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Posts by cms neuf  

Joined: 12 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 1,809
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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cms neuf   
4 Nov 2018
USA, Canada / What I like about Poland unlike America [38]

Give him a break - He's a Polish American guy with a few addiction and health issues (my guess from his reference to the bars of Nowy Swiar and his lack of punctuation).
cms neuf   
3 Nov 2018
Love / Don't know whether she loves me or not ? [64]

She already gave a more sensible answer than you will get here - she has not met or talked to you and so needs some time to think about it.
cms neuf   
3 Nov 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

I presume those Portuguese are Goans who are entitled to a Portuguese passport - only those who were there when Portugal still ruled it (india invaded it in the late 60si think).

So even if you don't like them they have the same right to be in the UK as the many Britain to have settled to retire in Portugal.

Out of interest if you object to these guys why do you employ them? Surely you are exacerbating the problem? I'm not getting at you - just genuinely interested to hear your logic on that.
cms neuf   
2 Nov 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Yawn. If you use the search function there is already a lengthy thread about reparations for you to spam.

Do you ever post anything apart from issues about race ethnicity or the war?
cms neuf   
1 Nov 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

But shouldn't the impact be to make Poles think deeply about what 100 years of independence means ?

In fact the true impact will be to trigger libtards - most of whom will have left town as they have better things to do than witness a homoerotic firework display by provincial football hooligans
cms neuf   
31 Oct 2018
Love / Polish girl confusing me [22]

totally irrelevant and unhelpful comment from a man who knows plenty about women given he spends every night in a basement being paid to post drivel.

I agree with everyone above - you can either pay her rent or pay her the cost of the groceries and the czynsz. Of course if you end up marrying her you will eventually be a de facto joint owner of the place. If you tell her you want to live for free then you probably wont end up getting married.
cms neuf   
30 Oct 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Spike being as you are 100 percent Yorkshire let me describe this rally - imagine all the top boys from Leeds, Sheffield We'd, Sheffield United and whatever other struggling teams you have there meet up for a day and instead of fighting each other they drink together and sing songs about Tommy Robinson. They spend precisely zero time thinking about the independence movements.
cms neuf   
28 Oct 2018
News / German legal discrimination against Polish speakers [209]

This link has results and forecasts for each eurozone country. Also in the the BBC link provided.

Latvian growth was strong in 2017 - 4.5 percent. I left it out because I don't know much about the place, only visited a few times.

In what ways are the Baltic's outperforming the Visegrad countries ? in GDP growth - which was my response to Maf"s argument that only Germany and Holland benefit from the Euro.

Any more for any more ?

I know it does not fit many alt right narratives but the Euro despite its ups and downs is a credible currency, attractive for investors and while subject to political interference it is only to the same extent as the dollar or the pound. Neither it, nor the EU will collapse any time soon and if you are a mid size European nation you should get used to that idea.

Of course if you are a Russian troll then no amount of evidence is sufficient for you. You only have to tick off that you have mentioned some dude is a Native American and you are eligible to use the more expensive coffee machine.
cms neuf   
28 Oct 2018
News / German legal discrimination against Polish speakers [209]

Not backed by facts at all - both Italy and Spain have had perfectly respectable growth in the last few years.

The Eurozone overall has strongish growth in the last few years and is certainly on a far better track than the UK. The countries new to the Euro - Slovenia, Lithuania, Estonia are far outperforming Poland, Czech and Hungary.

It is of course not perfect but a far better bet than the zloty, pound, kuna or any of the national alternatives in Europe at the moment. Which is why in Warsaw if you want to finance something big like a road or an office block or a new factory then all the discussions are in Euro, even with Polish banks.
cms neuf   
26 Oct 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

really ? I know lots of British, Canadian, Aussie, French and American Poles who had similar circumstances and came back in the early 90s, and many are still here. Not sure what is so different in your case.

But now you are coming back with a message for us all about how to run the country and what it means to be a patriot ?
cms neuf   
26 Oct 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

I doubt that has anything to do with Poland so I am not going to look at it. There is a separate thread for pan European trolling in off topic.

It won't affect you guys who are outside Poland but the govt is proposing an extra holiday on 12th - with less than 2 weeks notice. OK if you are a jobless or retired nut job who needs to either sleep off a hangover or rest your varicose veins after the march. Not good if you are trying to get some work done, visit the doctor (300.000 appointments will be cancelled) or need to make new childcare arrangements.
cms neuf   
26 Oct 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

So a French dude, dressed in a bomber jacket, under a white power flag, claims he is not a fascist.

Is that a spectacle you would take your kids to see ?

By the way he.never mentions Polish independence, only immigration. Which is precisely my point about this childish march.

As for the ladies, they are also dressed in bomber jackets, holding far right insignia. Which makes them typical attendees of the march.
cms neuf   
25 Oct 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Last two years I left town for that march but when I have seen it my guess is that about 30 percent of people are football hooligans, the vast majority of whom have been drinking. It is not as bad as it was maybe 6 or 7 years ago - mainly because Polish taxpayers are forking over more and more cash to police the event. It is certainly not a family event - there is a clear unde4current of intimidation, lots of bad language and drunken behavior. It is the last place I would take my kids. On the other hand I would not be too frightened speaking English there - I think there are whack jobs from Hungary and other neighboring countries attending these days.

Maybe they should have an alcohol ban just like when the Pope used to come. Problem is that November holidays can be depressing and that just punishes the normal people.
cms neuf   
25 Oct 2018
Life / Polish Wedding March & Funny Hat [37]

Fair enough - horses for courses. But if you can't find common ground with her family over an innocent party game then probably no surprise that your marriage was a challenge. At my own wedding there were some daft local traditions but I was drunk, everyone else was drunk and generally happy - it's a Polish wedding after all. A good rule of thumb at Polish family events (and work events) is that if you join in and smile and laugh then they will like you for that.
cms neuf   
25 Oct 2018
Work / Men in child care (creches/nurseries/kindergartens) in Poland [17]

I have never seen a male teacher at Polish przedszkole but there were a few at my elder kids primary school.

I had a great male teacher when i was about 8 - sadly hit the bottle when his wife left him and died an early death :(

I try and have Dad time wit each of my kids at least a couple of times a week, even if its just a walk in the park and a pizza. I se quite a lot of Polish dads do the same

How did this thread survive the night without becoming a discussion of rape gangs and sharia law ?