthinkable for a Polish leader to call for a more powerful Germany - and Sikorski's doing so sparked the anger of some Poles. Still, his tone shows just how far the relationship between the two European Union members has evolved more than 70 years after Nazi Germany invaded Poland and subjected the country to a brutal occupation that killed 6 million Polish citizens.

Sikorski spoke Wednesday during a discussion in Warsaw alongside Henry Kissinger, the 89-year-old former U.S. Secretary of State. The event was billed as a debate, but the two generally agreed when asked about Europe's foreign policy before an audience that included diplomats and academics.
28 Jun 2012
News / Bieganski, the Brute Polak and Debbie Schlussel (about the Polonia) [19]

Debbie Schlussel

This is the same,b**** who 'blames Polish nation for Holocaust' ""Poles murdered millions of Jews, they maintained several death camps, and they wiped out almost all of both sides of my family, as well as those in hundreds of thousands of other Jewish families."
3 Jul 2012
News / New uniforms for Polish Army [30]

The Polish Army is introducing new uniforms for it's troops. However there is almost no change to the camouflage (apart from a little darkening of the greens) the chevrons will be removed, and the material will be half cotton half polyester. 'Deputy editor of the monthly "New Military Technology" (Nowa Technika Wojskowa) Michael Sitarski pointed out that the new uniforms will not have a changed camouflage. According to Sitarski it's outdated and inefficient, such is due to the repetition of the pattern, making it easier to detect, and a bad choice of colors (there isn't enough contrast and black is being used, a color which doesn't appear in nature). - If we introduce a new uniform, it is a very good opportunity to begin to introduce a new camouflage, which still needs to be introduced in the future - said Sitarski.' I share Mr. Sitarski view, the camouflage is outdated, everyone (US Army, Germany, Russia (paratroopers) is using digital, wrong colors, chevrons removed for what?? to make the soldier look like he's playing paintball? The incompetence of the wrong people put in charge of this succeeded in making the Polish soldier look like a hick.

  • Soldier from Poland
3 Jul 2012
News / New uniforms for Polish Army [30]

Take a look at this set of pictures from Afghanistan instead,

The uniforms of the Formoza units are 100 times better than the crap they've picked.

4 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Typical Polish Eye Color [77]

Typical Polish Eye Color

over 70% have light eyes (blue, green, gray) the combination of gray eyes and ash blond hair seems to be a Slavic trait, at least the northern Slavs (West and East).

4 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Typical Polish Eye Color [77]

I've got bluish green eyes, father has baby blue eyes, mom, sister brother have green. Almost all people in my family have light eyes.
4 Jul 2012
Food / PIZZA & KETCHUP served only in Poland? [159]


That's how you can tell someone is Polish. I think it tastes better, especially if it's a Pudliszki . But we're not the only ones it is entirely normal in Brazil or Trinidad.
5 Jul 2012
USA, Canada / Greenpoint is still Polish? Nightclubs and bars for Poles. [18]

A video about how New York's Greenpoint, a traditionally Polish neighborhood, is seeing a change in it's demographics because of increased ethnic diversity and Poles returning to their homeland.

7 Jul 2012
Genealogy / My dad's last name was Polak - Do I look in any way Polish? [57]

No Polak is a Polish last name not Jewish. Some Jews changed their names so that they're Polish sounding, there are Jews with my last name also, and it's Polish. says 21534 people in Poland with that name.
7 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

are silesians people German/Germanic?

'The Slavs entered Silesia in the first half of the 7th century. The territories were mostly abandoned because the Celtic and Germanic tribes that dwelt here before had earlier moved west. Chronologically the first group of Slavs were those that earlier dwelt by the Dnieper River, the second one was the Sukov-Dzidzice type Slavs, the last were groups of Avaro-Slavic peoples from the Danube river areas. In the early 9th century the settlement stabilized. Local Slavs started to erect defence systems such as Silesian Przesieka and the Silesia Walls to guard them from the peoples of the West. The north-eastern border with Slavic Polans was not defended due to their common culture and language.' Germans settled Silesia much later, 600 thousand Silesian Germans left for Germany in the 1980s, some 150 K stayed behind. Not surprisingly Silesians overwhelmingly identify themselves as Poles. Out of the almost 5 million 800 thousand claimed Silesian nationality on the last census with more them half of the also claiming Polish. I'm theorizing that the 400 thousand people who put only Silesian as their nationality are of mixed Silesian/German ancestry otherwise they'd just put Polish.
8 Jul 2012
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

Are Polish road quality improving? Are the getting safer?

Not only that that but according to the stats from official Police website ( there are much fewer accidents compared to the number of vehicles on the roads.

In 1975 there were 39,404 accidents with only 1 321 040 vehicles in Poland in 2011 there were 39,594 accidents with 22 million vehicles in Poland!
9 Jul 2012
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

What about road deaths! Polish drivers are the worst in Europe and constantly blame the road

Thank god the motorways and expressways are (being) built. Many of the national roads are single carriageways with a driver needing to squeeze by two vehicles, sometimes trucks, just to pass. I saw how scary that sometimes looked, not to mention the speeds Polish drivers prefer to drive.
10 Jul 2012
News / What really happened at the Krakow restaurant? [53]

Jews claims that the Polish waiters and waitresses told them to get out, Poles claim that they were Jews planted there to stir up trouble and anti semitism, what really happened???

'A group of Jews patronizing a restaurant in Krakow said they were verbally and physically attacked by waiters.

The anti-Semitic and racist comments allegedly were made over the weekend at the Moment restaurant during the Polish city's Jewish Culture Festival. The group was from Poland, Israel and Germany.

Uwe von Seltmann said his group came to meet friends who were sitting at a table in front of the restaurant.

"Immediately after our arrival I heard the words 'f***ing Jews' and something like 'we'll not serve you' spoken by a waiter," von Seltmann said. "The four members of staff were in general very unfriendly, and their body language showed that they would not serve us."

A member of the group went inside the restaurant to complain about the slurs, which led to a verbal confrontation, von Seltmann told JTA. Following the complaint, a waiter threw an object at a female member of the group.

The group then left the restaurant and, according to von Seltmann, someone told them to "Go back to Israel."

Moment manager Sebastian Wojnar said he would punish the staff involved in the altercations.

"We are an open place that promotes dialogue between cultures and nations," he said.'
10 Jul 2012
News / What really happened at the Krakow restaurant? [53]

That's not a fair statement..Poles claim that nothing of the sort happened that some radicals just stated that for the purpose of string something up and pinning blame on them. I'd like to hear some comments from Poles who were there..