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Posts by Korvinus  

Joined: 26 Jul 2021 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: 3
Posts: 532
From: poland
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2 Apr 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [939]

Under Russian law, what is happening with these people is legal.

And it isn't even about how the law is written. It is about how it is actually applied. Authoritarian governments often try to use laws that at least seem reasonable or positive on their face, but will be absolutely used in a way to crush dissent and strengthen their power.

It is to be selectively applied against regime opponents. Exactly how Russia used laws to crack down on independent media.
2 Apr 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [939]

He believes this is the way things are done in your "civilized" world, and this is why he cloaks himself with these legal justifications for every action.

Putin and his allies fill their pockets, live in opulent mansions and palaces, keep their mistresses in luxurious apartments in Moscow or Switzerland, send their children to study abroad (although they should not be able to pay the costs of such an education from their official ministerial revenues).

The army and the secret services receive a large part of budget, but without any oversight (some of it is not disclosed to the Duma, even though it's a puppet parliament) these funds are wasted by corrupt officials.

At the same time millions of Russians live a short and miserable life in subhuman conditions, without running water, literally sh*itting into buckets, entertaining themselves with alcohol, crocodil and tales of "Russia strong". While swallowing buckets of primitive propaganda (and moonshine) they are being robbed of their potential wealth, health, future.

With its massive resources Russia could be a civilized, prosperous country that provides its citizens with ample opportunities. Due to corruption of its government, lack of oversight from democratic institutions or free media it quickly becomes a third world state that educated people flee in droves.
3 Apr 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [939]

Attack Poland in order to become even more prosperous and civilised. Ha! Clever Russians

Yeah, right. Invasion of Moldova and Georgia right after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the bloody massacres of Chechnya showed us all that Russia is still warlike and imperialist, only weak. We used this window of opportunity to escape from the range of Russian ambitions - under protection of NATO. F*uck such a neighbor.
4 Apr 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [939]

Answering to the question in this thread's title, it would be enough if Russia stopped trying to be an empire again, fu*cking up everyone in its vicinity. This time has ended, twice even, in 1917 and 1991. Time to become a normal, albeit quite big, European country. But Russians still don't understand. That's why their imperial history has to repeat itself twice, once as a tragedy (Soviet Union), once as a farce (current day Russia).
13 Apr 2023
History / Profound discovery - grievances towards Poland [6]

regarding Zaolzie and Polish occupation of it in 1938

Poles occupied Zaolzie when Czechoslovakia collapsed, so that it would not fall into German hands and increase the military potential of Germany. Zaolzie was previously Polish (called Śląsk Cieszyński), but when Poland had to defend on the east from bolsheviks, Czechs pushed for division of the region, as Poland was obviously preoccupied with a war. After territories were annexed, Czechs had anti-Polish politics (removal of Polish schools etc) to remove the Polish culture.

Poland wasn't perfect either. The whole interwar in central Europe was one huge scramble for the remains of 3 empires.

But the west in general and Poland in particular isn't living in 1940s to this day :-) We moved on and learned our lessons. Russia didn't. Grow up Russians, your whole state is based on faked martyrology and lies.
22 May 2023
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

Soviets lost 27 million people during WW2 according to most recent findings. However all these people didn't die 'to save Europe'. Soviet Union was very happy to tear Europe apart with Stalin's best buddy Hitler. They'd be happy to keep on doing just that while providing 3rd Reich with stable supply of war materials... but then Stalin got betrayed by the only man he ever trusted.
25 May 2023
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

What bad stuff?

People in Central-Eastern Europe tried numerous time to escape the clutches of the Soviet Union. Berlin Uprising 1954, Hungary and Poland 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968, again Poland in 1980-81. It was always stopped, often by Soviet tanks or a threat of invasion. Long before 80s there was no love for Soviet Union here. After all, we knew them better than anyone.

Btw, even Tito knew what piece of sh*it Stalin was and what a shi*thole his Soviet Union was. That's why he quickly distanced himself from SU after WW2 and never looked back.

Regardless of the model of government, in Russia it always took a monstrous form. Tsarist autocracy was a worse form of absolutism than in the West, Russian Soviet communism was worse than say, a German revolution could have came up with had it succeeded. Or what the Scandinavians did in their corner of the world. Russians efforts to introduce democracy ended with Putin's dictatorship. Their version of free market reforms led to the oligarchic hellhole we know today.

Russia is where good ideas come to mutate, become grotesque and painfully die.
27 May 2023
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

For the last time, dummy, neither West Germany nor Turkey had nukes. Soviet Union could easily attack and conquer them, gaining control over the heart of Europe and their prized Black Sea straits. Why SU didn't do it? Because West Germany and Turkey were NATO allies and such an attack would drag US and UK into the war.

Without NATO military might of the USA would only protect the USA. Thanks to the alliance it protected large parts of Europe and Asia Minor too.
9 Jun 2023
News / Poland is the new military power of Europe. [275]

Yeah....well....if not Trump....then there will be always someone else...

Dumb Americans always thinking it's all about them.

We in CEE hated Putin before Trump even dared to dream about a political career.
11 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

Banning western influence is the best way to keep the rats from destroying your country.

There are many vastly different future scenarios that would all mean "Ukraine winning". In the worst case a new Ukrainian government could try to claim land within Russias recognized borders, suppress elections, stir up new conflicts with Moldova, Belarus etc.

In fact there are signals that the USA will eventually have to help Russia out of this. For example it becomes more and more clear that Ukraine NATO membership is actually good for Russia because it guarantees Russias borders.
12 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

If NATO stayed where it was in 1990, my bet is that this war and the thread would not exist.

Dude, Yeltsin was the guy who during a meeing with Polish president Wałęsa agreed to Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary joining NATO.
There is also the signed agreement that each country in the world is free to join any military coalition of its choice, signed by the USSR (Helsinki accords).
12 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

It has been explained hundreds of times. There is no written agreement on this with the exception of not placing NATO troops into former GDR territory, which has been kept.

Tell me, how the fu*ck can anyone guarantee a competely different country (Russia) that some other country will never be member of a certain alliance? Take the case of Poland. We literally used blackmail and we also had a very strong case (how we had been betrayed in 1945). How the hell can Russia dictate the future of a country that they literally subjugated for 45 years?

At some point even Russia was considering NATO membership and I guarantee you if they had shown the same tenacity as Eastern Europe, they would be a member by now.

But no, I think what happened was Yugoslavia happened which was yet another inherited legacy of communism and politicians in Russia forgot that the Cold War was mostly the USSR's fault. It was them who had created the iron curtain in which they imprisoned half of Europe for 45 years, and subjected them under their retarded ideology.
13 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Terms of Russian Surrender [116]

That Article 5 is the biggest nonsense

A to cię boli! LOL LOL LOL ROTFL
No, we will not let Russkies to build en empire.
17 Jun 2023
Law / Can a tenant change locks to house without giving access to the landlord [37]

Abolish landlords.
Access to resources should be awarded for work, initiative, and contribution. Landlords gets paid money, because they own stuff. As in, they are paid money, because they already have money. That's their "merit", they get paid today for having been paid yesterday.

Money shouldn't make money. People make money, machines make money, the earth makes money, but money doesn't make money. This is a scam.
17 Jun 2023
Law / Can a tenant change locks to house without giving access to the landlord [37]

rented our old one-room flat to two students

That is a fringe case and it can be acceptable.
I am talking about landlord owning 50 or even 500 flats and continuing to buy a new ones, saturating the new house market. Whoever is fine with a society that rewards so much for doing the little I do is either insane or stupid.

Landlords are LITERALLY paid for having money. They didn't build the building, often don't manage the building, rarely even visit the building in person. Most often they are paid for owning something that they didn't even buy, their ancestor bought it, or, as is the case with some agricultural landlords in Europe, they are paid because 200 years ago their ancestor stole it.

And the social cost we pay for landlords, who are always anti-reform, always retrograde and backwards in their social views, always against movement of labour, always against expanding housing (which undermines their asset value), often against reconstruction, expansion of infrastructure, etc, is immense.

Landlords are not productive, and are expensive, and we should abolish them.
17 Jun 2023
Law / Can a tenant change locks to house without giving access to the landlord [37]

but how do you "abolish landlors" in a democratic, capitalist country?

Let's start with with increased taxation for owning multiple flats/houses. The more homes one have, the bigger rate tax he pays.
And I think it should not hit people who inherited grandmother's one additional flat, so don't take it personally.
17 Jun 2023
Law / Can a tenant change locks to house without giving access to the landlord [37]

So, in case of those countries you can say that "landlordism is a significant part of the country's housing sector".

It's the same story throughout much of the Americas, certainly all across Western Europe, and likely most of Eastern Europe as well. There are many contributing factors (this is by no means an exhaustive list):

population (since 1950, world population has more than tripled; US and Europe population has more than doubled)
globalist megacorporations and billionaires hoarding wealth and property generally
corporate landlords hoarding housing properties specifically
shrinking of the middle class, reduced purchasing power of the average citizen, etc.
bullshit jobbers, predatory investors, "free market" capitalism but with golden parachutes and tax breaks/taxpayer subsidies for the "haves," etc.
China et al. buying up properties and companies in the West
fewer government policies supportive of/conducive to nuclear family units, home ownership, etc.

Good luck and God bless, because we're all going to need it in the coming decades.
22 Jun 2023
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [167]

They're gangsters from Jamaica, mostly in the 70s and 89s. Not many of them exist nowadays, though a few still do.

It is impossible to imagine how a country like Africa of that size with the richness of its soils can't even feed itself now that the white farmers are gone (strangled with their families).

Rhodesia was called the breadbasket of Africa with its agricultural productivity. Zimbians killed the white farmers, ate the cows and chickens, ripped up the irrigation for metal scrap and were starving again in a few months.

Men's lives are a product of their habits.

Men's focus produces outcomes that are a direct result of that focus.

The model of the world we are taught which exists purely to keep from hurting black people's feelings is a horrific lie that has laid waste to the planet. A fake reality and a fake society had to be manufactured to simply keep people from reaching the conclusion that black people's outcomes are a direct result of their actions. Like with everybody else in the world no matter what color they are.
26 Jun 2023
Po polsku / Wybory Parlamentarne 2023 [52]

Mentzen i Bosak polecą na kasę i stanowiska od PiSu

Jak widzę te zmasowane ataki (i to zarówno ze strony TVP jak i TVN) na najlepsza partię tym chętniej mam ochotę na nich zagłosować. Te krzyki lewactwa i próby ich dyskredytowania są żałosne szczególnie gdy przejrzy się głosowania sejmowe gdzie czarno na białym widać kto dba o interesy Polski i Polaków, a kto dba o własny interes. W sieci pełno jest fake newsów na temat Konfederacji, a wy to łykacie jak pelikany, np. gdy wszędzie pisano, że Konfederacja jest za podatkiem od darowizn, choć było zupełnie przeciwnie:
2 Jul 2023
Po polsku / Wybory Parlamentarne 2023 [52]

Konfederacja chyba nie ma takich szans.

Konfederacja to zupełnie inny potwór niż te wszystkie LPRy, Porozumienia, SolPole, a nawet Samoobrony, które dało się spacyfikować. Zupełnie inna baza społeczna i pochodzenie. Sami Korwin z Braunem to najbardziej niesterowalne i nieprzewidywalne elementy w polskiej polityce, ich się nie zaspokoi etatami w SSP.

IMO na ten moment Konfie jest równie blisko do PO, jak do PiSu, więc nic dziwnego, że Memceny kluczą ile wlezie. Ich głównym atutem w chwili obecnej jest to, że zgarniają wszystkich po dziurki w nosie zmęczonych polaryzacją. O ile rok temu jeszcze mieli w tym rywala w ruchu Hołowni, teraz to już jedyna "trzecia siła". Każda deklaracja, ze stoją po tej czy innej stronie tylko ich osłabi, więc można się spodziewać, że będą kluczyć do końca.

Jak na razie wszystko wskazuje na to, że po wyborach Konfa będzie "kingmakerem", i z kim wejdzie w koalicję, ta strona będzie rządzić. A wtedy nawet cwany naczelnik będzie musiał "realizować ich program", bo drugiego okresu w opozycji PiS raczej nie przetrwa.
22 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

"If Polish farmers need protection from Ukrainian farmers that plow mined fields, maybe something is wrong with Polish farmers."

Ukrainian farmers earn much less than Polish ones and use pesticides that aren't allowed in the EU due to sanitary reasons.

That's the whole mystery of their cost competitveness.
23 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [245]

Poles should apologise first!! What for?

I advise you to read on WW2 history and current events before you make statements like that. Some examples of contemporary Polish-Ukrainian relations:

1. Ukrainian anthem goes like that: "Brethren, stand together in a bloody fight, from the Sian to the Don". "Sien" or "San" is a tributary of Vistula, the longest river of Vistula. Can you name another nation that threatens a specific neighbor with violence in its national anthem?

2. Far right political movements in Ukraine like Right Sector openly make territorial demands toward Poland, more specifically the area of Przemysl in south eastern part of Poland
Right Sector might be a fringe movement right now, but radicals like that are likely to gain power in a ravaged post-war country. If Ukraine is forced to accept territorial concessions, Zelensky will likely be blamed for that and removed from power along with his lackeys.

3. Ukrainian immigrants are known for singing Czerwona Kalina (Red viburnum) in Polish cities (, the unofficial anthem of fascist UPA organization responsible for genocide of Polish civilians in Volhynia. Before the war the Ukrainian nationalists marched through Przemysl each year, sometimes with UPA flags and in 2016 when approached by Polish counter-manifestation they mocked Polish anthem with words "Poland is not yet lost, but it shall" (

If you are an US citizen can you imagine say, Mexican visitors, marching through a Texas city with nazi symbols and mocking the US national anthem?

4. No apologies or even acknowledgement of Volhynia massacre to this today. Instead former Ukrainian ambassador in Germany insulted us with claims that Poland is equally responsible for the events of Volhynia. Zelensky is a blatant liar who claimed that Ukraine "does not have any blood on its flag" ( even though Ukrainian fascists are responsible for extermination of Jews and Poles after German invasion of USSR. To this day there is no monument commemorating Polish victims. When the Polish president visited Ukraine he could only lay flowers in the middle of wheat field:

23 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [245]

it is the Polish anthem

Well, right now I am feeling fleeting urge to support Russia, to kill some Ukrainians. Was it the reason, you have posted this thread? Congratulations, you achieved something Novi, Bobo or gay Velund have never come close to.
23 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [245]

Yes, I am known for that. :):)

You should get a tattoo on your face every time Ukr authorities name another street or they unveil another bust in Bandera's or in his butcher's honor. "So like Hitler.

Regrettabily Holocausted but fought against commies."

Maybe when looking in the mirror each morning, you will get the picture.