The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Wroclaw  

Joined: 1 Apr 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 44 / Live: 1 / Archived: 43
Posts: Total: 5359 / Live: 643 / Archived: 4716
From: Wroclaw and Berlin
Speaks Polish?: More than yesterday.
Interests: Family History. Photography.

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7 Dec 2011
Language / "Hilarious" Mistakes? (Esp. Across Polish and other Slavic Languages) [70]

Pani is the proper way to go in this situation, but if you start with "pani", then go along with it and don't switch to "ty" - the pan/pani constructions take the 3rd person Sing. -czy mogłaby mi pani pomóc?

geez, i thought it was funny because of spider and train.
6 Dec 2011
Life / Whats a good gift to send to someone in Poland for Christmas [40]

i thought maybe a scarf or just something small like that?

small should be ok. a box of merci chocolates will fit in a large padded envelope and travel as regular post.

and a scarf should be ok too.

wait for other opinions.
6 Dec 2011
Life / Whats a good gift to send to someone in Poland for Christmas [40]

or should i just send a card with a greeting??

stick to the card. gift giving in Poland at christmas is not the same as in the states or uk. they don't pile tons of gifts around the tree. it's more personal.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Wrocław, any stories? I find that many Poles are straight up.

friends are usually sound.

some older folk looking for a bit of business, after a first meeting, might be seen as chancers.

part of the problem is understanding the nods and winks. if one understands the type then there should be no problem.

learn to play the game and then one will be ok.

we all tell porkies now and again "Yes, that dress looks wonderful, darling". "That meal was delicious".

the list goes on and in any country i suppose.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

can we get back to the topic, please.

you all know that personal comments will end up in the bin.

thank you.

28 Nov 2011
Life / Do Polish people have a good ear for music? [91]

I was just wondering whether or not you think Polish people have a good ear for music?

indeed they do. that is why the majority of what they listen to, isn't Polish.
28 Nov 2011
Off-Topic / What languages do you know? [51]

I'm just interested in what other lanuages people out there know or are familiar with?

ASL. the alphabet and more than a few basic signs. not much use unless i go to america.

Do Geordie and Pitmatic count ? i am fluent.

i'm slowly learning german at the moment.
25 Nov 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

I'm extremely proud of my Polish heritage and I would be honoured if my features were considered Polish.

the fashion and hairstyles in the group photo are a bit misleading. it's all to do with the passage of time and what one is used to seeing.

however, i see a possible ukrainian connection. it's in the eyes.
17 Nov 2011
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762],_Konin_County

not only google, but also wiki.
11 Nov 2011
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]

Do you have a clue to how to start looking for them?

start with the social websites: facebook etc. there is also nasza klasa, which is worth checking.

keep in mind that female names may have changed due to marriage.
4 Nov 2011
Travel / What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm? [71]

What chances does Poland have to attract more tourists?


it's individual cities that attract tourists. some cities get it right, places like wroclaw don't.

the reason wroclaw doesn't get it right is because they have a team of people whose job it is is to visit other countries and report back.

stems back to the days when wroclaw twinned itself to half the planet... free trips and no action.

no tourist shops/markets in this city, not enough hotels, crap marketing of the city, out of date information and God knows what else.

it will take an outsider to do the job properly. or locals who already know what tourists want.

i seem to remember the tv adds for lodz (shown on the bbc and cnn) a couple of years ago being ok though.
2 Nov 2011
Life / Stop buying contraband in Poland! Really? [24]

after a little thought:

why folks here don't have much guilt about such things. twenty years ago some of what was bought was 'made in Poland'. this included the latest music cassettes, films that hadn't actually been released in the cinema, clothes that were identical to leading brands, computer software that came from someones living-room. and there were even cards to watch sky tv, although they had to be updated every month or so.

now we have illegal downloads of music and films, which i know also goes on in other countries too.

the reason twenty-five percent admit to accepting smuggled goods is: because it was ok in the past so it's ok now.
1 Nov 2011
Life / Stop buying contraband in Poland! Really? [24]

Quarter of adult Poles buy smuggled goods

i probably would too, if i trusted the seller and the source.

so, no russian vodka, thanks.

i don't actually go out of my way to look for these things. i hardly drink and i'm trying to cut down on ciggies anyway.

in an ideal world it would be better if it didn't happen, but i also doubt that i'd see the benefit of that 6 billion zl
26 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

We are Jewish by the way.

in genealogy, if someone says Jewish and Poland then the first place to look is in the area given by southern.
26 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

She originally was a brunette.

i'll stick with my above comment. and it shows itself in u in the b&w photo.
25 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

My mother was also curious as to what you guys thought of her ethnic background by just looking at her.

b&w photo: ukraine/russia/poland. more east than west i'd say.
24 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

What's your opinion about my ethnicity?

u would fit right in here. so i would say if not Polish then something of the surrounding countries.