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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 1768 / Live: 384 / Archived: 1384
From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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5 Apr 2012
News / History lessons no more in Poland (Tusk's change) [61]

History is one of those topics that gets bigger as time passes, perhaps more would be in order?

This is what happened in Canada, first important classes were dropped, then "lifestyle" classes were introduced to take the place of "book learning" -as though school isn't the BEST PLACE for BOOK LEARNING and now young people in Canada are so god damned stupid it makes my head hurt.
18 Mar 2012
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

Do any other sources corroborate what the op has stated?
One thing I am confident of, is without the disproportional Treaty of Versailles, WW2 would have been Europe vs Soviet Union and not what occurred.
12 Mar 2012
Life / Television in Poland - embarrassingly bad? [44]

Polish t.v. is fine. The internet is taking over as far as the younger generations are concerned so media outlets know where to and NOT to invest.
6 Mar 2012
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

I do hope that you are not trying to claim that there are two sides to the story of the holocaust and that in one version the death camps were entirely appropriate.

Absolutely not. I wrote no such thing, not in the least.
Look at things objectively though: the bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki are given consideration as possible ultimately "humane" decisions; Napolean, Julius, Hannibal, Alexander etc are celebrated but also deplored death they engineered both on the battlefield and in various cultures; Romans were known for their brutality yet are still in historians' good graces (Hollywood seems to have fallen in love with the Romans of late); Greek exploits and Persian advances are treated with measure as to the various causes and motivations; even the European genocide of North and South American native tribes, while acknowledged is often done so with a "whoops, they just didn't realize their blankets would infect a continent with small pox (a slow and torterous way to go mind you)." And Africa? Well yeah that place has had a rough millenia but it's still acceptable to rationalize the rape and pillage that has been going on there.

Every society and leader gets examined from all sides, except for when there's interaction with the Jewish narrative. I find that quite remarkable.
6 Mar 2012
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

There are two sides to every story in history, unless it is the story of the Jews- then there is only one story and any deviation from it is sure to draw the "racism" choir, ultimately drowning any discussion on it. I am not saying the popular accepted narrative is wrong, just that any deviation from it gets a popularized response of condemnation not seen on ANY OTHER topic in ALL of human history. The only thing comparable is denouncing Muhammad or the Koran among Islamic circles but even that is not as institutionalized as the unquestionable sanctity of all of Jewish history- I find that remarkable.
6 Mar 2012
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

and that is a good enough reason to kill people? Hm.....I am starting to worry about your moral compass G

maybe I missed it but I don't recall reading his advocating anyone be killed in his post.
26 Feb 2012
Study / Top Language Schools to Work for in Warsaw? [32]

In my experience, a methodologist is someone who has sucked up enough to the owners in a small school, and someone who sucked up enough to the director in a chain school.

mine too, and overwhelmingly so:/

Related: Peritus and Direct-School - good to work in?

are these schools any good to work in?

Is Direct School a Callan place? With a name like that you would imagine so.
25 Feb 2012
Study / Top Language Schools to Work for in Warsaw? [32]

What does a 20 square meter office rent for in Warsaw? I know of no teachers that have set up their own businesses who have anything but regret that they hadn't done it earlier.
12 Feb 2012
News / Police and priests save homeless in Poland [29]

Although it is related, maybe we could just admire what these individuals are choosing to do and not bind them to the sins of their organizations.
19 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

The court obviously took her words as an insult.

I would like to hear the rationale for it being taken as an insult; she either stated something factually correct or not regarding the biblical authors' use of substances. Nothing at all was mentioned of their collective character. I am not sure how her defense managed to lose the case unless the verdict was in before the trial began and all that was needed for someone to "feel" insulted:/
19 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

*we both know that isn't the case:)
I'm not sure I see where Doda was exhorting hatred based on religion. If I take her words at face value, they are her justification of the opinion she holds.

If someone wants to prove her wrong then so be it, but to fine people or convict them as criminals for stating something erroneous means there ought to be A LOT OF POLITICIANS AND JOURNALISTS AND CLERGY MEMBERS who are facing fines or are locked up.

That hasn't happened so the double standard is somewhat obvious. The very fact they needed language experts to discern if something was hateful or not is a CLEAR indication that intent and manipulation are really required on the receiver's behalf to "feel" insulted:

e-high five to JonnyM- that was awesome dude!
18 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

You see, it all comes down to the words one uses.

isn't it clear where this can go?

If you use mean words which are dissmisive or despicable then someone can feel insulted with your language and attitude.

what constitutes "mean words" or being "dismissive?" As another member stated, when we allow those in government to decide such things then it can only go tits up unless those in government are our moral compasses.

You seem to be arguing more the technical side of legalities and not defending the decision. I'm not attacking you but I'm using the defense of this law (I think you're doing an admirable job) as way to reflect the very problem with the law.

the lambrusco and septic tank example (although extreme) springs to mind

exactly why i'm not so sure it's a great example, extreme is extreme and even modern purification methods can be defeated by inclement weather or unexpected seepage. Suffice to say, if the writers did drink more wine than water, then Doda is probably on to something.
18 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

the potential for sarcasm here is almost overpowering however note my restraint I would like this to be an example for other posters
a lesson in forum etiquette

No need to pat yourself on the back too much. I was merely biding my time until the person who made that statement to overextend their claim. I.E. YOU SPOILED MY FUN!!!

Even though it would have depended on whether one was able to access artesian wells or water table wells and to what extent run-off and (at the time) sewage seepage or agricultural seepage infected those supplies, it still would be laughable to suggest that's the only way people rehydrated themselves.

Even if you just accessed lake water or river water, it's likely they would have been able to discern which sources proved safer through natural filtration alone. On top of all that, the people of one geographic area get used to commonly occurring bacteria rather quickly. The problem arises in algal blooms and, as you mentioned or sudden or uncommonly large ecoli source contamination (something which can also occur during a fish kill due to an algal bloom or untimely turnover).

it is the fermentation process which kills off the nasties not the mixing

The mixing dilutes the contaminants hence there being "safe" levels of contamination accepted by most national health and safety organizations. The mixing, could also kill off contaminants if the right chemical reaction took place. That's why adding some chemicals to water disinfect it.
18 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

No - I want muncipal housing to be allocated on the basis of need (and merit) rather than on the basis of "first come, first served" - especially because the municipal housing was often fraudulently allocated in the first place.

let's face it, should your wish be granted, housing will be fraudulently allocated yet again. The less a corrupt system gets involved, the better.
18 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

That is the Polish law.

Thanks for the info.
now one can ask if that is really a sensible law. Perhaps Poles make it work by not being as retarded as Brits or Americans would be or perhaps the judicial system here prevents it from really being a problem.
18 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]


tell me you're joking

It has nothing to do with criticizing religion and everything with respect where there is no respect there is nothing.

Then, following your way of thinking, one should face fines for making any offensive remarks in public, is that not where you're thinking leads?

Before the development of water purification systems wine, beer and spirits were originally used to purify water. Plastic Pole is correct.

is correct that water made people sick AND that the writers of the bible ONLY drank diluted spirits or simply that water DID make people sick? I ask because you presented a partial quote so I am wondering if Plastic Pole is completely correct on a part of what was written.
17 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

that is the law in Poland - if you feel obliged to change it start campaining - be a New Male Suffragist

The "Oh F*ck off" part was actually my prophecy of your reply, so please heed my directive.

Now, anyone should be able to see that "offending" someone is more up to them than it is up to you. One decides if one is offended and if one is so inclined can take great liberty with what is truly offensive and what is not. Think about how that forces people to behave: don't question religion if you're not very well spoken, you may offend someone and have to pay them money.

This isn't a Polish problem, merely the Polish expression of how freedom of speech is covertly curtailed by those in power (it appears the RCC is still in power here).

Being fined for something like this is silly but someone should inform the singer the Apostles were not drunk. They drank wine that was very watered down as was the custome back then since plain water made people sick.

Is this a Fact or just something that religious people like to pretend is a fact if one calls into question the cultural habits of those who wrote the bible? I'm doubtful but open to hearing the explanation or source for this.
17 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

How can one be fined for such things?
Under what interpretation of which law?
"A Warsaw court ordered her Monday to pay a fine of 5000 zlotys (NZ$1827) for offending religious feelings." -Offending religious groups? Oh F*ck off?
17 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Poland has unfortunately followed the British model - and I think it's hurting them..

This is the single most insightful thing I've read on this thread.
13 Jan 2012
News / Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference' [93]

What is your opinion, foreigner, did he think that the military has been treated unfairly by the civilians, or did he think military is at fault and he can't bear the disgrace?

I am not sure it has to be an either/or scenario nor am I sure that other factors should be precluded based on what I know, which in this case is scant.

Having said that I can't fathom why a military prosecutor would feel the need to bear any proposed disgrace. It simply doesn't stand to reason. Military lawyers are not in the same league as the brass who go about doing disgraceful things or covering up disgraceful actions. In this case we don't know if such actions exist or if they do, to what extent.

My guess is that something much more serious than what we suspect is what lead him to do this. I have not ruled out that his life was already threatened by others wanting to keep something from seeing the light of day. That's my guess but I've nothing really to base this on other than the facts: he was a prosecutor; was privy to information we wouldn't be; stuck a loaded pistol to his head and pulled the trigger; hasn't a known history of this kind of sh*t.

I pointed out that he was used to shooting at targets in the distance and not sticking the barrel in his gobthe more I think about it, the more this looks like a cry for help

I was wondering about that too but sticking a loaded pistol to your head may make you waver a bit and become weak in the wrists, the recoil could account for the glancing nature of the shot but without knowing what he was thinking, it becomes difficult to say.
12 Jan 2012
News / Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference' [93]

You didn't state it as such:

Exactly! This was his way of falling on a live grenade to save his buddies. in his mind he's saving the military prosecutor's office from the civilians.

The worrisome aspect of this is that there's a good chance you've decided your opinions are the facts instead of largely baseless speculation.
12 Jan 2012
News / Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference' [93]

Exactly! This was his way of falling on a live grenade to save his buddies. in his mind he's saving the military prosecutor's office from the civilians.

You have no way of knowing what he was thinking beyond the literal meaning of his words nor can you be sure of his motives, you've jumped to conclusions and stated them as fact.
12 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Where does this nonsense idea come from that you cannot spot a bubble until it has popped ?

Ok you got me; it just makes it easier:) Perhaps it is more accurate to say, you can't define how big a bubble is until it has popped? Or can you?
10 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

I am waiting too.

you should be on that list of experts who haven't addressed his post. Aren't bubbles only really open to being defined after they've "popped?"