The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Marsupial  

Joined: 19 Oct 2014 / Male ♂
Warnings: 3 - TAA
Last Post: 30 Aug 2017
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Posts: Total: 871 / Live: 202 / Archived: 669
From: Australia, Sydney
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: many

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20 Jul 2016
UK, Ireland / Time for Polish Leaving England [15]

Ofcourse the offer of money wasn't relevant there hasn't been any serious fallout yet. That's later when they stop getting orders and when clown boris gets them into strife and a 100 other things. That's if she ever signs the damn thing.
25 May 2016
Real Estate / Best area in Krakow to live? [43]

You have no choice but to upgrade going on your description because that should be default in krakow. Don't know the town much so can't help you but lucky you!
4 May 2016
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

I would post my picture here but I don't post my pictures on the net. Every person I ever met with even rudimentary knowledge of geography has told me I look polish.
3 May 2016
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [438]

@artmin44....dream on buddy nobody here wants to be with mother england and its nothing to do with turning ones back. Even there mention of a award bestowed on a pom causes havoc and furore last year. We don't need your mothering or stupid out of date traditions. There are some older folks who still identify that way but they are on their way out. The europeans are your neighbors and allies. Not us, 1956 is over.
30 Apr 2016
Life / Warsaw is a difficult city to adjust to (coming from Canada and having lived in South Africa) Prague? [46]

That's another thing about poland, it's large enough to have distinct feels and differences. Szczecin, gdansk, 10 other examples. All different. CR just feels smaller and like I said more generic with less differences. One of the things good about szczecin for example is you can live on a property in the country but be in centre in 10 or 15 minutes. Also it's a great base for driving out by car to much of europe.
30 Apr 2016
Life / Warsaw is a difficult city to adjust to (coming from Canada and having lived in South Africa) Prague? [46]

CR is very nice. I guess it feels like a tourist spot to me, out of the way and safe. It could be generic and anywhere be it not for the obvious architecture. Poland feels like more of a country, it feels more exposed and not at all generic. It feels like more than just your cappuccino could arrive in the next 5 minutes. Anyway, I would expect the CR to become one of the most modern countries around on world scale before poland simply due to size.
29 Apr 2016
Life / Warsaw is a difficult city to adjust to (coming from Canada and having lived in South Africa) Prague? [46]

Baffling post to me. We found prague to be very nice to look at. People and business had kess money and they make less. The place is tiny as a country and while there we were wondering why it hasn't been upgraded given the tiny scale of the job but that was soon explained to us when they were frightened to make deals which got done in warsaw and the dude looked bored at the size of them and was yawning but down south they were considered large. We were told they had a higher standard of living but saw no evidence at all in fact the reverse. It looked old but warsaw was modetn. You can't find drinking buddies in poland, lol, what is wrong with you I am still on the waiting list for a new liver after last visit. They have every luxury which we take advantage of because it is at least half the price of here in sydney. Are you sure you have the right place?
10 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Its extra weird to read people of opposite gender attempting to dictate to woman what she should do with here body. Soumds pretty sick and creepy to me. Yet the tirade of words continues, for some reason it involves made up deities and religious right wing fanatics? All because of some womans unwanted pregnancy. I guess it's true, if the delusions are strong enough they will seem like reality.
19 Mar 2016
News / What is strategic meaning of Poland in Europe and in the world? [59]

The strategic importance of Poland hasn't changed that much really. It is still in the middle and still borders important powers. The only thing that changes is who is with whom and so on. Poland can never be with russia in the present circumstances there in Moscow. While this is the case usa and the others will always be more important and it would take a major ruski effort to change this, an effort beyond the current russian rhetoric, they just don't know how to do it. Whoever said above it doesn't have any meaning, you are poorely informed to say the least.
12 Mar 2016
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

I have to say I dont love it atm. Hate the new government, the unscientific drivvel and the rest. Not going back till they are gone.
12 Mar 2016
UK, Ireland / British guy refused work because of Polish workers [39]

No kingdoc you are a povo low iq no doubt. 150 k house you povo avarage house here is 950k. No way you would get a job here. Stop blaming others and get cracking on improving your own lot.
17 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [41]

Dude he means mental asylum I think, bangladesh doesn't have one I think.
15 Oct 2015
Travel / I'm so bored in Poland! [129]

I was coming to tje old place at xmas now I dont know if I can due to business. Never been bored there for even 1 minute. Oh and I should point out it wasn't because I was wearing tracksuit squizeeing fruit.
14 Oct 2015
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

You can add ex british colonies to the moral colapse such as here in oz. We are a bit behind but heading the same way.
1 Oct 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Most of those suggestions are extreme. They are also ant -polish and reflect the views of a tiny minority. In this case they are made by what reads to me like the enemy.
1 Oct 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Yeah eu is responsible for greek tax failute, usa mortgage failure and gfc, massive fraud in uk banking committed by several individuals and future recession in oz due to technological failure and reliance on obsolete resources. Surely it must be responsible for Spains inability to produce anything the world wants to buy. What a joke!
22 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

I think you misunderstood him crow he is probably some bum from the council ghetto who lost his job to a pole cause he took al his sickies every year for 7 years because he was 'entitled' to them.

Back to the topic
22 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Poland is actually taking refugees from east and from this latest nightmare. Its not like they are doing nothing but the numbers being thrown around atm are huge. You can't just loosely say one day to all the members of your union that they will all take and do as told. Truth is if you look at how everyones borders were open and unguarded it's a tribute to the new level of peace in europe and not just eu area but greater europe. Sure there are problems but as an experiment in the brave new world it's a winner. Now enter 3rd party foreign mass of people who are coming in a specific pre designed way and route. With a pre designed destination and welfare targets. Germany has made itself the target through it's success and soft leadership. Germany should listen to its neighbours and harden up...

A lot.
21 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

When you people talk cynical eu politics...poles want to be in eu for inclusion, protection, freedom, trade and yes the money. I remember what it was like, the money wasn't on the agenda much it was f...g freedom. The union should be happy with polands growth and export expansion, a star performer in the eu.
20 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

There's not really anyway they can get there to poland just now. Not only that don't want to and have never mentioned it. Poland is in nil danger of becoming any of that. The government will take some number who will leave to join their contacts in eu a few will stay. You right wing people should join this move to win more brownie points for poland. The syrians will leave anyway to meet their friends and western style benefits and they will find it hard to communicate in poland from the very first minute. Lol don't you see this?
17 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

There's no use saying puppet because the relationship and commerce has never been better between poland and germany. An immigration crisis will be an interesting bump on the eu butt. Both countries are important to each other now. Let the haters hate while europe unites.
15 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

What an insane idea to leave the eu because of some migrants. With ideas this bad no wonder poland falls in a hole often. Sounds like an idea coined by putin.