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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2126 / Live: 986 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
28 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

The only consideration should be if the next country serves the US defenses well.

That is ridiculous

U.S.A aims to be as self suficient as possible militarily, I would be surprised if any NATO partner is included in any military plans of defence of american soil.

But yeah, your point of view is that America is 95% of the globe so. You only need 5% to help you out rught? LMAO
Mr Grunwald   
27 Feb 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

Not powerless, just wastes ressources due to larger scale operations and logistics. While guerrilla soldiers use scavenged fuel/ammo of low quality and ambush tactics and play the long game.

If you have a U.S.A standard of spending 5 000 000 $ for every single military operation. One only needs a few rifles for 200$ each. Make some noise and pull back to win economically
Mr Grunwald   
25 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [451]


The world is awash with former royal families.

When I see heads of states, if the types of Putin, Trump or Biden. I am more then happy with a Harald, despite certain scandals in his family. He and his family is by far a better choice then any of three mentioned or a looneybin Giske, Hagen or Listhaug.

So spare me your propaganda, I consider myself a supporter of a republic in general. But seeing the list of probable candidates in other states with republican mechanisms over past 20 years I lean towards Monarchy day by day.

There aren't any good men around nor notable people to uphold a republic. Only charlatans, greedy men and women and opportunists.

I sincerely hope that U.K continues to be spared of this horror in the future, I am sure you know more then one or two on the isles that would not be deserving to be it's head of state but would likely be it with a republican form of government
Mr Grunwald   
24 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Don`t count on me in this case

He can count on me! The more Russian Federation spends rubles on this is less rubles spent on military equipment. Any slav patriot, Russian or not should gladly convince the authorities of Russia to fund this site! As much as possible! ;)

Bobko feel free to "write" any "reports" of having a Pro-Russian user named "Mr Grunwald" here.

Free Russia!
Mr Grunwald   
23 Feb 2024
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

Here I thought it was Jaruzelski filling up TK with old party commie judges to safeguard themselves during the transition of power and as a result of the round table talks.

How come
Mr Grunwald   
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Then you have little knowledge of Polish police's actions during previous P.O. governing, and then under PiS then. It was of very little difference. So I am not expecting some grand goodness from Tusk.
Mr Grunwald   
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Fair point

I wouldn't be surprised if Tusk wants amoutor Russian agents to infiltrate the farmers, then after some time "capture" him after shadowed him and screened him and try to link farmers protest to a Russian Operation so as to try to make farmers lose backing.

There forces trying to trample down individual ownership of land and introducing food that they no less clue about for sure while making big bucks too...
Mr Grunwald   
14 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

A person being non-chalant and careless about meaning of words without being remotely amusing. Isn't fit to share any wisdoms, cause he has none.
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2024
News / What Polish diaspora need and expect from Poland, from Poles in Poland? [43]


It's due to poor education system, especially in certain western countries with a very dumbed down thought process. I remember my sister stopped talking about holocaust and ww2 when saying that she had family members experiencing concentration camps. They automatically assumed her to be Jewish, no matter how much she tried to explain things.

Can't cure stupid
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2024
Off-Topic / Will German Farmers change the EU policy? [45]

Mexico and China

If that's the case, then not only will you continue to hear crickets on this very forum. But you might enjoy them as a meal today!

Enjoy the meal of political victory! Feel the sensation of winning arguments coming to your town today!

Try out the new Mc Cricket! Crick Bar and Ant leg today!
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

maybe Swedes are

Swedes were offered shares in Oil offshore platforms in return for shares in Volvo. They refused, I wouldn't bet on Swedish arrogance... It's worse then Germans. Finns are safer bet
Mr Grunwald   
29 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

what do you mean with

One important thing to learn about Poles is that Poles love to argue :)

Another thing is that Old Polish grandpas are Grumblers. Imagine old longbeards from Warhammer fantasy to Get the picture.

Best portrayed in «Gran Torino» with a Polish American «Grumbler»
Mr Grunwald   
24 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Will German Farmers change the EU policy? [45]

@Bratwurst Boy
If I got choice between wealthy farmers or wealthier politicians and/or wealthier businessmen.

I think I'll pick farmers every time, seems like a easy choice
Mr Grunwald   
24 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

He's complaining (rightly and not for the first time)

In my experience it seems like army recruiters want only those THEY deem fit to serve at moments notice. Without the thought that Army training is meant to prepare them for what their looking for.

If army needs men with more muscles, then perform more drills to have more of them -.-

Instead of complaining that the draftees have no muscles and reject them. Not everybody knows how to train muscles well, how long or what type of food to eat best even.
Mr Grunwald   
23 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

Cause when people want to do other people harm and think they are powerless and can only do it by being tricked by evil spirits. Imagine them having guns, rifles and ammo and a defenceless school to take it out on or a summer vecation island.

Most people don't do it cause they can't get away with it. We are writing about evil people here, of course it makes me sickening that they are becoming more and more open about it and fearless.

When I see people think that "accepting" evil practice is way to go. Then I know the quality of the society and which side it's on and why. Cause it's too sick to resist it
Mr Grunwald   
23 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

There are pagan statues outside Cracow close to areas of a concentration camp. There are some occult spots and known places for Witches to gather during the night as well. I find it sickening
Mr Grunwald   
19 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

Some countries see it as a norm, reward for their soldiers or part of rules of war. U.K has a very long lasting tradition of hierarchical army, every soldier knew their role and duties. The honour of one's regiment as well.

One of the most crucial parts of the British military, (land, air or sea) was discipline. Rape could easily have been seen as breach of discipline and seen as a danger for performing military operations at large or in general. Therefore seriously controlled.

Wehrmacht (especially irregular forces of the SS, like Dirlewanger) and Red Army had a much more savage and brutal warfare with unleashed fury and uncontrolled hatred.

Therefore for a Russian reading what you wrote will be seen as a provocation (cause a Russian would think that this happens in war, don't you know?)

While from a western point of view can be deeply shocking, abhorrent or hard to grasp with what type of norms more Asiatic countries are used to and has been normalised.
Mr Grunwald   
17 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]

They are a western slavic speaking group (linguistically). Have been over most of it's history under Hungarian boot (culturally very harshly in the 1800+). It causes them naturally to be suspicious of Hungarians and Poles (Polish-Hungarian brotherhood).

They are basically mountain slavs, used to live by themselves mostly and look at larger events mainly by how to survive the best and lose as little people as possible.

They are a people who do not create any danger to any of their neighbours so they are mostly left in peace (historically).

When I visited Slovakia it was easy to find good vibe and tone with as a Polish speakers. (Was with family), I think of them being more clear headed and with feet on the ground (compared to Poles) yet more rough then Czechs.

I think the main reason Slovaks have No intention or dream of joining Poland on their own is all the years of Austrian, Hungarian and Czechoslovak statehood. Now they want to be left to their own.

Of all the Axis powers hostile to Poland, they did the least damage overall (Hungarians and Italians comparingly were sympathetic to the Polish cause)
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]

Lucky for me, I do not have a need to included in pictures ;)

It's a good prospect but, very risky for nordics to entangle itself with Poland in any European Drama's. However when a situation like the one is now in Europe when Russia is aggressive and extremely more active in Nordic region. Then any help and Co-operation is welcome (see Sweden&Finland wanting NATO)

It's a golden opportunity for Poland, especially with politically correct Tusk to improve prospects with Nordic countries. Especially now with increasing chance of U.S withdrawal from Europe and U.K, France and Germany minding their own business I guess all three would welcome a initiative from Poland instead of the other three.

Problem is the political circus, which will rather be focused on and will become less attractive for Nordics. It would require a statesman tho